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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. LOL I was wondering when the famous OH Historian would make an appearance in his wheelhouse of expertise. Reynolds wasnt half bad at first, absolute menace to society at third.
  2. People have died from digesting fish tank hydroxychloroquine, thinking it would vaccinate them from the virus. So YES, people are that bloody stupid.
  3. 59 mile BP fastballs, he could slug out of the park, regardless. He was swinging pretty good in ST, better than he had in a couple of STs.
  4. Dead ball, gloves were pretty sketchy thin, and bats were tooth picks, compared to these days.
  5. Keep in mind, there is a 2nd round of COVID expected in the fall around flu season and more deadlier. For those that are skeptic, just look to the 1918 Spanish flu, and round was way more deadly.
  6. Never. If you poll the owners, they are all in his band wagon, and he is a puppet for them.
  7. Not with his laughing stock of a commish. I do agree, the Yankees, Dodgers and Red Sox are held to a different set of "wink wink" rules.
  8. One of OH true doom and gloomers. Hopefully, thats just his personality here in OH. I shudder to think how he is in RL.
  9. I guess, I will leave that with my GP of 40 years, who I trust way more than well intended experts with a keyboard and internet access. He said that COVID gave me, bilateral pneumonia. Nursing homes and hospitals get pneumonia, because many of them are weakened state and dont move around much. This decreases their ability for their lungs to get good air exchange and removing the CO2 and getting in good O2. The day I was stricken was a normal day. I was up about and about, doing things that I normally do.
  10. I didnt think Boston was going to get hit much. Just a feeling I had. Are they as guilty as Houston was. Seams, when it first came out, it didnt seem to be as embedded or as long as Houston had done. I get all teams cheat to a degree, or what we would call, pushing the grey line into sportsmanship. Clearly Houston was way beyond and probably should have been hit even harder. I need to reread up on what Boston admitted to and what they were charged with doing
  11. My own GP who I followed up with, said he has been reading the medical world, he didnt say where, and that the combination they used on me was really working well in some cases. One final thing, and I doubt I will find anything to say to convince you other wise. So we will agree to disagree. IV Fluids do work wonders, on those that are dehydrated and I can tell you, I was not dehydrated, I had my normal water intake of 4, 32 oz tumblers during the day and evening. I did not run a fever, I never had any fever with this. I was not vomiting or having dire end. The virus was attacking my colon and I had intense pressure onto off my chest, and cold chills, with white clammy skin, classic heart attack systems. They said I had serious pneumonia, which was news to me, as I hadnt had any trouble breathing until that morning when all this hit me and hit me hard. They also put me on O2, and my Pulse Sox rate was dropping.
  12. Thanks, and I appreciate being better, and I apologize if this hits close to home for me but it does. Scant evidence. 6K doctors worldwide sampled in the survey, and reported using it and it was their best combination of drugs, they found to work. Thats not anecdotal I was taken to the ER by ambulance and feeling the worse, could barely walk or function. Several hours later, I was actually up and about and while extremely tired, I was functioning on my own in ICU. No GD sugar pill or snickers bar is going to do that. So lets sit back and give people candy and just let them die. So far, way too many people have lost their lives to this damn virus
  13. Salon, wow, reliable news source. Considering New Jersey has one of higher death rates in the US, do you honestly believe this report?
  14. The whole world is using this, even before the US had, and yet they take time to throw a dig at Trump. I think its interesting they are placing blame for the death on the drug, and claim the people would have recovered better without the drug. Did you read the Washington time artice? Over 6K doctors surveyed and they were agreement that hydroxychloroquine and zpack was so far the best combination of drugs to fight the virus?
  15. Im old enough to remember those things. They are older then me even. lol
  16. I thought MLB was moving to Taiwan to play? The Taipei Orioles and the Kaohsiung City Marines.
  17. I loved to watch smokin Joe Orsulak double guys off 2nd. Not your standard double plays, but catching a fly out, and hard throw to 2nd, is a pretty sight when your team does it. Ripken to his right and well in the outfield when a jump twist and throw to Billy and 2nd, Billy jumping in the air to miss the slide, and throwing to first, was fun too.
  18. I would love to see you back this claim up, with a valid reliable source and not an attack on Trump. Considering our death rate is half of what the world is seeing, and I suspect that if China and Korean numbers were honest, then that death rate would be even more higher than it currently is. Even with treatment, this is a very deadly virus, people are dying from it. Especially those with underling medical conditions. People have died from home treatments using hydroxychloroquine for fish tanks, shouldnt be counted as the cause, just plain stupidity. from the Washington Times:
  19. Im alive because of hydroxchloroquine. I am also sure it doesnt work on everybody. But why not try it on the patients? Its not like an experimental drug, its a known drug that many other countries are using with good results.
  20. I have some relatives that are Cub fans, and they would never think about rooting for the White Sox, if their live depended on it. It took me almost 10 years to switch from the Senators after they left and follow the Orioles, and I only wish the Nationals to do well, if the Orioles are. I would love to see a parkway world series.
  21. I understand, for me, hop down 197, turn left on Rt 301 and then right into the park. Normally, I get to Bowie during week nights, so granted, iso evening/late afternoon weather is better than early afternoon. No, not been to hardly any minor league parks. I hit AAA in Albuquerque years ago, when Dempsey was managing, and that wasn't why I went there. but, it was good to meet him. Wasnt a bad stadium. I seen a few minor league stadiums from the outside in the Midwest and Kentucky, and not all that, almost sandlotish. I think Md has several nice minor league stadiums. Sad to see them contradict the minor league system.
  22. I have to agree with you. Other colleges like Florida State or UNLC, you can stake and just play sports. Duke is ranked #10 in all academia, which put it above 3 of the IVY league schools.
  23. I love Bowie, and not sure why you have trouble getting to Bowie, its pretty convenient off 2 major roads and toss in 197 as another smaller road to get there. The stadium is great, not a bad seat in the house, parking is close and free, usually always a breeze as it backs up against a good set of trees
  24. Question, would the manager put Britton in during extra innings, or save him?
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