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Everything posted by AdamK

  1. Searched the forum but the last time there seemed to be a thread about this topic was 2019... apologies if I missed something. Typically, I have purchased tickets on a game-by-game basis through the club or 3rd parties, but I am starting to consider more of an upfront investment as my family is showing strong interest in attending more often. We live about 90 minutes to the northeast, so getting to a dozen games (or so) would be possible. Feels like each game attended runs about $300-$350 for a family of 4 (2 adults + 9 year old and 12 year old) when factoring in tix, parking, food/bev. Cheaper experiences are possible, I realize, but these figure in seats that aren't very good. Personally, I am a sucker for good seats but have been enjoying just being in the ballpark, wherever, if I am being honest with myself. Anywho...I'm awaiting outreach from the club to help me navigate the options, but was hoping this community could share your learnings/experience with what you've decided works (or doesn't work). Looks as if there are two levels -- Flex and Reserved -- and best I can tell: A Flex Membership deposit seems to go towards: paying for non-specific game tickets in advance, at a discount varying deposit amounts essentially serve as credits that can mean more games with cheap seats or fewer games with better seats seats and games depend on availability once your deposit runs out, you are back to paying on a game-by-game basis like normals post-season pre-sale opportunities exist of varying levels A Reserve Membership deposit goes towards: a fixed price for specific seats at specific games I determine before the season starts pricing depends on how many games I am reserving (13, 29 or 81) and quality of seat post-season pre-sale opportunities exist of varying levels Assuming I have all that correct, what are you guys doing? Are you sharing reserved plans with family or friends and coordinating on who goes in advance? Is that a pain in the rear? Anyone regret plunking down the upfront money?
  2. Love that we have fast guys and love the impact it has on a pitcher knowing the guys on base are a threat. How uncomfortable did those KC games feel in 2014? What seems to stand out to me more this season is the disrespect for outfielder's arms. Not sure if the Os have been more aggressive with the same amount of speed because the likelihood a throw will be on-target is low but seems they're putting pressure on the defense at all times.
  3. FWIW, Mullins was playing fairly deep but I do believe he was prepared to catch that ball if Westburg isn't there. Would've required a nice dive though.
  4. I was too young for the last WS win, and I suspect it's been too long anyway for those who weren't too young. So having not having a reference point is hard. When a friend's team wins it all I usually grill them to see how it feels and how that championship success at the end may have changed their perspective on the path to get there. Did their team look like a championship team early, or at all? Were there at set backs? Was it just a matter of getting hot at the end? Etc... Also, how do they feel watching games the next season knowing the path won't be perfect? The benefit of this type of reference point only comes after you know they've won it all. We don't have that (but want it badly), so it's hard to show grace along the way. Until then, the highs are high and the lows can snowball. I get why people need to steer clear of here when they're losing because for me it hurts enough to want to not confront it. How does one process "pain"? Everyone copes differently. I don't watch baseball. I watch the Orioles... Exclusively. No other team makes transports me back to feeling like a kid, when life was simpler.
  5. Had similar thoughts when Richards was in to pitch for the second game in a row. His first outing in game 1 of this series he handled the Os bats pretty effectively -- so I wasn't eager to see him again in game 2. The results were speak for themselves. It's volatile on the mound for the non-elites. And even the elite pitchers are subject to melting down. Not sure I am ready to forgive Baumann yet, but my guess is people in baseball can think like this (big picture) better than we can.
  6. Gamesmanship by Gausman with those pick off attempts. It's basically a disengagement from the batter without stepping off. Catch a breather but also to get the batter uncomfortable. Similar to how batters step out with 2 strikes.
  7. Had to look at Bauman's game logs because it feels like he has been grooving pitches middle/middle lately. This certainly was the case last night in the 10th where his first 3 pitches were a homer, a double and a loud fly ball (out) to CF... then a wild pitch shortly after. Feels like his last outing was the same story in Seattle (the Mullins robbed a homer, next at bat is a homer game...) but that was 10 days ago with 2 scoreless appearances in-between. At this rate, he's too volatile to keep in our pen.
  8. Best Answer | James_M | Posts: 4,144 | ADMIN | April 3 Answer ✓ That is infuriating and the fact that prices only ever go in one direction (up) despite less content being offered than before is so so so typical. MLB.tv does the same.
  9. Glad we don't have ads on our sleeves. I'm sure it's just a matter of time.
  10. The ideal scenario. My concern is how they execute not giving him something to hit, without hitting him. Because... Toronto.
  11. At this point in Toronto's season (1 game back from WC and facing a 17 game stretch playing .381 teams after this series) I don't think they can afford to pitch to Mounty.
  12. It's getting late for the Jays. After our series they'll have a 17-day stretch facing Cleveland, Washington, Colorado, Oakland, Kansas City. Then they play 19 against Texas, Boston, NY, TB, NY again and TB again. I don't much like or trust Toronto. Perhaps this is a hangover from conduct in the 2010's. Can't help but feel like if they are going to pull some stunt, it'll be right now.
  13. What's going to happen with the bird bath once the heat of the summer tapers towards fall temps?
  14. AdamK

    Magic Number !!

    So fun to see the stadium packed
  15. Not sure anyone is playing in such a way that we couldn't justify giving them time off for a plausible ailment. Seems to be enough contribution from others that a single missing bat or glove doesn't submarine our chances... Which is perhaps the beauty/opportunity/problem with our roster. There's enough there there to maintain until the postseason as opposed to being dependent on one or two contributors. This "feels" true on offense and defense more than from the back end bullpen.
  16. Comments in our broadcast that seem to tempt fate do stand out to me too. Mostly from Brown. Unfortunately, I am a recovering superstitious fan who relapses from time to time. This dragon seems to rear it's head most when my heart gets ahead of my head and I want for an outcome badly. Side note: It's only recently that I have come to the conclusion in life that wanting, of any kind, is the root of most emotional pain. I guess announcers can't be superstitious... much. I expect the home team announcers to tread very lightly around topics like perfect games and no-hitters (compared to the out of town crew), but for nearly everything else I figure what Brown is doing is queuing up a better soundbite to accompany a play's tape. Setting up the consequence or stat as the pitcher is in his windup is the perfect time for it. I don't like it, but it feels like something professional broadcasters are taught to do.
  17. Austin could use a hot streak starting now
  18. Let's see if getting a first hand look at the Astros' approach to passing the baton (winning at bats in small ways until you're in a position to do damage) rubbed off on our Os. They were never out of those games because of this approach. A single solo home run swing won't do it tonight.
  19. My guess is Gunnar can beat Westburg to third base from home, but Westburg can steal a base better. Gunnar runs like he's on fire and the only thing that will keep him alive is smashing through a solid brick wall. Doesn't come across that way for many others. FWIW, Dylan Beavers (OF - Aberdeen Ironbirds) runs the same way. I've seen him up close in Wilmington, DE a few times. He's a big dude who -- when up to speed -- looks like he is causing the Earth to rotate under his feet.
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