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Beef Supreme

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Everything posted by Beef Supreme

  1. Maybe. But I have hair and I am not trying to pull it out. First Base is not such an "easy" position.
  2. Oh My GOD! Do I want to see Stewart at First Base!?! No I do not!!!
  3. This is probably more realistic. But then they're playing Mountcastle at 1B. Or Davis.
  4. This is a good way to look at it. I think I have been seeing things through rose-colored glasses. We've seen enough dramatic rebounds that sometimes we forget the real-life possibilities. I've been a really big Trey guy since I was watching his early MiLB highlights on youtube.
  5. When we are looking forward to a Cedric AB, yep!
  6. The elephant in the room regarding the infield is the health of Trey next year. If he is capable of playing to/close to his top ability, he is going to be the First Baseman. But tonight, we have no idea how things will look 5-6 months from now with his recovery. His presence may directly affect Nunez's roster spot. Ruiz's, too.
  7. Yeah he did. But he looked pretty confident. Like he could possibly become a BOR. I have or had pretty much become resigned to thinking of him as a reliever.
  8. There are a lot of bad hings about this team, too. But I am savoring the last of the summer wine (I think I used that phrase correctly).
  9. I know you haven't been watching much, but did you see his Friday night miss?
  10. There are some good things to say about Orioles pitching this year. Means had a bumpy start but look s to be getting into a groove. I'm cool with his ERA being a run lower than his FIP every year. Cobb has been healthy, which is pretty good unto itself. Kremer has impressed in his three starts. D.L.on Tate (see what I did there) has a live arm and may prove the Britton trade more worthwhile than acquiring a negative WAR third baseman. And Akin looks truly competent as a starter so far tonight.
  11. Agreed. Both Frobby and I were predicting good things from Ruiz prior to 2019. Despite his strong start in 2020, he looks like he has a giant sized hole in his swing and is mediocre or worse in the field.
  12. Nicer than I am willing to be, obviously. :-)
  13. Akin has looked OK. That's a good thing.
  14. And those couple innings of DJ in the field each week will cause his manager to wear out the prayer beads.
  15. I am still appalled DJ didn't get a second error on Saturday night. He deserved it. Bad decision by the scorer.
  16. And last year's World Series champion picking 6th.
  17. My idea was more simplistic: Take the order of finish from this year and from last year then tally the placements. Example for Orioles: 29 last year plus ?23? this year totals 52, which probably translates to 25th or 26th or something. Senators finished ?5? last year and ?26? this year for a total of 31, which might translate to 13th or so. Not sure whether it would be much different from Frobby's order. But I guess we won;t need to bother doing the math on this at the end of the season,
  18. Yes. I love having a range-y CF.
  19. Meddle with contract offers, maybe. Meddle with draft picks? I don't see how he could.
  20. DJ is making me yearn for Trumbo's defensive prowess in RF,
  21. I'm blaming DJ on Dook, not Buck.
  22. You remembered! That touches my heart, C_o_c!
  23. The day he was drafted, I said on here, "Great, another DH." And since that's all he can do, he's going to have to hit really well to keep a job/ And I don't know that he has such a great stick that he can be a DH-only MLBer.
  24. That was terrible on Valaika's part. You have to stop that ball before worrying about laying a tag.
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