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Beef Supreme

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Posts posted by Beef Supreme

  1. 16 minutes ago, Philip said:

    If LeBlanc is optioning out, it makes sense, he would already have a ML offer from some other team, right? Like the Rangers, where guys are dropping like the 82nd on D-Day? So he’s either in the rotation without doubt, or he’s going somewhere where he will be.

    Is this allowed? Sounds like tampering.

  2. My gut says that none of the three is going to opt out.

    Looks like Harvey is guaranteed to be in the rotation, so he's not going anywhere.

    Le Blanc could be anywhere from the rotation, to the pen to the alternate site and he's probably staying regardless for now; I get the feeling he and Elias have an honest relationship based on Elias believing Wade is valuable to an MLB team (probably not the only GM across the league) and Wade trusting he is not merely AAA fodder in Elias' eyes.

    And an injured Felix? Where is he going to go if he opts out? Retirement?

    The only question mark I see is LeBlanc, but I would not be surprised that if he does not get named to the OD roster, he has a promise to be brought up with in a certain range of time. And in exchange for that promise, he and his agent would be willing to extend his opt-out date by x-number of weeks. So if he does opt-out ultimately, it would be late-April/early-May. But my guess is that he is on the 40-man before then.         

  3. Bailey got 4 innings at 2.25 ERA. Rucker got 5 innings @ 0.00 ERA. 

    I have no idea whether this could have been related to ST shutdown.

    Edit: really low K/9 for both: Rucker 5.4; Bailey 4.5. Returned March 6 or 5?


    Orioles return Bailey and Rucker to their former organizations

    March 6, 2020 3:03 PM
    forgive me for editing Roch's face from this post.
    • Thanks 2
  4. 12 hours ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

    Didn’t he send them out pretty early last year?

    Very early. Seemed too early at the time. Like they hardly appeared in games. As if Elias saw them pitch for real for the first time on the backfields and said, "Oh no, we're not doing this!"

  5. Turd's first ten seasons have resulted in one single trip to the Sweet Sixteen. That's terrible. And inexcusable. Maryland is a prestigious school as a basketball destination. 

    One could say, "but they canceled the tourney last year." That's makes him 1 for 9, a .111 percentage. Gary inherited a team in NCAA jail and guided them to 4 Sweet Sixteens in his first decade. Oh, and the NCAA declared the Terps ineligible for the tournament in his second season, making him 4 for 9, a .444 percentage. After getting the programmed re-established and missing the tourney his first four seasons, he guided the team to 4 Sweet Sixteen trips in the last 6 games of his first decade.

    Tonight, Alabama proved to be the superior team and that's OK. Some have said that this was Turd's best season coaching here. But it's not about tonight, it's about the weak results over a ten-year period. UM's administration made a mistake by extending his contract. How I wish we could turn the page to a new coach next season.

  6. 5 hours ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

    Here is my question: Do you really want their defense and pitch calling with the younger pitchers? Do you trust them to guide them pitcher through the game and through a jam? Have confidence in their breaking ball not being sent to the backdrop? Severino couldn’t even keep a fastball from getting away today and decided a game of long toss with Hays was more important.

    I agree with you. For those arguing that players can learn what they need at the major-league level, it's crucial to have pitchers learning with knowledgeable, defensively competent catchers. Learning doesn't mean getting into bad habits or not throwing the curve for fear it will be missed.

  7. 3 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Valdez could start tomorrow, and on the 28th and be in line for a bullpen workout on the 2nd and the 5th starter role on April 7th.

    I don't think Elias/Hyde/Holt are happy with what they have seen from Akin/LeBlanc/Lopez in the 5th starter competition so they are adding another competitor in Valdez..   Now its up to Valdez to win the 5th starter role with his next two ST starts.


    2 hours ago, wildcard said:

    LeBlanc has a track record.  5.71 ERA in 2019,  8.06 ERA in 2020.  He is 36 years old  He is a soft tosser in the AL East which doesn't work real well.   They have not allowed him to go 4 innings.  I think they want him in long relief.   I am not saying that he will not start some games this year but I think they would like someone better if they can find someone

    Yes, LeBlanc has a track record as a starter for the Orioles. Why is it on track for Lopez to be named a starter if he only pitches 3 innings tomorrow but it says something negative about LeBlanc that has has already pitched 3 innings this Spring? And exactly what makes Valdez "better?"

    2 hours ago, Beef Supreme said:

    Meanwhile, 8 guys have started games. Felix is injured, Eshelman has thrown exactly one inning this Spring. So the last two slots come down to Harvey, Akin and LeBlanc. If your argument is how many innings they have allowed pitchers to work, then Akin is out with a total of 6.2 innings over three appearances. By your argument, LeBlanc gets the fifth spot in the rotation.


    2 hours ago, wildcard said:

    If that is your opinion, that is fine. Far be it from me to try to change it.

    Which of us is citing opinions? I cited a few facts and made a guess of who is in the SP competition based on who has started at least one game - a valid basis. Last year for the Orioles, LeBlanc made 6 starts in 6 appearances, Lopez made 6 starts in 9 games, Akin started 6 games of 8 he played. Lopez started zero games in 9 appearances. He only pitched 3 innings in two of those games but that proves he is in your view a more likely starter than LeBlanc because Wade hasn't reached four innings yet this Spring. This seems like yet another episode of "wildcard Hates Wade," the new CNS sitcom following "Bob Loves Abeshola." Cue the laughtrack so the viewers know when to chuckle along

    LeBlanc may be used in long relief and that's fine. But your opinions seem rooted in your hatred of LeBlanc, not on anything measurable from this Spring or from last season.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    LeBlanc has a track record.  5.71 ERA in 2019,  8.06 ERA in 2020.  He is 36 years old  He is a soft tosser in the AL East which doesn't work real well.   They have not allowed him to go 4 innings.  I think they want him in long relief.   I am not saying that he will not start some games this year but I think they would like someone better if they can find someone


    3 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    I have explained why I think Valdez may get a chance to show he can start.   We will just have to see what happens.

    Interesting argument. Valdez makes LeBlanc look like Steve Carlton. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    LeBlanc has a track record.  5.71 ERA in 2019,  8.06 ERA in 2020.  He is 36 years old  He is a soft tosser in the AL East which doesn't work real well.   They have not allowed him to go 4 innings.  I think they want him in long relief.   I am not saying that he will not start some games this year but I think they would like someone better if they can find someone

    Meanwhile, 8 guys have started games. Felix is injured, Eshelman has thrown exactly one inning this Spring. So the last two slots come down to Harvey, Akin and LeBlanc. If your argument is how many innings they have allowed pitchers to work, then Akin is out with a total of 6.2 innings over three appearances. By your argument, LeBlanc gets the fifth spot in the rotation.

  10. 1 minute ago, wildcard said:

    LeBlanc has a track record.  5.71 ERA in 2019,  8.06 ERA in 2020.  He is 36 years old  He is a soft tosser in the AL East which doesn't work real well.   They have not allowed him to go 4 innings.  I think they want him in long relief.   I am not saying that he will not start some games this year but I think they would like someone better if they can find someone

    Not going to let you move the goalposts. You were clearly talking about Spring Training performance.


    I don't think Elias/Hyde/Holt are happy with what they have seen from Akin/LeBlanc/Lopez in the 5th starter competition


  11. 18 minutes ago, wildcard said:

    I don't think Elias/Hyde/Holt are happy with what they have seen from Akin/LeBlanc/Lopez in the 5th starter competition so they are adding another competitor in Valdez..   Now its up to Valdez to win the 5th starter role with his next two ST starts.

    How could anyone not be happy with what they have seen from LeBlanc? 2.25 ERA, 1.00 WHIP, .103 BA against, 0 HR, 7.9 K/9...

    You notwithstanding, of course ?

    • Upvote 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Well and Dillon Tate also struck out the side, and ScreloerAlso did very well, but I think his ship has sailed, sadly.

    I wonder if Sulser will go down in favor of Tate?

    I always thought Tate deserved to make the team. Live arm. Never agreed that his option should make him the one to go to the minors.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Horrendous officiating. The refs should be embarrassed. Morsell didn't even touch Bouknight and fouled him out. They just called blocks on both ends of the court when offensive players pushed into the defender. They let Bouknight push over a defender earlier and called that a block, too. They called only ONE of three kicked balls -- how can they miss that???

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