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Everything posted by InsideCoroner

  1. I'll back up the in-stadium experience thing. I didn't give a damn about soccer when I moved to Dortmund, and overall I still don't watch much on television outside of the World Cup or the occasional Pokal (cup). But if you have tickets and ask me to go to a game? Absolutely. It's a lot of fun, far better than on television since (just like baseball) you see everything going on that's not on camera, and it's hard not to get swept up with 80,000 fans going crazy, and opposing walls of die-hard fans chanting, singing, drumming and taunting each other. I went a friendly match of Germany vs USA once, and even though the US got mauled 4-1, it was great. The other fun thing is when they hold public viewings in the city square of big German matches, usually during the WC. Tens of thousands of people celebrating or commiserating together. And I always said even though there is sometimes little to admire in a match that ends 0-0, as a baseball fan I could never, ever call another sport boring. I think baseball is the greatest sport ever created, but I can absolutely see why some people would rather get a root canal or go to the DMV before they would watch a full game.
  2. This much reminds me of the 1989 team a bit. The ‘89 Orioles pitching staff was dead last in the majors in K’s — almost comically so by today’s standards. In 450 combined innings, Jeff Ballard, Dave Schmidt and Dave Johnson only struck out 134 batters. But, they had the least defensive errors of any team in baseball, and it seemed that guys like Orsulak were constantly making diving catches in the gap. Without solid defense that team would have been doomed.
  3. Basically I hope that as of next year when “it’s time” and from that point forward, the team are as willing to invest into the messengers as they are the message. It matters.
  4. I think Kevin Brown has made great strides as their PBP guy. Yes, he still has a bit of overly enthusiastic “puppy” in him at times, but he has all the right enthusiasm, knowledge and demeanor to make a great voice of the team. I also hope they lock him up to a long-term contract. If not, he will surely be poached. I can understand Tony’s point about Palmer. I think it should be a slow transition, but I do feel over the next three years or so he should reduce his workload and turn the reins over to someone younger. Then when he’s there, it’s a welcome surprise. And Ben could very well be that guy. I like Ben a lot, and if anyone saw the game they thrust on us in Peacock, I actually thought he paired very well with Marc Gubicza and Jason Benetti. I am still annoyed they jettisoned Brian Roberts so quickly, though, as I thought he also showed a lot of promise. As for Newman, Garceau or Arnold in the TV booth, they can each hold their own to varying degrees, but only in absolute emergencies, please.
  5. That's always the risk with a big intro. But whenever he's struggling, you just bring the stadium lights back up to half strength after the light show and have the batters squinting a bit to see the ball. Maybe quietly release some dry ice while the lights are down too. "Baltimore fog, what are you going to do?"
  6. I have to say that I miss ticket stubs, I still have my old ones since I started going to games in the late '70s or any concerts. In the past decade it's mostly been a full-page printout of my ticket confirmation, but those are comparatively boring to look back on. I understand why they don't do them, but I miss them.
  7. Winning ball games is, though. (Edit: Wildcard beat me to it)
  8. Just as a PSA — mlb.tv are offering some free minor league games this year, one of them being Bowie at Akron tomorrow (Wednesday) at 6:35 pm EST.
  9. I don’t know, Tony. Aloof can be another way of saying ‘shy’. Palmer loves being The Guy and people talking about him / talking about himself. You don’t pose as a human bearskin rug in underwear ads if you’re not supremely comfortable with yourself. And that’s great. But maybe Mike didn’t want that. I hate that Mussina went to the Yankees, but as you said, it did ease up the pressure to be the number one guy that everybody turns to.
  10. I thought it was ironic that the first homer Trey hit for the Astros in Houston wouldn’t have been a homer at Camden.
  11. Of course just as Odor looks completely expendable, he gets a double, two walks, a steal, scores two runs and makes some nice plays in the field. Hey, if it takes Vavra to light a fire under him, so be it.
  12. He also said on the intro, “You know, it’s 30 years of Orioles baseball, but as we take you to break…” I guess he meant at Camden, but c’mon Scott, don’t take away all our trophies.
  13. I think the name Vavra has roots in the Czech Republic. If he keeps hitting, will he be known as the Czech Swinger? (Cue footage of Steve Martin and Dan Aykroyd when he comes up to hit, in wild-and-crazy-guy mode)
  14. Wow, even at 1.5 GB, I am surprised the odds could be that high. I think the last I saw from most sites were all the ones at 3-5% (probably because I stopped looking at those odds). Then again it’s nowa postseason system where it’s no longer about admitting the very best teams, but only turning away the bad teams. Which I guess is exactly what MLB wanted.
  15. Baseball Reference almost caused me to spit out my coffee this morning when it said our postseason odds were 41.0%. I have to assume this was meant to be 4.1%, since Fangraphs still have us at 3.2% (and no chance at winning it all). Or maybe BB Ref knows something we don’t?
  16. I think one of the main reasons my 13-year-old self appreciated the ‘83 series so much is because I thought Chicago’s pitching was going to shut us down in the ALCS (LaMarr Hoyt scared me), and then I was living in Pennsylvania deep in Phillies country, and I hated the Phillies. Not the team, really, but their fans. So that was glorious. 1989 was a blast. That second-to-last game against the Jays was such a heartbreaker, going the 8th inning up 4-1 and giving up three runs. But what a ride that was.
  17. To steer this out of the weeds, I do love seeing people in Maryland (and even in other cities) re-engaging with the team. While that looks like fair-weather fans, you can't really say that here because the last 35 years have been hard. Grim, punishing and with few bright spots. Please let this be the beginning of something positive and enduring. We really all need it, and (dare I say) even deserve it.
  18. I don't think either Juan Bell or Brian Holton are going to pan out for us.
  19. This site means a heck of a lot to me. I'm far away from Baltimore, living in a place where nobody knows baseball (let alone loves it), and so the OH has served as an oasis of sorts. To celebrate with like-minded people when the team plays well, to commiserate when they're playing poorly, and (like everyone else) to play armchair GM. No matter how crazy the world is -- and it's pretty crazy -- I can always check in and escape the madness. I am glad you recognize the appreciation -- not from the front office, unfortunately, but from all of us who rely on this site as a direct, vital companion to the team itself. I really like the site re-design, and I love that you have gotten your mojo back. As my friend Owen21 once said, "Give that fan... a cognac."
  20. If there was Announcer WAR, I would say Brown is comparable to Urias (solid, coming along nicely), Newman is like Odor, and Garceau is… Owings?
  21. I don’t have a problem with McKenna if they limit his ABs. He’s a solid defensive replacement and pinch runner, he just shouldn't be starting unless absolutely necessary. He’s David Lough, really.
  22. I liked the Lopez story that developed this year, but I don’t see how anyone can really object to getting four pitching prospects in exchange for a guy who literally has had three good months in the majors (April thru June… he hasn’t been very good in July). Do I believe Lopez will remain an elite closer? No. I think he can be very good, but apparently Elias is able to turn quite a few middling arms into strong bullpen pieces, and I trust they saw something they liked in the metrics on the guys they got. Different story if it was Bautista… I think he is the future.
  23. Interesting. But OK, end result they shed Hosmer and still get Bell. Not a bad upgrade.
  24. Not to mention that the Padres upgrade Hosmer to Josh Bell as part of the deal.
  25. You’re still being unnecessarily dramatic, even if you had bad luck with your car. Maybe one guy just really, really liked your Dodge Dart, who knows? The rest of the area is “sort of safe”? And why in the world would anyone just wander into a large tent on the side of the road? Is that you, Cito Gaston?
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