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About jcarm

  • Birthday 12/05/1969

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    Atlanta, GA
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Felix Bautista
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken

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Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee

Major Leaguer Cup of Coffee (7/14)

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  1. They could have gone up to 10% over without losing any draft picks.
  2. The competitive balance pick the Orioles get next year will be after the 2nd round. The may get another supplemental first if Cowser wins ROY.
  3. Xavier Moore and Ignacio Feliz were released by the Orioles earlier this year.
  4. I think that Beavers and Fabian have the upside to eventually rank very highly. I would not be surprised to see either of them on top 100 lists next year.
  5. The problem with that is he would accrue MLB service time while on the 60 day MLB DL.
  6. There is absolutely no way anyone takes Reyes in the Major League rule 5 draft. It is more likely that the Orioles don't protect him on their minor league roster and someone takes him as a pitcher in the minor league phase (I don't think this will happen).
  7. It is a hard cap now, you cannot spend over your combined allotment and what you have traded for. Contracts that put a team over would not be approved by MLB.
  8. Players that sign during the year they turn 16 are not allowed to play in the league during that year and sign deals starting the next year.
  9. Because that is what they agreed to before the Orioles picked them. What if I agreed to do a job for $50K a year during the interview process and when I showed up to do the final paperwork to get me hired, I demanded $75K? Would the employer want to hire me? I doubt it. Even if they did, it would leave a sour taste in their mouth that would likely impact my employment at some point. This is very similar. As was said earlier, they are senior signs whose talent merits being drafted much later. The Orioles draft them earlier so they can use the difference between the slot money and the bonus money to go over slot with other draftees.
  10. jcarm

    Austin Hays

    John Olerud was drafted in the 3rd round in 1989 and debuted on September 3, 1989. He was a first round talent that was drafted in the 3rd round because he had a brain aneurysm and missed part of the season. Other teams assumed he was going to return to Washington State for his senior year. I believe he never played in the minors.
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