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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. Yea I am getting a little worried about lack of updates other then "progressing" or "baseball activities" which is a fancy term for he played catch for 10 mins yesterday
  2. More they slow roll guys the longer we can claim number one farm system and be two years away from being two years away
  3. Where is he starting the year? I don't see him on any of the minor league lists?
  4. Where is DL hall on any of these lists? or am I missing him somehow
  5. I don't mind the rehab in AAA before he comes up, its more of the worry that in a week or two we will be reading the same that he isn't ready for games and is still hitting off a tee and light throwing but progressing nicely.
  6. Ugh, matter of weeks. I thought he was progressing well and hitting and throwing. I hope this isn't the classic Orioles case of saying a guy will be out longer then they originally say. I still fear this snowballs and in a week from now its the same thing and weeks turns to a month.
  7. Seems odd for a team that constantly bitches and moans that they need arms to be trading them off the ML roster.
  8. When did the language change from Opener to Tandem starter?
  9. BS. Hall I understand, Bradish and Diaz is just prioritizing losing. Even if Hall stays healthy and pitches well he probably still won't be up this year even though he should be up by June. Yes I am growing very impatient
  10. I guess its better than the awkward chuckle Duquette used to give
  11. Most of the major league season? yet I feel like we won't see them until August
  12. Stweart and Mckenna who can both be DFAd in a heart beat
  13. Mostly from the team and reporters. I know its a legit excuse to an extent, but I feel like the team and reporters will harp on it through June
  14. I can’t wait for the excuses of shorten spring training to start flowing in for when the pitching sucks
  15. Can't wait the for boring crappy return on that deal. Some 17 year old international bog standard 35FV guys that will be treated like Wander Franco, or better yet some 24 year olds who have never played above AA
  16. Yusniel Diaz should make the team. Time to find out what he is, don't care if he is a 4th outfielder or not.
  17. I think if we are still doing the same cheap crap next year and still not trying and most prospects still aren’t up he should be fired
  18. All those guys are 25-27. Its time to shit or get off the pot. Either be a starter pitcher, go to the bullpen, or be DFAd
  19. I would be fine with this if they actually did it. But they seem to want to waste their time with the Chris Elis, Watkins, of the world and insist on trying to stretch out Lopez and Wells even though they belong in the pen. Stick Zimmerman, Akin, and Lowther in the rotation and go from there. They need to sink or swim. Stop wasting time with ther others if we arent going to sign anyone
  20. Story is not a former Astro, that seems to be the requirement, whether its a big name or some scrub
  21. 360 !!! Bloddy Nora! I don't know if I can believe that
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