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Everything posted by Orioles0615

  1. Just kind of more anger/suspicion under the old regime and more of meh whatever under the new regime. Or I am just looking too much into it and this is just nothing at all.
  2. I feel like if this happened under Dan Duquette's watch instead of Elias' people's reaction would be different
  3. This is what I figured. So there is no way to do it otherwise I guess?
  4. With VPN's you have to watch on like a browser right? Like how would I watch on my TV with a VPN?
  5. This guy was probably in charge of the wiring of the hidden camera
  6. Man if only there were a decent amount of infielders on the open market this year and even next year
  7. I was talking about ball speed not club head speed. Bryson Deschambu is always trying to reach 200 ball speed.
  8. Yea looks a little over the top there I would bet his ball speed is probably closer to 170
  9. Whenever I see these posted from Baseball players I never see anyone mention that the nets at top golf are only 220 yards away. However I think they are also 150 ft high Still impressive though. Need the trackman data on that club head speed and ball speed if you want to impress Bryson ?
  10. I can't be the only one that thinks 6-9 is a black hole
  11. This is the batter equivalent move of signing Matt Harvey
  12. If Mancini is non tendered my reaction will be "yea, standard for the O's, cheap cheap cheap" Don't think it happens though
  13. Please, we all know its going to be Matt Harvey again. ERA under 7 = major league deal. Over 7 though is minor league deal with spring training
  14. Not sure, can't quite stick my finger on it
  15. Can't wait until we resign Harvey and roll with the same dog ass pitching staff again.
  16. Apparently Tigers aren't supposed to tender Matt Boyd a contract. I would take a flyer on him
  17. Not being good because of other teams are good is a poor excuse.
  18. And then suck again in 2023 and say the same thing the following year. Like I said in another thread their MO is "we are 2 years away from being 2 years away"
  19. Not once we come out of the other end of the lockout with a salary floor and the Orioles are forced to spend money
  20. If they think 2026 they should trade Rutschman now
  21. I am all for listening, but trading Means is the perfect Orioles M.O. of being 2 years away from being 2 years away.
  22. Infield market looks slim next year. O's should get there guy now, but they won't
  23. Yea that's always the other side of the coin which can be equally as frustrating. At this point I would be excited to see one of those reports after a guy signs with another team that says Orioles had such and such offer.
  24. Agreed. The whole not trying to compete in 2022 and 2023 makes no sense to me. They say that now, and then when we lose 100 games the next year and the year after that they will say the same thing. Its just kicking the can down the road. You don't have to go out and spend 300 million but you have to go out and improve the team from the outside with viable players
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