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Posts posted by oriole

  1. 2 hours ago, Spy Fox said:

    It's a foregone conclusion that they will blow a 4 game lead in the span of 6 games? 

    6 games left, they haven’t won more than one game in a series since the beginning of the month (against the White Sox for context). I see no reason to think they’ll do any better than 2-4 for remainder of the season. 

    Plus, i said it “feels” like. It’s an emotional response, not an analytical one. I’m going off the premise that they’ve been an absolute mess for quite a while and a playoff spot seems like a weird place to be for a team that’s played .400 ball since the All Star Break.  They could sweep the rest of the season, who knows? Just saying it feels bleak. 

  2. It feels like a foregone conclusion that the O’s sneak in with the third wild card spot and then lose the wild card series. So it just doesn’t really matter all that much what happens from here on out. 

    Then again, get hot at the right time and this could still be a World Series contender. I have to see some fire in this team before I entertain that thought though.

  3. 3 minutes ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    NYY will probably be resting starters after they clinch the division.  I would rather just try to win a game (or 2) in the NYY series.  At this point I don't care what Wild Card the O's get.  The most important things are being as healthy as possible and lining up starters right.  I don't see any advantage on being #4 seed vs #6 seed.  

    They’ll have a good week or so after the season ends to rest their starters, I doubt they do an additional week. 

    • Upvote 1
  4. I voted yes, but only because last time I suggested they may not make the playoffs I got a few people that were quick to chastise anyone having such an egregious point of view. And to be fair, at that time it seemed far fetched to think they’d play badly enough to lose a spot. Well…they’ve continued to play bad, but interestingly I feel confident now that they can hang onto to that last wild card spot. But for the record, I have absolutely no delusions they make it out of the first round. This team is done in 2024. The heart is gone. I don’t think they’re actively trying to lose so they can book their golf trips or whatever was suggested earlier in this thread…but they’ve certainly forgotten how to be a winning team and there are zero indications that is changing.

  5. 10 minutes ago, Camden_yardbird said:

    There is something wrong in the clubhouse.  There is no joy in mudville. I know these guys are paid to play, but when the joy goes out of playing the game, it's over.

    Hyde will be gone come next year.  It's the managers job to keep that perspective, and make sure the team feels like a team, and that's not what this team is now.

    Reports around the Kimbrel demotion had Hyde and Elias on different pages, and thats not conducive to winning either.

    It’s hard to blame it on Hyde. Half his roster is on the IL. 

  6. 29 minutes ago, Spy Fox said:

    Rogers has the options and also a higher ceiling. 

    But I gotta say, losing Irvin for nothing (2 more years of control, 4.86 ERA this year, 4.49 career), after trading what we did for Rogers (2 more years, 4.92 this year, 4.36 career) is not a good feeling. 

    Rogers “higher ceiling” feels like an additional half inch in the crawl space type of comparison. I’d have rather kept Stowers, Norby, and Irvin than have Rogers in the organization. 

    To stay more on topic…I’d have liked to see Irvin kept around. Next year there is a crazy lack of depth for SP. Irvin would’ve been a good 6th SP/long man if he had a good spring.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 3 hours ago, xmichaelx said:

    I would rather us not win the division. I think this team, especially our offense will struggle in the ALDS with a week off. 

    Valid point, but I prefer to think of it like consistent play without a break is a consolation for losing the division. They may not even make the ALDS if they don’t win the division…and that’s just not cool man, not at all.

  8. I’d say 2 of 3 is a pretty low threshold but this is the 2024 2nd half O’s we’re talking about. I think a couple losses are certainly a distinct possibility.

    Having said that, this would be the perfect time to get a sweep under your belt and use that momentum to snag 1st from NYY. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. If I had to make a prediction, I’d probably go with 11-14. They haven’t been absolutely terrible, seemingly avoiding a long string of losing games but they’re not winning any series either. 

  10. 6 hours ago, RVAOsFan said:

    Fangraphs likes our chances 

    Okay, that’s my bad. I misunderstood the standings. I thought we were only 3.5 out from being out a wild card spot but that’s just how many games were heading of the last wild card team. Carry on 

    The hard fade this team has had has me thinking they’re closer to post season obscurity than they actually are. Thank goodness for the first half of the season!

    • Upvote 1
  11. I think it’s a big assumption that this team even makes the playoffs. They’re only up a handful of games up on the wild card and there’s no turning point in sight. The injuries really bogged down this season. Get to the playoffs and then I’ll start thinking about the roster. 

    • Downvote 1
  12. Gotta just stick with him at this point. No one around to replace him.

    Not to mention, he’s a net positive for the team overall…and this team will need all the help it can get if they’re gonna limp into the playoffs this year. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:


    Nick will give his induction speech before the crowd today.  It probably won’t be long, or clever, or that interesting. 

    Frobby, what did Nick do to you to deserve such shade?! He’s a man of few words, his induction speech should be a slight smile and nod of the head. 

    Really though, he’s one of the ones that got away. He should’ve been a career Oriole…maybe not a perennial all star but a solid player that any team would be lucky to have.

    • Upvote 1
  14. I know we’re talking fantasy level stuff here, but even so…between Burnes and Soto, I take Burnes every time. We need the pitching. How does the compensation picks for ROY or whatever help the Orioles anytime soon? It doesn’t.

    Plus, maybe I’ll get bashed for saying this, and it very well could be my own bias…but Soto seems like an extremely unlikeable person and I’d hate to root for him. I mean, I’d do it…I was a Machado fan while he was an Orioles so I’ve done it before. But if the O’s are going out spending stupid money then you may as well go for Burnes.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 17 minutes ago, orioles22 said:

    Keep Mullins one more year and hope Honeycutt takes off next year and is ready for 2026.

    This is where I’m at. Mullins is a solid player to have around…great defense and some speed on the bases. I don’t think we’ll ever see him repeat his outlier year, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t useful. But if Mullins is batting 8th or 9th in the lineup then it’s worth it for his defense. 

    After that, you look to Bradfield and Honeycutt but that’s a problem for later. Right now, if you move Cowser to CF then you’ve created a hole in LF. Not worth overcomplicating things IMO

    • Upvote 1
  16. 2 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    That’s not exactly murderers row.

    We are not that good right now. Neither is anyone else really.

    They seem to regularly get beat up by bad teams so “not exactly murderers row” is no walk in the park for this team, especially as of late.

  17. 10 minutes ago, PHRESH said:

    Definitely makes me hopeful for Bradish, but one thing to note about Rasmussen is his IP will be strictly limited for some time. I read that the plan is for him to operate mostly as an opener and go no more than 1 or 2 IP this year. 

    If Bradish could come back late next year and be a high quality reliever then I’d take that as a win. Get him back in the rotation starting 2026

    • Upvote 1
  18. I went with Henderson, Rutschman, and Santander. Henderson because he’s Henderson, Rutschman because he’s due for a good hot streak, and Santander because he seems like he’s on a roll this year (good timing with free agency).

    I hope to see the rookies do it, but that seems too optimistic to hope for. Certainly not impossible. Mountcastle is always a threat to get hot but he’s also a threat to suck. I left Mullins and Jimenez off because they are so bad this year that any hope seems like too much.

  19. I don’t expect much. If he can provide solid defense and a bat suited for the 9 spot then we can call it a success. 

    This is just my thoughts on the matter, but expectations were so high on him to start the year that I think it messed with his head. 

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