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Beef Supreme

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Everything posted by Beef Supreme

  1. For me there are two reasons to believe Villar could fall short of 4 WAR or even 3 WAR for the next 2 - 4 years. Firstly, my eye test leads me to think that he is a worse fielder than his 2019 0.0 dWAR illustrates. With age, I could see him going into the negative with dWAR. Secondly, in the 4.0 and 3.9 WAR seasons, Villar tallied 40 and 62 stolen bases respectively, which had a substantial impact. His reflexes could dim as he continues to mature. I could see him dropping into the high teens in steals as early as 2020. If that happens, he could fall to a 2 WAR player in the blink of an eye and continue to drop from there.
  2. Bundy is under team control for two more years, not just one.
  3. It's like getting baseball analysis from Durga.
  4. I truly believe the "save rule" had absolutely nothing to do with Showalter's decision.
  5. MLB ultimately took action prior to the 2017 season:
  6. On MiLB rehab, opposing teams were screaming "illegal" from the dugouts at Capps' pitches. But minor league umpires concluded Capps had his own extra, invisible rubber, 54 feet from home plate. MLB umps followed suit, refusing to follow the rules when Capps returned to the majors from injury.
  7. I, too, would be happy to move Mancini for a worthwhile return -- by which I mean a couple of A-level prospects who show some possibility of making the majors. An injury can change a contender's perception of a player's value in a heartbeat.
  8. If you watch that vid on twitter, you will see that those guys are the most suckful whiffle ball players I have ever seen. They should be embarrassed posting that video. And he displays game records against his father and other friends along with the number of home runs he has hit against each opponent. OMFG! Too funny, in an absurd way. btw: Dude is 150 wins, 152 losses against his father.
  9. I think Cortes' delivery and all the Japanese pitchers' herky-jerky deliveries are fine and in accordance with baseball rules. If Capps had not been re-planting his back foot after pushing off of the rubber -- an irrefutable breach of the rules -- his fastball would have topped out in the low 70s. What I don't get is why he didn't start hopping a third time since the umpires were letting him get away with his illegal second hop.
  10. No. There is Capps with his illegal delivery and maybe one other pitcher blatantly breaking the rules. The rest of the league pitchers do not replant their push off foot six feet in front of the rubber. Trying to equate what nearly all NBA players do (carrying) to what one pitcher does is a poor comparison.
  11. Henneman has been a disastrously bad sportswriter for 20+ years and counting.
  12. They do when the dimension is with the bat.
  13. And if you can't adjust to a leg stutter in whiffle ball and feel compelled to complain about it, I have some disparaging names to call you...
  14. But, Cortes supplied a legal delivery. Unlike Carter Capps, who jumped off the rubber and illegally re-planted his drive foot prior to release. How was he ever allowed to get away with that blatantly illegal delivery?
  15. "Maybe some people are just overly politically correct and need to lighten up and stop looking for issues where there is no issues." by: Redskins Rick, April 29, 2019
  16. Depends. But it's way different.
  17. I am grateful to you for letting me know that Balmer is not a slur. Clearly, I was wrong in thinking that outsiders were insulting Baltimoreans when they act out their nearly Jolson-esque caricatures of us because I am overly "sensitive." I just needed the help of someone not from Baltimore to teach me about how I should feel.
  18. If it weren't still meant to be a slur, outsiders wouldn't bother intentionally misspelling the name of the city. They would not gleefully spout out their fake-ass Baltimore accents, attempting to veil their elitist contempt of people less wealthy than themselves under the guise of "humor." And then defend their [removed] on Baltimoreans by saying, "Don't be so sensitive." Maybe add a "Lighten Up, Francis" clip to rub your face in it.
  19. If you are insulting Baltimore and Baltimoreans, it's "all the same." People like to be called what their name is, not some slur of it. Imagine how insulting a person could be to you if they changed a couple of letters in your moniker. That would be the same as this intended slur was.
  20. Where in the hell is "Balmer?"
  21. And because they are usually not coordinated enough to hit a baseball. Especially with tall players, it is the rare player who can handle covering his own strike zone.
  22. Later in his career, Walt asked the media to cease calling him "No-Neck" on TV because the moniker scared his children.
  23. OK, b/c I think he will get 300PAs, not ABs.
  24. Davis: At Bats, right. Not Plate Appearances?
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