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Posts posted by CP0861

  1. On 10/10/2023 at 6:14 PM, accinfo said:

    In my mature years I try not to get too upset about takes on talk shows or posts on a message board but La Canfora just was a pure horses rear end today on the radio.  Saying Hyde should be fired for putting Bryan Baker in.  It was much more than just that statement but his whole ranting with his know it all attitude about everything.  His opinion is fact and if someone disagrees you are a moron.  I am going back to listening to music in the afternoon.  

    That's just the way things are now. A lot of sports guys rant and rave and compete to see who can be the biggest smartass. Social media exponentially makes this worse.

    If they rant and rave with loud personalities, they're hoping to start arguments....they want people to talk, share, tweet, post on message boards (like we are now) because we're talking about them and spreading their name. The more they can draw attention to themselves and spread their name, the more marketable they are to land bigger, better, higher paying gigs. Like SA Smith....or Howard Stern. Any attention is good attention.

    With that being said, I can't disagree with his point. 😂  I don't know why he was on the roster, let alone brought into a remotely crucial situation.

  2. I don't remember the wording, but when I purchased mine, I think I remember reading it could take "weeks" for a refund.

    With that being said, like someone else mentioned, I got my WC ticket money back on 10/6 or 10/7.  So hopefully we'll see it soon, but I wouldn't count on it.



  3. 4 hours ago, LA2 said:

    Buck or the Earl probably would have.

    Problem is, the play was completed so the interference can't be called. Unfortunately there was nothing to argue or even talk about.

    Earl might've barked a bit, but I doubt it as well as he knew the rules. But I bet he would've been so far up GRod's ass after the game, GRod would've tasted the Brylcream.

  4. 4 hours ago, NCRaven said:

    I believe that CPO is absolutely correct in his description of the rule and how it is applied.  But placing any blame for a horrible throw by Rodriguez on Mountcastle is off base, in my opinion.  Grayson failed to clear the runner and make a good throw.  It was as simple as that.

    I said in another post that GRod's only play was to come up firing that ball hard to the bag. So I agree, the bad throw is absolutely on Rodriguez.

    I just don't love how Mountcastle positioned himself. He enabled Garver to do what he did and make the throw more difficult. But regardless, that touch pass GRod threw wasn't going to get the job done no matter what. As I was watching it live, once he stood all the way up, I didn't even think he was going to bother throwing it to first.

  5. 25 minutes ago, baltfan said:

    I have looked at this again.  Grayson is literally on the foul line when he picks up the ball.  I don't understand why it isn't an easy throw if Mountcastle puts his right foot on the bag and stretches into foul territory for the throw.  Maybe that would have resulted in Garver veering that way, but it would have likely been more obvious.

    If Mountcastle did that, my guess is that Garver would've simply ran towards him just the same way he did when he set up wide in fair territory. And then, if Garver adjusted his path towards Mountcastle and was actually in the lane, the ball would be live if it hit him. And if it didn't hit him and if there was any contact with Mountcastle, it may have been defensive interference.

  6. 55 minutes ago, MCO'sFan said:

    Mountcastle set up correctly. The proper play for the 1B is to set up with the left foot on the bag and square to the fielder with both hands up. I think that if Grayson had hit him in the back it would have been called but I've seen worse not called. The better play would have been for Grayson to shuffle to his left to create a throwing lane and then make a strong throw to first. If he had done that, nothing else would have mattered. 

    Yeah, I know what "the book" says....give a wide target.

    Beyond that, proper is a matter of opinion I guess. If they could run that play back, you'd have Mounty do the exact same thing?

    In that situation - best case scenario it's a bang/bang play. I know it's not conventional, but in a bang bang play down the line, I want my first baseman's glove as close to the throw as possible.  With the right foot on the bag, you've got a longer reach to the ball. A RH 1b also has better range pivoting on the right foot in case of a wide throw. The glove is in basically the same spot location (although closer with right foot on bag) regardless of which foot is on the bag, so from the fielder's perspective it's essentially the same throw. Just not the comfy HS textbook visual of looking at 2 shoulders.

    There was no time for him to shuffle to his left and then throw. Even if there was, he'd be shuffling to the left to make a throw across to the right. By the time he stopped his 6'5" momentum, he was in foul territory. The ONLY play was to pick it up and fire hard to the bag. If it hits him, that's a good thing.

    Also, as obvious as it was, there's a solid shot it wouldn't have been called. Ideally, the home plate ump would be straddling the line looking straight down to 1b, but on that play, he was distracted by the runner coming home and out of position. And it is a judgement call, so no review.



    27 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

    Aren't his last steps in the vicinity of the bag? If running on the line is interference I agree he is out, at least technically. Usually you see it called when the runner is all the way on the grass. He may be out but the Garver play is closer and more subtle than Trea's.

    I also noted it appeared they did not review Trea's, the manager just went ballistic, so I assume it's not reviewable.


    "When considering this rule it is important to realize that the first base bag is completely in fair territory; the base is completely outside the running lane. Obviously, a batter-runner needs to step out of the running lane to touch first base. He is thus allowed this leeway in his final thrust for first base without being called out for running lane interference provided he was in the lane prior to his step or reach for the base. This aspect of the rule is clearly covered in the Official Rules and is common sense in all other rule codes."

    He wasn't just on the line the entire time, he was clearly and completely in fair ground with his final strides. The step/stride/reach outside the lane has to be the final movement....not for multiple strides before.

    If you watch the replay, Garver's last step with his left foot (26 seconds) before touching the bag was not only within fair territory, but he was so far over, his step actually went beyond the 2nd base side edge of 1b. He was WELL over. Also, the step before that was also entirely in fair territory and the step before that appears to be also.

    He had drifted so far fair, you can see him almost lunge back toward the foul line to step on the bag...and he came down in the middle of it.

    He's a catcher and he deliberately watched GRod field the ball.....he knew exactly what he was doing. Good move on his part, brainfart on GRod and Mountcastle imo.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

    I don't know, it's very close. He is right on the line pretty much the whole trip. If you're on the line does that count as outside the lane? He drifts slightly to his left into fair territory at the end, but you have to do that because that's where the bag is. The Turner example is much worse as he is clearly outside the line the whole way, and also makes contact with the 1B glove.

    The last 45 feet are when it matters...where the dual line is. You can step, stride, reach outside the lane in the vicinity of the bag (to touch the bag), but he was inside fair territory with his last steps. If the ball hits him where he was, he's out and the runner goes back to third.

  9. 31 minutes ago, baltfan said:

    Can someone explain to me why Mountcastle didn't just put the glove in foul territory to create an easy angle?

    Normally, there's no reason for a 1b to do that. It also opens up the 1b for defensive interference. Mountcastle should've stood his ground better, in my worthless opinion.

    Mountcastle saw it unfold, he reacted and set up wide early.  If anything he should've gotten smaller. He should've put his right foot on the bag (which also closes some distance and is better for bang/bang plays) and reached straight down the line towards GRod. Instead, he set up (too) wide very early and allowed Garver to occupy that space. If you look at the replay, Garver even looked back at GRod as he fielded the ball and Garver DEFINITELY intentionally drifted left in his last few steps. Moutncastle gave him that space. If Mountcastle gets small there (instead of a big wide target to the side) the ball is more likely to hit Garver and/or there's a higher chance of contact (and not completing the play).

  10. "If the batter/runner is out of the lane and the play is completed by the defense, no interference is called unless the batter/runner interferes with the 1B making a throw to another base.

    Since GRod lobbed the throw and the play was completed, Garver didn't technically interfere with the catch.

    If GRod had hit him, he would absolutely have been out and the runner on 3rd goes back to 3rd.

    Basically, if there's ANY doubt or chance the runner is out of the lane, you have to hit the runner or the 1st baseman needs to create contact and sell the interference. And if you watch those plays, if the batter is right handed and bunts or hits a dribbler, they're almost always out of the lane like Garver was. If you're in the RH box and run STRAIGHT to the bag, you're going to be out of the lane most of the time (but only called out if the play isn't finished).

    • Upvote 1
  11. As soon as GRod fielded the ball, I thought "hit him..hit him...HIT HIM"

    I was in the UD down the 1st base line and had a great view. Garver was absolutely in fair territory....basically the entire way to 1st.

    It's a tough, quick play, but in that moment, someone has to be communicating that - especially with a run coming in. As soon as he slowed his throw, he had no chance. Might as well hit him and hope to get the call.



  12. 16 minutes ago, Aristotelian said:

    They put Baker on the roster to play a role and he didn't do his job. Whether he should have been on the roster at all is the better question.

    Yeah, I don't get that either.  Irvin was very effective out of the pen in August and September and has some decent numbers vs Texas, meanwhile Baker was stumbling in the minors with an ERA pushing 7.00 and WHIP pushing 2.00.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 9 hours ago, EddeeEddee said:

    I don't see this as the Orioles not having good enough relievers to win.  Oriole pitching overall has been quite good the past couple of months.   

    I was not able to watch much of yesterday's game, but I see this as the wrong relievers put in the wrong situation.  Why Baker -- who hadn't pitched in how long for the O's?  And why Webb -- who was rocked just the day before?  If Hall and Wells were to be saved for later, then whey not Kyle Gibson or possibly Flaherty?  Hindsight is 20/20 but even at the time pitching these two early in a close post-season game just felt like -- no!

    I was at both games. In my worthless opinion, there's no reasonable explanation for bringing in a guy who had 1 MLB appearance in the last 2 months into a situation where you absolutely, positively needed to stop the bleeding. Baker was not good in AAA in September either.....7 earned in 5 innings or so I think.

    Long story short, I don't want the last minute AAA call up or the guy they just picked up off of waivers pitching in a crucial spot in the playoffs (although Webb bothers me far less than Baker).

    Hyde simply outsmarted himself and tried to get cute against one of the best offensive teams in MLB.



  14. I have 4 tickets to the ALDS Game 1. UD Section 310.

    I'd like to trade 2 of my tickets to 2 tickets to game 2 if anyone is interested.

    I don't really care where the tickets are, but depending on the tickets, I'd be willing to pay the difference in face value.

  15. 11 hours ago, yark14 said:

    You East-Coasters probably don't recognize this sticker, but there was a time when every redneck in the midwest and south had this sticker on the back window of their truck.  Usually right next to an "Ain't Skeered" sticker.

    Not afraid or skeered of any team if we are on our A-game.




    Forgot about those! Those were definitely seen on the good ole Eastern Shore about 20-25ish years ago!  I didn't have one....but they were all over at one point. What's the origin?!?!

    Atlanta is having a great season and their future looks great. The Phillies are also on a nice run right now....I have several coworkers who are Philly fans (Delaware bandwagon fans, most of which only pay attention when they're good), and I'm worried to death about losing an 83 rematch. I'd NEVER hear the end of it.

  16. Of course he belongs.

    He took a 32-73 team and finished 34-23 in 2010. There was an immediate change.

    “You just had to give them something to trust. That was the big thing. When I got there, we didn’t want to give them a lot of lip service. Show them. They had their hearts broken a lot. The Orioles mean a lot to the fans there. They got behind something they could trust.” https://www.mlb.com/news/buck-showalter-returns-to-baltimore-for-first-time

    He managed the O's to 93 wins and a playoff appearance in 2012....after 14 losing seasons. He should have won MOY that season imo, he was basically robbed.

    ALCS appearance in 2014. They got swept, however, they were one series away from the WS (without Manny and Davis). MOY for Buck that year (and it could very easily have been his 2nd in 3 seasons). 

    18 months after he arrived and following 14 years of losing records, they started a 5 year run as the winningest team in the AL.

    They SUCKED and he made them relevant again.


  17. 59 minutes ago, waroriole said:

    There was no doubt how the culture changed when Buck was hired. He was the perfect person for the job at the time. I’m glad he was one of our guys. 

    Absolutely. I don't remember the exact record for the rest of that first season, but things changed the day he walked through the door. It was a 180 from day 1.

    2012 and 2014 were glorious. Opening day games felt like playoff games. Playoff games felt like WS games. My ears are still ringing from Delmon's double. It was nothing short of magical. Buck pulled everything he could out of the roster he had.....Chris Tillman was our ace for crying out loud. 

    As a 43 year old who has witnessed mostly cringey baseball, I'll always be grateful.

    Baltimore fans have short memories and are impossible to please. I think there must be some kinda wonky chemical compound in crab mustard that eats away at the brain.

    • Upvote 3
  18. 15 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    Buck walked Barry Bonds with the bases loaded.   I find his current comments very weak.  He was a good manager.  That night he tried to do something outside the box and it backfired.    He won’t own it all of these years later.   The man’s ego is a lot bigger than people think.

    Not sure what Bonds has to do with anything here, but yeah, he walked Bonds with the bases loaded.....and it worked.  Roided Bonds was very possibly the most dangerous hitter of all time.  Would you rather pitch to Barry Bonds (.500 career BA against Olson btw) or Brent Mayne with the bases loaded?

    And as far as his ego, you probably don't get to the level of success that he has without it.  Pretty sure ole' Earl was also full of it.




  19. 1 hour ago, Tony-OH said:

    I don't have a huge issue with what he said though it continues to show that Buck refuses to take responsibility for that terrible managerial call. I just can't figure out who he could possibly be protecting? 

    By the way, good leaders that "wear it" for someone else typically don't go around telling people that they are "wearing it".


    I love Buck, but I have to agree. As someone else just mentioned, it's a bit passive aggressive and was unnecessary.

    Then again, he's probably been asked about it 500 times....so I'll write it off as a slip. Nobody's perfect. 

    Regardless, I still love me some Buck Showalter and sincerely miss his post game interviews.



  20. That's strange. About a year ago he was playing rather poorly in the Atlantic League.

    I thought the very same thing....was shocked to read his name in the game recap the other night. I had Marcell Ozuna in a fantasy league, and it said he left the game for a family emergency...and was replaced with Robert Andino.

    Maybe there's still a scout connection or something with Miami.....he had a good year at AAA (by Andino standards anyway, he still strikes out a ton).

  21. Believe it or not, there's been a Robert Andino sighting in Miami. His last MLB appearance was in 2013 with Seattle where he signed as a FA after the 2012 season.

    In 2013, he was traded to PIT where he spent time in the minors....spent 2014 in the minors with PIT....then the Puerto Rican Winter League....2015 he played Independent ball and another season in the PRWL...then it looks like Miami (he was a 2nd round pick for Miami in 2002 and is from Miami) signed him for 2016, where he's spent the year at AAA.

    Now he's up with the ML club.....7 games, 4 hits in 13 ab's. They've played him at 2B and LF. They played him all over at AAA - CF, LF, 2B, SS.

  22. It's an odd injury for a young guy to get. I never had a lower body injury my entire life and pulled both my groin and hamstring within about two years in my early-30's. I have found that stretching is important now, but growing up and in my 20's these kinds of injuries were never an issue for me or anyone I was playing ball with, wrestling, etc. I am also convinced these arm injuries are a result of kids throwing year round growing up rather than playing baseball and other sports seasonally.

    I've got the opposite perspective. I just stopped playing last year at 35....played an average of probably 50 games a season with a couple seasons in my early 20's over 100 games (playing in 3 summer leagues and a fall league). Groin pulls and hammy pulls were pretty common, especially early in the season. I literally "popped" my hammy once....never knew it could make a sound, but it sounded like popping a ziploc bag that's full of air.

    I'd say groins/hammy pulls were almost MORE common with younger guys because they were less prone to properly stretching.....myself included.

  23. 105.7 just interviewed some NBA writer....

    They asked what he thought about Connaughton, and the guy quickly responded, "he's the greatest sleeper since rip van winkle."

    He worked out for 12 teams prior to the draft, and several teams had interest.

    Wave that baby bye bye.

  24. You can't retire everyones number.

    yeah, obviously everyone realizes that.

    but to only retire the numbers of the guys in the HOF seems snooty to me. as dominant as the team was in the 60's and 70's you've got 3 players from that era recognized. The Orioles are an old and storied franchise....why not recognize a few more guys?

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