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Beef Supreme

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Everything posted by Beef Supreme

  1. You can't prove that. Sheer speculation.
  2. Charlie Morton got 2/$30MM at 35 y.o. I don't think any of us can predict what Means will or will not get in Free Agency five season from now. Good pitching will bring goods offers.
  3. I like you, interloper. But regarding "cherry-picking," I have not excluded any post-cancer results. And how other players are doing has nothing to do with Mancini's progress; not including other players' stats does not fit the definition of "cherry-picking." However, you have ignored the crux of my OP by cherry-picking the set up of my question (my OP is not arguing a position). Since I get the feeling you shut down and stopped reading, here is the condensed version: Doubt Mike Elias thinks this is "dumb," as you call it. Fact is, his 2021 ST stats look almost identical to his 2020 ST stats (14 PAs, 4 singles, zero extra base hits .286/.286/.286), so far. I never claimed that the front office is convinced that 2020's .300/.318/.300 is proof he hasn't regained the necessary strength to begin the year in Baltimore, but it's unlikely they are dismissing the absence of extra base hits out of hand. Possibly, they are asking themselves the same question I asked: Is he ready now or does he need more time? You can bet Trey is under Elias' microscope. I expect they are closely monitoring his weight sessions, but even if they look comparable strength-wise, the endurance may still need time to reach previous levels. For a veteran who has performed to a high level in the recent past, he is probably the exception to the rule as far as the Orioles continuing to evaluate his performance to see whether he starts the year on the DL or on the roster. Maybe even they don't know the answer to that question yet.
  4. I have read you touting TWells for weeks now. Tony-OH has been coming around more recently. I think they are going to keep TWells and return Sceroler.
  5. I'm with you. Rarely do ST stats mean anything to me. The regulars who are expected to make the team won't lose their spots if they have a bad Spring. The only issue for them breaking camp would be an injury concern. But sometimes when we see a young player getting a good amount of time on the field, it could indicate that the coaches are considering bringing him north with the club. FTR: I think TWells makes the OD squad while Sceroler gets returned.
  6. I know, I know... Spring Training stats mean nothing. Nada. Zilch! But, truth is, sometimes they do show us something. True, I don't have the 1939 Grapefruit League stats. But I would wager huge bucks (huge for me, at least) that if we had the ST stats, Lou Gehrig's offensive production would be poor. Of course, Lou was an extraordinary case because of his illness. Gehrig's life came to an end just two years after that Spring Training. Fully recovered now, Trey Mancini looks to have a long life ahead of him. I have really loved his simple swing since first seeing it in either 2014 MiLB highlight videos. But Trey may need a little more time to get his strength back. This is not a new sentiment -- many other posters have expressed happiness about his recovery while also expressing wariness about whether he would be ready this Spring. So far, Mancini has registered 22 PAs this Spring: Six singles, Zero extra-base hits. Consider me concerned. I realize things could all change tomorrow. I know ST stats don't count for anything. And, yeah, SSS... All of those criticisms are valid. And I hope it's not true that Trey is not yet strong enough to hit major league pitching again. But how surprising would it be if Mancini isn't quite fully back up to the strength he had two years ago? Here's hoping the statistical power outage is meaningless and that he truly is back up to 100%. But if he is still a little weak, it might be in his best interest as well as the team's best interest to start the season on the DL. And that might be a good thing for the Orioles as they figure out whom to plan their near future on among their OF/1B/DH options.
  7. I used to love Andy. Totally forgot about him in Baltimore.
  8. Sweet! They signed a 1B/DH type of player.
  9. Preferring the #2 prospect in baseball with well-documented high reviews from numerous scouts = Weird Attachment. Preferring a prospect with no statistical backing from any form of organized baseball to bolster their argument = Not a Weird Attachment, Perfectly Reasonable. And if you disagree, you are proving that you have a weird attachment to the #2 prospect. Yeah, that sounds rational.
  10. My bottom right corner is showing a shot from high behind home plate. Not very helpful...
  11. By the way, not all of these suggested changes would shorten games, e.g. bigger bases.
  12. You want to shorten the game to five innings? Five inning games. Two strikes and you're out. 120 foot basepaths Deaden the ball to 1915 standards Bring back the spitball and allow all foreign substances by pitchers. Prohibit batting helmets Pretty easy to shorten the game to the length of commercials plus one hour. If you think whatever fans that remain will prefer mostly 1-0 games to what we have had the past century, I think you would be disappointed. Because it won't be baseball anymore if you would do anything to shorten the length of games or speed up the game. Pace of play is secondary to providing entertainment that captivates viewers. While I support certain rule changes, I also support testing all of them out first at the minor league level. MLB shouldn't be locked into ideas. Just because they test something in the minors doesn't mean they should commit to adopting them at the major league level in advance. Like any sport, league decision makers need to tread lightly so as not to fundamentally change the viewers' experience of watching the game.
  13. Where did you find it? My streams still are not working.
  14. Love the larger bases and the step off rule. Hate the two pick off limitation.
  15. This afternoon, I was going to jokingly post that the Orioles could complete the trade of Sisco for Andujar by adding Gray Fenter to sweeten the deal as soon as they get him back. Guess they can pick up the phone now.
  16. Short porch in Rightfield. >>> Sisco.
  17. Tyler Nevin will never be the hitter than Ryan Mountcastle is.
  18. Yeah, it's called advertising their product. That is why it is short-sighted and irresponsible for the Orioles not to telecast at least a dozen games every Spring. Are they losing money by covering Spring Training games on TV? The way I see it is that they need to invest in promoting their product and brand to all potential customers. There is a reason why Pepsi spends $2Billion in advertising annually even though everyone already knows what they are. The reason is that they want to stay #2 in revenue in the beverage industry. If they stopped advertising, their revenues would crumble and then collapse. The Angeloses -- I am assuming they are the decision makers in this case -- are shooting themselves in the feet by refusing to reach out to the Orioles' fans by televising Orioles games this Spring. And if the reason is money solely, it's "pound-foolish."
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