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Everything posted by allquixotic

  1. Well, I was in a seat where the speaker was right behind me (very close to me) and everything was loud, so I definitely heard it loud and clear when they announced it over the loudspeaker. I also saw an introductory "splash screen" (an image displaying a still of the hotdog race) on the big screen for about 10 seconds, then they ran it and everyone was clapping and cheering loud. It was funny but my mom wanted Ketchup to win. Mustard won.
  2. I was there and it was announced >_> It was up on the big screen.
  3. Some heart-stoppers golfed to the warning track by the Rangers as I’m sitting in the club level, but so far…
  4. What we want from Gunnar: 2 run bomb what we need from Gunnar: RBI double if you try sometimes you get what you need.
  5. This is an interesting game because we have the better lineup but they have the better SP.
  6. Let’s Go O’s!!!! 3 in a row baby!
  7. It's fun to read these. Thanks, Frobby.
  8. This is an abomination of English, and you should be ashamed. However, I smiled, so don't take this personally. Still a really terrible construction.
  9. Heh, hard to complain about that out at third, when the runner just got 2 RBIs. Westburg!
  10. Yesterday after the game I wrote: > Prediction for tomorrow: GRod throws 7 scoreless, giving up 3 hits and striking out 10+. O's lose 2-1. Bo Naylor and Tony Taters hit home runs, and Kimbrel walks in the winning run top 9. Clase completes the sweep bot 9 by striking out the side. I'm wrong, but right about the fact that GRod threw 7 solid innings and the offense is coming up small.
  11. Terrible steal attempt looming large now...
  12. Prediction for tomorrow: GRod throws 7 scoreless, giving up 3 hits and striking out 10+. O's lose 2-1. Bo Naylor and Tony Taters hit home runs, and Kimbrel walks in the winning run top 9. Clase completes the sweep bot 9 by striking out the side.
  13. Yanks are losing 9-2 to the Mets in the 7th. Mercifully, the Yanks are having a rough go of it at the same time as us.
  14. Kevin Brown summed it up "When they hit, they don't pitch; when they pitch, they don't hit." We've had some decent individual performances over this long losing streak, but we can't put together decent pitching and decent hitting on the same night. If our offense puts up a decent showing, our pitchers can't keep the opponent off the bases and they outscore us. If our pitchers throw a hell of a game, our offense comes up small. Winning teams find a way to sync up (through luck or otherwise) good pitching and good hitting nights. We're looking less and less like a winning team.
  15. They may never win a game again. 49-113 season. 0-162 seasons for the rest of our lives.
  16. This is insane. When our luck is down, it's REALLY down. Cowser hit that right on the button but it's just an out.
  17. What a weird game. No challenge because the manager ran out of time? Lol.
  18. When things are going bad, they go R E A L bad. Can't even score a run on a ringing double. SMH.
  19. Are they? We didn't seem to get tired of it during the long dark. You can't take winning for granted; all it takes is a bad turn and your team may never see daylight again.
  20. Are we witnessing a choke job here? Not this game, but overall. They've looked very very bad ever since taking 2/3 from the Yanks.
  21. Omg, what a joke. Bad News Bears defense.
  22. That Dubin guy showed up today ready to play. He really dominated us. Hope their next pitchers are more hittable.
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