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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I agree with you! Which is why I said relatively well. From all the block notifications I see, it does work.
  2. The ignore feature works relatively well.
  3. My son saw it, whenever he was stationed jsut to mention getting sick from it and I saw it, but that was an Air Force base. I get it, the flu shot is a personal issue, some feel strongly one way or the other, usually none are MEH about it.
  4. I feel for you. Currently, the flu is still way more deadlier than CORNA. Thousands die yearly in the US alone from the flu. My last flu shot, it put me in bed for 5 days with the flu. Go watch an army base and when they do the flu shot, see the long lines at sick call. There is so much confusing information out, but the one thing that I saw from a gov post, that the major difference in CORNA, is a shortness of breath and pneumonia systems as its a respiratory virus. They claimed rarely will you have fever, sniffles or cough. So far here in Md, the only confirmed cases, are those that have traveled overseas.
  5. Sorry, I dont find the caption very funny as I have members in the category. I do not believe this is the plaque that will wipe out 1/3 the population, but sadly for some, its a very real concern.
  6. At the current point in time. The FLU is more deadly than CORNAVIRUS is. With that said, the elderly, the young, and those with health risks are the most susceptible to this. We should be aware of this situation, and monitor it, but the mass hype and hysteria are way out there. There is a run on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, gloves and wipes. Prices have sky rocketed and people are jumping in to make their money. I think those that run events that cater to the public, need to keep an eye on things and start having a contingency plan in place, that is prudent.
  7. I have to agree with you. Being a Terp fan for decades, its been up and down over the years, it took a long time to recover from Bias and Gary had some good years, and winning the big one, was a great moment for this team. I do not see Turgeon winning the big one here, or anywhere else for that matter. Maryland is a not an easy sell for a recruiter, you have to have decent SAT scores and is not a tier 1 school based on name, like Duke, KY, UCLA, etc.
  8. Mora was in DR, trying to interest Orioles scouting onto good prospects and couldnt even get his calls returned.
  9. Maybe he is more into rebuilding the entire organization with better players into the system first? No need to waste FA money now, wait until you are a few pieces away .
  10. He must have his reasons. Glad to see they arent going to just keep any rule 5 guy, that guy has to earn it.
  11. I think most of us understand. But, go back to last season, if you arent doing great in ST, most likely you are not going to deal real in the regular season, unless its just rust and timing issues. None of us, expect a return to what he was, when he was very good. I would settle for above replacement level, which is more than we had the previous 2 seasons. He could come out and have a career year, and some in OH, would still be unhappy and complaining about why he is on the roster.
  12. Great Information When you retire, you can get @Tony-OH to hire you for staffing here.
  13. I dont remember him hitting BP in ST well last season.
  14. Guess the expenses of airing a preseason game, doesn't generate enough revenue to offset the costs to air.
  15. It was mentioned last week by Roch and here in OH.
  16. I would too, like I said, I hate to play the blame Brady, but things like the changes in Davis over the years, it has to be considered.
  17. Maybe this was the Brady touch? He kept working with Tilly, and suddenly Tilly found out that it was too much conditioning, but by then too late. I hate to play the Brady game, because I think he did a lot of good for the team, and the players. But, we have to be honest and at least consider the possibility.
  18. He is swinging with his whole body, and I think he was shocked at how much his hip was impacting his ability to twist. Sometimes when we lose something gradual, we dont notice the difference. Personally, I think its a combination of things. He was given a set of goals to accomplish over the off season, and apparently this has corrected one of the issue. I say some of it is mental, you lose confidence in your own ability, maybe try to much, maybe over think things too much. He is looking more like himself at the plate. Is this permanent? Way to soon. Wonder what happens, when during the regular season, he hits his first slump. Does it knock him off his confidence for the entire season???????
  19. Just a few guys ahead of him on the depth cart.
  20. Dont we have to fill the position slots first, before worrying about the bench?
  21. But of all of those, you dont expect weak arm to be the issue where they arent there now. Most SS in HS also pitch too, like Cal Jr.
  22. Im old store and prefer to put my crap in the crapper where it belongs and flush.
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