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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I dont consider myself at high risk, yet, I have elderly family member that have age and health conditions that make them at high risk. I also work in an industry that can be done from my home and telecomunting either.
  2. I meant it as a joke and I meant Nick, and I know, its more likely that I get a date with Kate Upton, than Nick coming back, and neither is happening. I remember Palmer's comeback at 46(?????) and how that failed. He thought he still had major league quality stuff.
  3. Its pretty simple, smoking attacks your respiratory system. This is a respiratory virus, which attacks, you got it, the respiratory system. very young, and over 60 is at risk of the virus. Those elderly over 80 and even more at risk. Health conditions also make you a risk.
  4. They also said yesterday the millennials are going to be the ones they need to stop the spread of this. They are young and fearless and feel healthy, so they keep going out and about and unknowingly infect others.
  5. Your right, very uncharted territory for sure. I think watching the briefer, it was we might be out of this by May, but wouldnt be surprise if this didnt run July/Aug.
  6. Wonder about super 2 status, if they arent playing, then nobody's clock is moving. Right?
  7. Yesterday the CDC recommending shutting down everything for 8 weeks, to let the virus run its course, and they dont expect it to be finish before July into August.
  8. Ive been out to eat 3 times this week and the places are pretty well packed. Stores are packed and shelves bare, like a snow flake in the air.
  9. Not everybody is in agreement with the CDC either. Some have citicized them for their initial handling and leading to the hysteria.
  10. Not trying to be flippet, but with the 41 deaths, nothing to test for, dead is dead, and 41 families are impacted. 5,375 from what I read, is the death outside of the US. Which is why I said, so far, the US has done relatively well in comparison.
  11. Even if they start in May, I wonder if they wont be playing before empty stands.
  12. Interaction with Oriole Fans on OH is good training for this....lol
  13. I get it and no matter what MLB does to handle it, 2/3 of the mlb fan base will be in total disagreement.
  14. Shortened season, much like the strike shortened season of many years ago. I dont see any reasonable way to add the games back into the schedule. Double headers are frowned on these days by the owners and players. So you probably just skip the first part of the season and start from there.
  15. Sure looks like this is a variation of who makes the 26 man roster. We sure need multiple threads to discuss the same topic.
  16. I think the two weeks, is just a ploy to give them additional time to sort through the details, and to see how this pandemic is doing.
  17. some pitchers like thin skin on their finger tips, helps them with a feel of the ball in their grip
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