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Everything posted by Ripken

  1. You know how people like to talk about guys with great baseball names? This isn't one of them.
  2. Sure. He could be okay. I like the kid we got. With $ being split it's probably win-win, on a tiny scale. It's fine with me. Of course many Halo fans are sure he's very fixable and Bundy will repeat the 3.20. It won't happen. I just feel bad for Trout.
  3. Atlanta is certainly a spot where I see win-win trade potential. And, personally, I love Freeman and others there. Giving Trey for some prospect quality would be good with me.
  4. Meh, I'll just stick with attending Keys games again. Oh, wait.
  5. This is why Davis is still here. They have to pay him anyway but if they cut him they have to pay his roster replacement too. Sell the damn team already. The farm is improving, the players are cheap, MASN is a mess, and who knows what's up with the stadium lease. Let's move on already.
  6. His spin rate was too high.
  7. Pretty sweet profit on $9 beer night.
  8. There's nothing wrong with his mechanics.
  9. So Hyde really likes spiked eggnog. I'm not here to judge.
  10. For some, going to an O's game is just that. For others, going to an O's game means going to the city and doing a few things, one of which is attending a game. Taking the kids to the harbor isn't as fun, being out late isn't desirable, and so on. The product stinks but there is also a component of not wanting to visit Baltimore. I'm not one of those people but I know many.
  11. The Keys saying they are excited about this is just them polishing a turd. They don't have a choice. That said, I'll go and hope for the best because they deserve my loyalty.
  12. Been to more Keys games than I can count. Live a few minutes away. Knew this was coming but a horrid decision regardless. Not that I expected differently from this franchise.
  13. I was happy with the original return for Milone: Milone not being an Oriole anymore.
  14. It's not the stadium, it's the city. Baltimore has some serious problems.
  15. No doubt. I saw that kid play 50 games in Frederick and he was never good. At anything.
  16. Strasburg's was a while ago and DC paid him big.
  17. Obviously I have no idea how he did this year but, while he has a great arm, I did see lots of command issues at Frederick. Here's hoping that has been improved.
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