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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I think it was Buck that actually pull the plug on pies in the face, dealing with million dollar contracts, the last thing they need is somebody hurt accidently.
  2. Are the cable subscribers getting money back on their monthly cable bill, as there are no games to broadcast? So when the summer Olympic games get canceled, will NBC get back their 1.4Billion fee to purchase the rights to broadcast the game? I wouldnt be so quick to assume yes, figuring the contract would take up several hundred pages, and a dream team of lawyers on each side arguing. @Frobby What say you?
  3. Its a signed contract and not a pay per game. I dont know. I dont play a lawyer on TV or in here. I suspect it might end up in ligation.
  4. and spreading the germs to innocent people.
  5. With Kate as his wife, pitching is probably not first thing on his mind.
  6. people should not have to be told to the right thing. No public events with more than 10 people in it, its pretty simple. Stay away from people and keep yourself safe.
  7. when other countries are under reporting and withholding numbers, then its all subject to MEH. I think if you look at the US, the numbers are lower than expected, and hopefully, we are not at a place where the worst is yet to come.
  8. Technically they dont pay rent, but they do pay lots of money. Im sure, you know that.
  9. There is a plant in West Virginia that makes this and they are ramping up.
  10. Each MLB donated 1 Million US dollars, so that the stadium workers, etc would get paid.
  11. According to this, the primary source is in Israel
  12. I think cable TV money pays the bills. Now, do they have to return money for no games, good question. I see no season this summer.
  13. I believe Australia is already using it in a pilot study on humans. The president was just on, they have already ramped up the orders, and there are a couple of different companies able to produce this drug quickly and effectively
  14. Thankfully, this med wont be needed long term, just short term to get well quickly. Almost like TAMAFLU for the flu.
  15. Yet, one of the OH posters was bragging about Italy and how well they were doing, and yet, complaining how the US was doing nothing. SMH Caution, for all, be very careful about the JHU site, there are a couple of fake sites that look like JHU that will cyber attack your device.
  16. No single manger is ever perfect. You look hard enough at Sparky, Tommy, Tony, Casey and all made brilliant moves, and bone head moves. Yes, Buck make a colossal mistake, it happens. Over all, look at this body of work while at the helm, he had a darn good 5 year run. I still had faith in him, until Peter came back in charge and ruined the team and made it unplayable.
  17. I agree. Price gone, now Sale gone. Not going to shed any tears for them. If I had bet money, I would have figured Price with his windup, would have been next on the TJ list. But, just shows you, that I can be wrong.
  18. I loved reading Boswell over the years, but had to stop when the Post decided to put up a paywall.
  19. I dont care what the senate does. The IRS has announced it, and they are the authority on taxes. (2 days ago) https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/payment-deadline-extended-to-july-15-2020
  20. He is clueless about COVID-19 too. If this is badly, then he really needs to look hard at other countries, and what really is going on. It is so much worse there.
  21. and no penalties or interest, like they normally would, if you filed a regular extension.
  22. Not true, Fed was extended to July 15 before Md did. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-new-tax-deadline-pay-by-july-15-11584576882
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