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Beef Supreme

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Posts posted by Beef Supreme

  1. 1 hour ago, Frobby said:

    Having not seen the pitch, I can’t say whether they seemed to hit Sisco intentionally.  We do know that he gets hit a lot.   

    I had a look at 2018-19 (NL only) to see if the no. 8 hitter gets hit more often than other spots.   If you squint hard, you might say yes.


    Overall: 0.99% batters hit

    Batting 7th: 1.06%

    Batting 8th: 1.11%


    Overall: 1.12%

    Batting 7th: 1.15%

    Batting 8th: 1.26%

    My guess is, if this is anything more than just random chance, it may be a matter of pitchers being more willing to pitch inside to the 8th batter in an effort to get them to hit a pitch they can’t drive, rather than hitting them intentionally.   

    By the way, don’t make too much of the fact that both no. 7 and no. 8 get hit more than average.   The average includes the no. 9 spot, which has much lower HBP numbers than any of the others for obvious reasons.   

    Are these numbers league-wide? Is there a noticeable difference between the NL and the AL?


    1 hour ago, Moose Milligan said:

    People that like watching pitchers hit get their minds blown when you explain that there's just as much strategy involved with a DH.  

    It has been argues that there is far more strategy to be considered when using the DH because so many moves are automatic when pitchers are in the batting order.

    • Upvote 1
  3. On 4/19/2021 at 9:41 AM, Beef Supreme said:

    Galvis will play just about every day regardless of how he is hitting. Who else are you going to give semi-regular playing time to at SS when his bat is cold?


    On 4/19/2021 at 2:30 PM, wildcard said:

    Valaika is not the greatest SS but Urias is more error prone at SS than Valaika.

    Neither player should be getting semi-regular playing time at SS. If they are the options, they need to keep trotting Galvis out there regardless of how deep of a slump he may be in. And if he goes on the DL, play Martin there for a week or two

  4. 9 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Well, it ain’t pretty, but…

    And to all those guys who are annoyed because I’m always screaming about defense, imagine how trouble free this game would’ve been if we had had some clean defense, instead of what we had. Frankel is making me almost nostalgic for Mark Reynolds.

    Frankel used to be the name of a Baltimore-area Cadillac dealer.

  5. 2 hours ago, wildcard said:

    As the team is configured now, Urias is the backup at SS.   Probably very limited use there.  We may see Martin promoted sometime this summer if needed.   I consider Valaika a better backup SS than Urias.

    Valaika is incapable of playing SS at then MLB level. I remember a him coming in on a 3-hopper hit straight to him, yet he couldn't throw out the runner on a clean exchange. That's anecdotal, sure, but I can't remember any shortstop being so slow in his normal exchange that a runner could beat out a throw on a routine play. FTR, in 2020 he was -25 Rdrs in a mere 145 innings. I know you are a big fan and supporter of Valaika, but neither stats nor the eye test deem him a competent shortstop. Whoever spells Galvis, it shouldn't be Valaika unless he is the absolute last possible SS on the bench.

  6. 37 minutes ago, rm5678 said:

    On the TV broadcasts they've been saying ticket prices are the same online as they are at the box office. But that probably doesn't take into account the (high) fees for online tickets. I'm assuming there are no fees for tickets bought in-person, but someone on here would need to confirm that.

    Just a matter of time before they tack on a transaction fee surcharge for on-site ticket purchases like Rams Head Live has done (though Rams Head Live claims on its website they do not currently add surcharges for on-site ticket purchases.)

  7. 8 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    I disagree with Tony that those wild pitches were on Sisco.  One of them in particular took a nasty hop in the opposite direction of the side Lakins yanked the pitch to.   Sisco shifted his body in the direction the ball was headed and the ball spun the other way.   Not his fault IMO.   

    Based on casual observation, I feel pitch blocking is one area where Sisco is half decent.   Of course I haven’t looked at any numbers.   

    That had to have been scored a Wild Pitch, not a Passed Ball. Right?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Philip said:

    Ha! Plutko’s wife is from Plano, which is where I live. And he lives here in the off-season.

    something else you won’t hear from Kevin Brown. Because Brown is an idiot.

    I used to have plastic bins used for shipping products to Rite Aid. For some reason these particular plastic bins had written in magic marker on their sides, "Not In Plano." Never figured out why.

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