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Posts posted by Ridgway22

  1. Whenever I see development trajectories like this, I ask questions to which answers will not be provided......

    Is he being 'coached' and is working on things, implementing in a game environment, where the execution trumps results?

    Or, is this his best effort and at the current level, is he not fooling anyone and getting torched?

    When I get to the pearly gates, first I want to see the JFK exhibit. Then, I'll have tons of questions like this.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    ........  For one thing, you’re trying to learn something about the pitcher.  For another thing, you’re trying to rest the other bullpen guys.  And for a third third, the chances of Boston getting back into the game were infinitesimal.  

    Mission accomplished.


  3. I was a believer in the value Urias adds to the roster, plus defense, decent bat, etc., but IF, and I know its a question mark, Mayo can indeed handle 3B, sure would make for a pretty lineup with Mayo in the middle.

    Urias has a decent track record, not sure if his .497 OPS and 46+ OPS+ is indicative of his true, current skill set, but with JW to backup Mayo, and Mateo simulating a major league hitter and 2nd baseman...... 

    In ME i trust, but just as another idiot fan, I'm ready to see it happen.


  4. 3 hours ago, Frobby said:

    Mayo is by no means untouchable.  We’ve seen teams trade top 10 overall prospects many times, and Mayo isn’t quite in that league.  Not saying we will trade him.  Not saying we’d trade him without getting a star player in return.  But he could be traded in the right deal.  

    To Wit:

    Chris Sale was traded from White Sox to Red Sox for #1 prospect (and reigning Minor League Player of the Year) Yoan Moncada. The ChiSox also received Michael Kopech, + 2 other non-consequential prospects)..

  5. Holy crap, I know it upsets some on here, but listening to Melanie is causing irreversible brain damage. I'm sure she's a great person, has worked hard, etc. etc. but this is un-listenable. I tried, yesterday and today, but nope, ain't gonna happen. /rant

  6. I have nothing to back this up... but.... 

    I'm strictly guessing, but have to imagine they are working on tweaking his swing / stance / approach, etc. The O's knew exactly who he is when they drafted him, and must have seen something they can work with. Anyone who has ever played can relate to the difficulty of a combination of trying to change something that has been muscle memory for years, while simultaneously facing a higher level of competition.

    This, combined with the O's recent success in developing hitters, and the small sample size, encourages me to have patience.

  7. Quote
    47 minutes ago, Roy Firestone said:

    I have to admit.
    I'm an addict.
    I'm an addict not of booze or drugs.
    I'm an addict for baseball ....
    It's still THE game for me and I love almost any team sport.
    But for me, when it's great, it's still the greatest game of them all.
    I hate to say it, but when my team wins ...it's like a hit of crack or coke and I have never and will never try those drugs.
    This one is a better high anyway.
    It's an adrenaline rush for me. It comes from my heart and soul.
    Like the other night in Anaheim I sat transfixed on the game.
    I dont need to look at the silly shell games on a scoreboard, nor hear what the players favorite singer is.. or eat a lot of junk, but I DO have to have my bag of peanuts.
    The Orioles were clinging to a one run lead, when, with the bases loaded, Mike Trout stepped up to the plate...a single and the game is tied...an extra base hit and the Orioles lose.
    Our pitcher Craig Kimbrel had to throw a strike to one of the all time greats, and somehow, someway, Trout looked at a third strike and the Orioles won.
    I lept into the air as if I had a million dollars on the game.
    I never bet on sports, but this was a better high than winning any bet anyway.
    Because it is pure and it comes from my deep place of caring when the 'Birds' win.
    Today in Anaheim, another nail biter, the game was in the ninth with two out and a runner on first. Suddenly the runner broke for second and catcher James McCann threw a strike to second base.
    Gunnar Henderson covering, made the tag and the ump called the runner out.
    And the game ended that way. Bang Bang.
    Personally I thought it was a blown call, but after review the call was upheld and the Orioles won another nail biter.
    I dont watch many other games, but every night I hit the crack pipe" of baseball.
    It's my addiction.
    I also love watching fantastic performers. Mookie Betts is an electric ballplayer . can do anything at the plate and in the field.
    The Orioles' Henderson is a must see ballplayer like Betts is.
    On Wednesday he hit a home run, a double, a single, drove in 3 runs got hit by a pitch , stole a base and made two game saving plays in the field.
    Baseball is a team sport but it's also watching the brilliant, mesmerizing individual performances. It's watching the best players in the world do what I think is the most difficult thing in sports , hit a baseball, throw a baseball, and field a baseball.
    It's hard to do.
    Anyway,it's still just April and it's a long, long season.
    Bryant Gumble once had a great line about the difference between football and baseball.
    He said "Baseball, is a never ending romance, but football is a one night stand."
    Yep, I'm an addict, a baseball junkie, and I make no apologies for it.
    I'll never go to rehab for my baseball addiction.
    I don't NEED to be cured.
    And I never will be.
    Jim Bouton said it best in "Ball Four" his great book.
    "In all the years you grip a baseball...you suddenly remember, it's really the other way around"


    Nicely stated Roy. Every since I was 9 years old and saw the O's vs. the Tokyo Giants in Tokyo in 1971, I've been infected with the Orange/Black virus. There is no cure and I don't want one. You and I sat at the lunch table with Jim Palmer at the 1970 World Series Champs reunion, and its still one of my enduring baseball memories. You said I looked like Carlton Fisk!

    I was at all 3 games in this Angels series, right behind the O's dugout. I got to see all our boys, and just simply love to watch this team play. And in true baseball fashion, the one game on paper we should have dominated (GRod vs. 8+ ERA Channing), we end up down 7-0 and lose. But watching Gunnar's homers, his electric triple, and he made a fantastic play today on a ball that went under Westburg's glove, Adley do Adley things, Cowser, holy crap.

    Kimbrel v. Trout with bases loaded, bottom of 9th, 2 outs, down by 2? That was fun. Next game Trout bats leadoff and torches a GRod fastball for a homer to the opposite field. 

    An observation.... If you didn't know anything about the team, and you only watched game 1 batting practice, you'd think Cowser and O'Hearn were the studs of the team. Mountcastle was taking BP with the reserves and he put on a show as well. 

    Home after 3 straight days watching this O's team, so jealous of the Balt fans in Balt that get to see the team with regularity. It's a special bunch.

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  8. So much fun watching guys like Cowser and Westburg grow into themselves. You can see the difference in confidence, body language, and most importantly, the results.

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    14 minutes ago, ChuckS said:

    I meant to say when I have it turned *off I'm blacked out.  When it's on I can't even access the games. 

    MLB seems to read that I have a VPN regardless of location, and blocks me from accessing my account. 

    Having same issue. All the combinations that worked in the past are failing. Grrr. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Frobby said:

    We have a raft of guys who will start the year at Norfolk and are pretty likely to play at least some games in the majors this year.   But of the players who almost definitely won’t play in the majors, who will you be following most closely?

    Basallo is the best of these, but the one I think I’ll be following most closely is Bradfield.  His trajectory will have a ton of impact on how the team plans for 2026 and beyond.  If he can hit at all decently, he’s the easy CF solution for the future.   But if he struggles, that could change a lot of things going forward.  


    This is a great question. I'm very interested in who spends the bulk of the time at Bowie this year (succeeds /  struggles), and who leaves early (Basallo?) Bradfield's range of outcomes between a Mateo/McKenna type and Pierre / Lofton dream is one of the most intriguing storylines I'll be following. I'm flummoxed about our starting pitching prospects, no GRod predigree, but Bradish didn't have that expectation. As much fun as Jax, Mayo, Norby feathering into the Major League team will be, I'm going to be training a keen eye on the next wave. Ain't the beer cold.


  11. The whirlwind of the last couple of days has my head spinning as if the Strat-o-Matic set just arrived from UPS when I was 16.

    Perfect storm of Elias not having any budget and employing a tanking strategy that pays off just has he's about ready to be handed a proper budget? Oh hell yes. (Allegedly)

    Now, sign Montgomery or Snell, and trade Kremer and Cowser for Cease, damn it.

    Sorry, my baseball boner has drained blood from my brain.


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