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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. As much I love both Tippy and Olson. None of them was the epic closer that Britton was when he was here.
  2. Bedard had 12.8 in 5 seasons with the Orioles and had great stuff, same he was an arse, and then injuries hit him hard.
  3. My apologies, for mis comprehending what you wrote. I have no clue as to his family money status.
  4. So he came from family with money, that doesnt mean he was rolling in it, I suspect, it meant, he didnt have to worry about paying bills, like most college kids do. But, with 20 million guaranteed and that doesnt count the 75 million, shoe deal. Its clear, he has more available funds now, then he did in HS.
  5. I dont pay for the washington post, this is all that google will preview: Just because its not "quality" mean, you can play the PED card. Having a ton of money and access to whatever he wants to eat or drink, has to be taken into consideration.
  6. Stop the presses, the NHL is sales has gone through the roof:
  7. Usually, only in the NBA, can a single player put their batman or superman cape and carry a team based on their elite set of skills.
  8. I believe it was 2 years according to a quote by Zion. But lets play the PED card. Just because his body went from 17 to 19, no kid on this planet has ever filled out to their frame.
  9. I only follow a couple of college basketball teams and Duke isnt one, and neither of my teams are in the ACC. But, I would have thought with all the news coverage when Zion's shoe blow out and might have ruined his college career, there was a whole lot of people flapping about it. Wasnt a good PR time for his shoe company either, that most people heard of his name.
  10. Attendance is down for all sports, but the leagues are healthy and most people are making money. There is so much revue outside of ticket seat sales, profitability does not directly relate to sales. Not too mention all the sponsorship and cable tv money coming in.
  11. Thats what the NBA and NHL has done, pretty much the regular season is an extended warmup for the playoffs.
  12. https://www.tmz.com/2020/02/10/mike-bolsinger-houston-astros-cheating-scandal-toronto-blue-jays/ Former pitcher is suing, claiming their cheating cost him his job.
  13. Britton was a stroke of yuck. He was pretty much Mike Wright, one foot of the 40 man roster, until he had his light bulb moment and came up with his dominating pitch.
  14. Lets rehash old news that wont accomplish anything. You have 3 sides of this debate. The Andy Camp, the DD Camp, and some of us, that believe it was a combination of Andy/DD that made for a good run, and wish it had been a bit better and longer.
  15. Good Point, I had forgot about him.
  16. I dont why so many are against this? Ive always felt, they should get rid of the DH or put the DH in the NL. They finally did the right thing.
  17. Joe Theisman played backup punter and returned kicks/punts throughout his career.
  18. Sounds like he is chasing the almighty dollar and getting everything he can get. I found this quote, and while it appears that he wants the public to believe he is doing this for others, I dont buy it one iota.
  19. Did the team not want to resign him, or was Betts after top money and insisting to test free agent market?
  20. Thats a super good question, and now that you raised it, I am very curious too.
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