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Everything posted by CynBeth

  1. With our luck he will probably hit into a DB.
  2. Same here. I temporarily forgot our trouble playing sucky teams and NL teams.
  3. Testing to see if I can post have not been able to for hours. Hope everyone is well.
  4. Of course it figures we hit all of those balls we thought were going out and they somehow manage to find the shortest area of the ballpark.
  5. As soon as I saw the comment I immediately thought of him as well.
  6. Am not a fan of his so could have lived without it but he is the lesser of 2 evils better than having to see Jeter or Arod.
  7. Westy made a nice play.
  8. It could be worse at least it is not Jeter and Arod.
  9. Now that Gunnar is out of it and nobody I love other than him was in it I find it boring as well right now. I am reading but keeping it on just to see who wins.
  10. They said it is someone from SNL. Do not recall the name.
  11. We could not believe they picked someone so awful. I was also thinking that ranks up there with Roseanne. I saw Kevin Brown was part of the broadcast. Love Gunner’s bat.
  12. Thank you the effort is appreciated.
  13. I hsve a feeling if we accidentally hit one of their guys Grayson or whoever is pitching at that time will be tossed but if one of their guys do it mething will happen. Or there could be another brawl.
  14. We are going to be out of first place by the end of the weekend. We just are snake bitten.
  15. Maybe they need to burn sage like that team we recently played or do some other ritual to bring luck back to us.
  16. I want Vespi back. He only had that one bad game thought he had pitched well other than that.
  17. It better not happen this weekend the Yankees will run their mouths about us again. Actually that might not be a bad thing they have sucked since the last time we played them.
  18. I feel that way too. Of course the Yankees are winning.
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