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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. I had to know... How John Denver became an Orioles staple And this was surprising to me (born in 79): Seeing the reaction around City Connect's departure from cartoonishness, I would be careful to change the 7th inning song for fear of a total meltdown of "tradition." Maybe leave it up to Mr. Splash to decide what would replace it since he operates with anonymity.
  2. Maybe it is the rolled sleeves and the pops of color around the neck, but the more I look at these the more I see Rosie the Riveter meets Grease. Hope that doesn't ruin it for anyone.
  3. Eh. I mean... I guess when your main aesthetic is already a cartoon bird, going for more feel-good vibes could seem like a missed opportunity when considering a complicated city like Baltimore. -- assuming this was the platform of choice to showcase a message this serious. That's okay. It's representative of a percentage of Os fans I probably don't overlap too much with. And I can see how the hat and jersey may land with many who don't identify with the bird like I do. Need to marinate on these feelings. I respect the process that got them here.
  4. We know what the socks will look like. Gotta see it with the hat and pants. Maybe a handbag. A broach. Some tasteful blaze accessories.
  5. Today should be a holiday... On this day in history, Adley makes his first start.
  6. I've re-watched the highlight a number of times and there's so much that stands out: from the reaction of fans behind home plate immediately following the swing (they were making a ton of noise in support of their team) to the ball finding an orange jersey among a sea of blue. Yesterday was my son's 9th birthday. His baseball team clinched a spot in the championships thanks to a game saving catch he made diving for the ball in foul territory off of first base (his first fly ball out recorded after like a dozen opportunities). It was a great day already without that play, the coach giving him the game ball, or eating pancakes for dinner (his birthday choice). I was willing to concede an Os loss. Pulling it out in that fashion though... In Toronto... Against perhaps my "least favorite" team... It was a complete day. The sipped tequila at the end was alot smoother than I remember the day before.
  7. My guess is that once people see the hype video that explains the choices, people with strong connection to the city will feel better about them. I haven't gone back to see what the likes of San Diego's was but if I did --and I liked SD at all-- I might feel differently (even if it just moved the needle from "yuk" to "guh, fine").
  8. Regarding Cano's historic streak that Brown was sharing stats about, Ben seemed to interject (as if not to curse it): "Don't wake him up!"
  9. Love it when he's pumped for our pitchers. When Baker was moonwalking for a few games or more recently...
  10. More importantly, he makes a great televised broadcast guy, both for us and nationally televised games. The booth work in the braves/O's was practically saved by him. Love what we've got going on up there.
  11. I think it's fantastic and a stroke of genius by the club to bring something new to the ballpark while also making the homer hose feel innocent too. I had reservations about that hose but with all the rest of the water stuff, plus seeing the players having fun, I'm won over. Friday night's game was one of the most fun wins I can remember watching on TV. Felt special and defining of this team.
  12. My guess is this is all part of a conspiracy to get rid of the divisive O's cap. The city connect jersey being as bland/default as we've seen will push new sales to the hat, mostly, which will stand out as a win for the club by comparison. The cap then gains traction as something that could be an alternate option with existing combos and eventually replaces the O's one because “All the good teams have their cities letters on their hats,”
  13. Sigh. It's the real thing. https://uni-watch.com/2023/05/09/mlbs-latest-city-connect-leak-a-hilariously-bad-orioles-jersey/ Maybe the hype video or seeing our players model the entire look will help. BTW, the "B" patch on left sleeve is the same "B" Buck lobbied for the Os to wear back in 2013. Here's another article on the matter: https://baltimoresportsreport.com/buck-showalter-campaigns-for-orioles-traditional-road-b-hat-40936.html
  14. AdamK

    Dylan Beavers 2023

    I can't provide an opinion on that, unfortunately. Too many other distractions where we were sitting to focus for long. An older adult couple behind us seized on the opportunity to chat to new people in the section (us) and clearly they are there often enough to treat the games like a mixer. All I could note was the damage his swings were doing to the ball and his baserunning.
  15. AdamK

    Dylan Beavers 2023

    I was there tonight in Wilmington and Beavers' triple was impressive. He moves really well and looks like he can add size to an already big frame. His first three at bats were all well hit balls.
  16. I was at the game. He absolutely smashed those first two hits. Showed nice speed on the triple but was thrown out at the plate on the next play when a teammate hit it too the left side. Fun night in Wilmington. FWIW, Dylan Beavers was ralking too. Has a big frame, decent speed and can probably get bigger.
  17. I absolutely love it. Watching the opposing starter's pitch count grow by more than 12 pitches an inning is a treat. Where did this come from and is it sustainable?
  18. Wonder how the pitch clock and engagement/dis-engagement management may be impacting some pitchers. I know this is grasping at straws but perhaps the extra complications on the mount exacerbate the process for those who already have a tenuous command of game management out there.
  19. "Specially lined cans"
  20. I think you are right. I also think it's not possible. Too much liability/risk to not figure something else out. I like it more with Gibson's context but I doubt that is enough to save it. It's too nuanced.
  21. Same. How did you feel about J-Lo and Shakira's halftime show a few years ago?
  22. Agree. The "optics" aren't great. Especially since the camera is right there,
  23. Not offended here, but I'm hoping they figure something else out. Between this and the gas can promo, they seem to be treading in litigious waters normally navigated around by the lawyers. Both seem to dangle irresponsible behavior out in front of a population big enough to have some interpret it in a way that leads to something unfortunate. When did I get so old? Feels like I am on the same slippery slope that leads to penalizing touchdown celebrations.
  24. Maybe it's just me being a dad with kids on the younger side of childhood who has become accustomed to seeing potential dangers in the world and attempts to steer around those opportunities for accidents, or maybe I have worked for The Man for too long, but seeing the gas can promo combined with the "dong bong" (aka homerun funnel) last night - I couldn't help but think to myself... WTFudge is happening over there? Seems like neither wouldn't be "approved by corporate" in this day and age due to the potential for liability or bad PR. Don't get me wrong, I think its fun, but they both stand out as less than the safe play. Feels like stuff that would happen in the late 80s, like how movies rated PG would be rated R in this day and age. The last time I had this feeling was the Super Bowl halftime show with Shakira and Jennifer Lopez... I remember looking around the room at all the kids watching, and thinking to myself how much less gratuitous the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction was.
  25. Upon second glance though, look at the shirt to the left of the bright white and colorful stuff... Is that new or no (I am just out of market)? Are those roses? The Jerseys are also not the same white as we see today. Could there be a connection to "Three Red Roses & a Bottle of Cognac" at Poe's grave (I can count three across the two photos)? Or perhaps it is more about "The Baltimore Rose: The Reality, Resistance, and Re-emergence of Baltimore"? Edit: Seems the roses are part of a sweatshirt too:
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