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Beef Supreme

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Posts posted by Beef Supreme

  1. Just now, Beef Supreme said:

    Yeah, there was over a ball's width of space between his mitt and the ground. The most important thing you do is catch or stop the ball. Crouch down and get it! Don't just bend at the waist and wave at it.

    Because if he had caught the ball in the air, he might have tagged out the runner.

  2. Just now, Tony-OH said:

    Severino really doesn't care. It's almost embarrassing how little he tries defensively this spring. 

    Yeah, there was over a ball's width of space between his mitt and the ground. The most important thing you do is catch or stop the ball. Crouch down and get it! Don't just bend at the waist and wave at it.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    ’s about to be 26.  He is what he is.  He’s going to get better or he’s not.  He’s not found to learn more in the minors than he can here at this point.  The Orioles are actively trying to lose, so it doesn’t matter if he takes his lumps up here.  He is being replaced by a pitcher who has never been good and has no future unless his stuff plays up in the pen.  So yea, that’s idiotic.  You don’t think so?  Good for you, glad to hear it.  I’m sure if the Os start Akin on April 7, you will be upset and slamming them for the decision.

    Ridiculous. At no point did I even imply this. Your claim is intellectually dishonesty and a fallacy. I trust the professionals working with the players. Truly an "idiotic" thing to say. And I mean that in the way that since the word "id" is the basis for that word, you are making the argument all about you. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Sports Guy said:

    First of all, that ERA was 6th best in the International League that year.  It wasn’t a good ERA but you also have to take it within the context of the league that year.  His MiL stats, other than his Bb rate, are pretty solid.
    Secondly, I acknowledge and have acknowledged the walk rate is an issue..but so what?  We might as well either release him or put him in the pen now then.  That’s just an issue with him.  He will either fix it or it will hold him back.  It’s why many think he’s a reliever long term.  It’s not going to get any better in the minors than it can here.
    I can’t think of many more worthless stats than WHiP in 25 innings...however, his walk rate was 3.5 and he had a 358 BABiP in 2020, so he was definitely unlucky.  As I stated in my article, he also got a much higher than average swingstr% and threw strikes at a well above average rate.

    Was he "unlucky" or did he get hit hard? Getting barreled isn't noise.

    You claimed "His career in the minors says he is ready to be here" and that "I can’t think of many more worthless stats than WHiP in 25 innings" yet you cite components of WHIP to claim he was "unlucky." Which is it - do the 25 IPs in 2020 mean something or not? Or do they only mean something when they support Akin and are "worthless" when they do not?

    All the while, you are refusing to acknowledge that his 112 innings of minor league pitching at a 1.513 WHIP is a worthwhile stat that speaks volumes about his inability to keep runners off base. Of IL pitchers with 100 IPs in 2019, Keegan's WHIP ranks 19th out of 23 total pitchers. 

    Akin ranked 17th of 33 pitchers in ERA of the IL among pitchers with 15 starts and 80 IPs. Of pitchers with 100 IPs, his ERA ranked 11th of 23. Only by conveniently upping the total to 112 IPs does he rank 6th, since he threw 112.1 innings. And that's out of 15 pitchers. Not very impressive. Plus, that's not a valid way of ranking. I am thinking about fruit all of sudden...a sweet, tart, juicy fruit.

    2020 was an aberration and pitchers did not get in their usual game-work. Pitchers will likely be held back in total IPs from what we would have expected had all MLB and MiLB games been played last year in an effort to reduce injuries. Pitchers with options are prime targets to get sent out at various times through the season so the big team can spread the innings over a lot of arms. And that's not "idiotic."


  5. 2 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

    He didn’t pitch well for like 7 innings.  If you think it’s smart to base decisions like this with that small of a sample size, I don’t know what to tell you. His career in the minors says he is ready to be here.  His performance last year in the camp and in the majors says he should be here.  He was essentially penciled in as a starter a month ago.

    But a few bad outings in ST supersedes that?  On a team that is not trying to win games?  Yea, that doesn’t make much sense.

    Akin's 4.73 at AAA in 2019 doesn't scream "ready to be here," nor does his 4.9 BB/9. And his 1.513 WHIP that year firmly states in a calm voice that there is work to be done. As for 2020, those strikeouts are nice, but the 1.442 WHIP doesn't convince me he earned his spot for this year.

    The radio announcers Thursday night were talking about Akin saying he had to stop aiming his pitches. More than this year's ST performance, it's likely he got sent down to work on his command and control. Maybe some fans penciled Akin into the rotation in February but I doubt the Orioles did.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Philip said:

    Yes I know the cost per WAR but I’ve always thought that was a poor calculation. Imagine spending 64 million for an 8WAR lineup? Sure seems like an overpay.

    I think instead a sliding scale should be used. A 2 WAR player is NOT worth twice a 1 WAR player. A 2 WAR guy is worth more, far more than twice as much, BUT a 2 WAR player isn’t worth 16 million.

    So the value of a 1(or less) WAR player is much less than 8 million, a 2 WAR player is worth less than 16, but more than twice the 1WAR guy.

    Im not sure how to set up the calculation but it’s clear that a 1WAR player isn’t worth 8 mill, and a 1/2 WAR player isn’t worth 4 million and if our $1 million Sanchez gives us .0125WAR, I’m going to think we didn’t get our money’s worth, and should have gone big or gone replacement.

    Not that it makes much of a difference, but that should read, "0.125 WAR." You misplaced the decimal. 

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