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Beef Supreme

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Everything posted by Beef Supreme

  1. Similar to my idea of an enormous centerfield -- 500' sounds about right -- but with two Monster-esque walls staring @ 300' at the foul poles and jutting out sharply from both foul lines. Balls smashed to RF or LF bang around in a pinball-like fashion while balls to center that find grass keep on rolling. Puts more of a premium on centerfield speed while increasing offensive excitement by keeping more balls in play that would have been homers.
  2. Saturday afternoon games would be more family oriented compared to the Saturday night games. The summer months allow more flexibility for families who travel to other ballparks. The height of Summer -- late June to early August -- would allow more of those fans who travel long-distances to see their team play against teams from the regionally divided other league. My suggestion is focused on attendance rather than television ratings. Though I, too, would love to be able to watch Saturday afternoon games on regular TV.
  3. I was not saying the scoring player should be the kicker (that was Drungo) so a team could still fake the 1-point kick and go for the 2-point score. Also, I don't want to put the PAT hashmarks "near the sideline." NFL hashmarks are 70.75 feet from the sidelines. The PT hashmarks that I would add at the three-yard line would be 55 feet from the sidelines, or thereabout. Increasing the angle at which the PAT is kicked would increase the difficulty.
  4. I like this. I thought they should have a second set of hashmarks for PATs that were wider than the goal posts at the 3-yard line. That way, they could choose to kick, go for 2, or fake the kick and go for 2.
  5. At this time, I do not think i would advocate eliminating two pinch-hitters in a row. How do you feel about it?
  6. Similar to what I have advocated for years now: regional alignment of 32 teams divided into 2 Leagues, 2 Divisions, 8 teams per division, 154 game schedule weighted to the individual teams league opponents, evenly balanced within the league, 4 wild card teams that play 3-game divisional series in the ballparks of the teams that have the better records. all subsequent playoff series are best-of-7. The abolition of everyday interleague play. Interleague play restricted to eight (playing the 8 opponents in the other leagues divisions in alternating years) weekends from late June to early August -- all 4-game series with Saturday doubleheaders. From Memorial Day to Labor Day during which time all Saturdays will feature split-gate doubleheaders. The 26-man roster expands to 28 players for weekend series featuring doubleheader Saturdays. End the regular season @ September 15 to try to finish the World Series by October 21. I am sure some of those specifics would need to be tweaked. I think the League could get the Union to agree to Saturday doubleheaders with the one-man roster expansion as well as the 2-man additional roster expansion on weekends featuring doubleheaders.
  7. I would not be surprised if the league's goal is to implement a two-batter minimum for pitchers. They may have started the negotiation by listing a three-batter minimum so it looks like they are compromising in good faith. I would support a two-batter minimum for pitchers. At least that is how I feel about it at this time.
  8. Oh, yeah, that's all. Just make an effort. And then win! They should have tried that approach last Spring.
  9. But the implementation of a universal DH has seemed inevitable for some time now.
  10. I like the set-up as it is currently so that fans who like the DH can enjoy the game as well as fans who like to have pitchers hitting. Vive la difference!
  11. Seeing this sticky for the first time tonight -- b/c I often overlook the stickies... This is likely the very best post you have made, Tony, during my limited participation on OH. This sticky represents the heart and soul of what we fans will using to judge the new administration. We all are hoping for great results, obviously. Regardless, this excellent post will remain a trove of the brilliant transactions and signings of this front office leadership, as well as the mediocre and the not-good-at-all transactions.
  12. Like the old baseball adage: "Who cares about defense up the middle?"
  13. I celebrate every MFY loss. Even when the Orioles also lose. This year, the best case scenario is "Orioles lose; MFY lose."
  14. This thread will always make me happy. Seeing the title brings a smile to my face when nothing else about this season does.
  15. A salary cap would exacerbate the gap between the wealthiest teams and the others. A salary cap would ensure smaller market teams would be feeders of talent to the biggest-market clubs. I believe that you mean well by your suggestion, but the economics of instituting a salary cap would result in the exact opposite of what you wish it would accomplish.
  16. From bloodhorse.com, a reader comments about horseracing, lasix and masking... I also read that when taking Lasix, horses will lose up to thirty pounds of water weight after being administered it. Seems an effective way to flush any administered drugs from a body.
  17. It not a simple either/or proposition. Sardinas was in the minors. Flaherty did not want to start the year in the minors in Philadelphia. He would not have started the year except for in Baltimore if he had re-signed with the organization. Maybe you would prefer Flaherty over Valencia. But there was never a choice between Sardinas and Flaherty.
  18. 26 pitches in an inning can burn an arm. Easier on the arm to throw three innings of 45 pitches than two innings of 34.
  19. Don't worry, Flaherty isn't "really good."
  20. At yesterday's game, my friend was talking about playing a 5-infielder shift -- which the Twins employed yesterday -- while I talked about using a 4-outfielder shift. I appreciate you mentioning this.
  21. This comment piqued my curiosity. And started me worrying... What are you saying here?
  22. Crossed my mind, too, that the Orioles' best offensive lineup may be the one with $35 Million sitting on the bench.
  23. Gotta be careful when talking about Brady and using the phrase, "in the butt."
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