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Everything posted by Natty

  1. If Davis takes PEDs they sure ain't working.
  2. How can you edit a post on here? I don't see it. I sent a message to Admin OH 4 days ago and no answer .  Cant send any messages it says my in box is full. I have 1 message message in my inbox. WTF?

    1. weams


      You become a plus member. Don't know about your box. I'll take a look. I never received a note fro, you.


  3. The Orioles can take above average, or even great pitchers, and turn them into below average pitchers. Amazing ain't it?
  4. Rickard is a better fielder, faster, and hits better than Santander. I must be missing something.
  5. Couldn't help but notice Flaherty is leading the NL in batting, .362.
  6. He already led us in BA last year. I think he will be a great hitter.
  7. Year before last...I posted that since Gallardo was leading the team in batting Buck should use him as a pinch hitter. Sounds preposterous doesn't it? Guess what Buck did shortly after I posted that? 

  8. I don't know. But I do know that throwing to a base with no one on your team anywhere near there is not becoming of a golden glover. Or a platinum glover. LOL. Also we have pitchers not covering, it happened again today.
  9. We are blowing fundamentals like covering bases...
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