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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Just another 2 rotation of the Batting Order pitcher. He is fine until facing the hitter a 3rd time in the lineup.
  2. That was good use of the eye test. Pass the Jack D bottle.
  3. Good post and you make several good points.
  4. This place continues to spiral downhill. Farking crazy.
  5. Based on what, your own belief system? What about proof? Elias and Sig was more on the scouting side of the house, so why do you assume without a reasonable explanation?
  6. I wonder if they are cutting back on staffing like ushers?
  7. I thought MLB had punish the ones responsible. So I guess guilty by association?
  8. I believe the ban was for an ADHD medicine that he had previously been approved for, that MLB changed their policy. Are there other signs of Steroid use, like anger management, mood swings, etc? What exactly did Elias and Sig do in Houston? Please explain.
  9. Heck, didnt the Dodgers have to pick up 5 different starters one season, due to all of their injuries, and still made the playoffs??????
  10. what would happen if they lost their Ace, slid into last place? ?
  11. Sadly, there is a whole list of stupid arse things that Angelos has done while owning this team. Hopefully, the boys can do better, it helps that daddy set the bar low.
  12. No matter how bad our guys are, and they can be from time to time. They are heads and tails better than what most of the other teams are using. But this isnt a new topic, we have discuss this before. I miss the radio days of Jon Miller and Joe Angel.
  13. I agree with you, its a dead horse, and the trolls do their best to keep it circulating.
  14. You take any named star of another team that has similar issues, like Ryan Howard, etc in that market, and check their social media, and I am sure they got blasted.
  15. Something about flying in airplanes with other people carrying germs. I try and bone up on airbourne, its not 100% solution, but it really does help, and wont harm your system either.
  16. I want to see other pictures, but, dang, those arms and chest look jack for sure
  17. True, But, I still think it some cases, its a mental thing, he is overthinking it. They say when you are in a sweet zone, that ball looks like a grapefruit and when you are out of your zone, it looks like a pebble.
  18. Maybe somebody can tweet that question to Roch??????? Now that you mentioned this, it sure seams like I remember that. Geeze, if thats all we had to do, to fix his bat speed problems. :):) ?
  19. The average MLB bat is 32 ounces, clearly 33 isnt the 54 ounces of Ruth and there were a few in 40s, back in previous decades. I found this tidbit, which Im sure wont impress most of OH
  20. call me old school, but if you keep them off the base path, they cant score.
  21. To be fair, the bug has hit several of the players. Exactly, I think they are doing this with any player showing the signs of illness. Seams like it happens just about every spring camp.
  22. You are correct, only idiots like me could read it differently.
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