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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I dont disagree with you. It might be doable this season because of COVID, but IMO, I dont see MLB adopting this as the new baseball way.
  2. https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2020/04/mlbtr-poll-a-3-division-plan.html a pretty unconventional plan thrown out there among the other multiple other plans.
  3. MLB is allowing this now https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2020/04/mlb-will-permit-teams-to-develop-ticket-refund-policies.html
  4. The sad thing here, the chemo also weakens his immune, making him more susceptible for COVID.
  5. Just thinking out loud here. Shutting baseball down, will probably affect pitchers more than others, and even with a brief ST to get them pitching again, I wonder if we wont see a rash of pitcher ailments across the league. I hope not, I would not wish that on any team.
  6. They do have better depth than some team, But, they lost 2 or 3 of their projected SP staff and most teams will feel that.
  7. social distancing for the most part was a nuisance. I mean, we have so much to do at homes, whole different ERA than when you and I grew up. Stay at home for a few weeks was nice in one way, but sucked, sleeping alone and each one having an assigned bathroom, and practicing social distancing with your spouse sucks, at least for me it did, after being somebody for 45 years. Sorry the front line and first responders has it rough, its no nuisance to them.
  8. I remember Brinkman well. Bob Short owner of the Senators, traded Rodriguez, Brinkman and others, for drug addict Denny McClain. I found this nice writeup, written 15 years after the tragic death at 52.
  9. He is, I totally agree. I hate cancer, lost some deal family members to it over the years, and I am not alone in this. Cancer is a terrible thing.
  10. The year he played for the Senators and I watched him, he had 19 HR and 76 RBIs with a OPS of .729 Hitting in front of Howard might have helped a tad bit. But my recollections that year was he had a decent bat at the time time. His career dWAR was significantly better than his oWAR.
  11. At the time I was way too young to have a stake in either side, just sat back and watch how hard they could argue....it was funny to me.
  12. Yeah, they were incensed with the money Marris got, and nobody was worth that kind of money. Nobody could call guys like Ted Williams lazy, he did his military service with honor and not just as flag bearers.
  13. Im sure there was complainers, lord knows my granddaddy and my uncles along with my father could argue and complain about sports.
  14. On this day, my Senators dropped another one. https://www.baseball-reference.com/boxes/WS2/WS2197004260.shtml' The next day they made this blockbuster trade (tongue in cheek) April 27, 1970: Ken McMullen was traded by the Senators to the California Angels for Aurelio Rodríguez and Rick Reichardt.[7] Aurelio briefly played the Orioles late in his career. While not Brooksie, of course, many were, he was pretty good with the glove and a decent bat.
  15. Corn, factually, you are absolutely correct. Negligible on a national level. It just bugs the heck of me, people with money can get and do just about anything, and at times at the expense of Joe Blow public. Tired of quarantining in your 20 million dollar pad in Malibu, just in your private jet and fly to Idado to your 500 acre family compound. Want to exercise, walk to your own private gym, or take a dip in your own private indoor pool. LOL, I guess I should have posted in this in RANTS lol
  16. Thanks. Well duh Shame here in Md, we had trouble getting staff tested that had come into contact with COVID patients at assisted living center. They were sent home from work for 10 days before they finally got tested.
  17. Somehow it appears that the pro sports are able to test their players and coaching staff for COVID-19, yet, there area a shortage of kits on the street, and the public isnt getting tested without symptoms, and no retests for those with it, to ensure its gone from their system
  18. Almost every place in my town, is curbside service only, customers are not being allowed in stores. Traffic congestion is probably 2/3 less than normal. Yeah, the fast food places have long lines in the drive through, but that isnt breaking social distancing rules. Ive seen live drone pictures of Baltimore, and its more empty than I have ever seen it.
  19. some restaurant are being allowed to reopen in some places, as long as its limited table service, and they customers can maintain social distancing from the other tables.
  20. Lived in England for 3 years, many years ago. I watched more cricket than I thought I would. Never did get the grasp of the game, but to be fair, I was only amusingly watching and really not trying.
  21. John Wayne Chisum movie, he kept running into people, who thought he was dead.
  22. People over the age of 80 are at a high risk of dying with this virus. Throw in additional medical underlying conditions and that increases the odds against them.
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