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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. League min has not kept pace with the avg salary of the players. https://www.baseball-reference.com/bullpen/Minimum_salary
  2. Hancock is a bit of a concern, with his previous injury and still being really young, I dont follow college ball, but it appears this draft has a decent amount of guys, but nobody that just stands out over the others.
  3. I think you need to rethink that. New Show on TV, Court Cam. The lawyer called out the judge for being clueless, the judge, went declared court for a brief recess and invite the lawyer outside to the hallway and they traded blows. The lawyer was disbarred and the judge ended up getting canned.
  4. It doesnt surprise me. Throughout my years, Ive seen friends and coworkers who are drinking buddies with others, yet at the same time, somebody can make a remark and they even come to blows, and yet, the next minute they are BFF and drinking together again.
  5. I think sometimes the change of scenery and something clicks, maybe the player listens to the new coach, or the new coach spots something. Arrietta was 27, when he went to the cubs, and things clicked, and he excelled.
  6. I agree, I was only thinking of people who jump with "first" that contributes nothing to the discussion.
  7. I have NEVER understood the desire to folks to jump into a conversation in social media and with only one word. Silly nonsense that thankfully normally doesn't occur in OH.
  8. Is that what it was, I thought maybe some of the hates were sticking their pins in their vodoo doll of him lol
  9. Personally, I like the page out of the Indians playbook a few years ago, when the prospect would have get up in the bigs, and see how they were, and then lock them up before they got close to arb years. This team should have done that with Manny but ownership at that time, wasnt interested in the team, just making money.
  10. my mind has gone senile on me.
  11. Didnt Sisco get shipped to AAA at some point in Juneish for a time, because of his defensive lapses????
  12. The true losers are the people working for a living supporting the team, in the ticket office, the ushers, the food/wait staff that depend on their paychecks.
  13. True and there have been NFL contracts guaranteed heavy tilted to the player's side of things.
  14. Correct, we do not care what the agent wants. But, you must be naive if you dont think guys like Boras have a lot (too much) clout with the MLB and their owners. Younger guys that are on the fringes of making it big for their super mega contract, are also going to be dead set against. Show me one other professional league, that caps the years the contract can run.
  15. There is no way that the super agents are going to be okay with no more super-mega contracts. The stars wont like that either. With all due respect and sincerity, personally, I see no way of getting a hard cap in place. The owners in the MLB, is not like any other sport, and there is no real commish in MLB either. I do not think they are being stashed in the minors for cheap service time. Guys who can perform get promoted. Super 2 status does impact a few, but long before they are 29.
  16. i abhor strikes, and hope to hell, I never live through another. The owners can be a stubborn lot, and the players can too. Throw in clowns like Boras, then you have dysfunctional. IMO The fans are the ones that truly lose in a strike,
  17. when does the current MLB Player Contract run til?
  18. Thanks for the clarification.
  19. no different this season, than any other season, or any other prospect in any other MLB system.
  20. It was a great response, and so true. But, the youngsters, who havent lived and experience enough life, do not understand that, and they do feel the need to perform, as they are getting paid, and of course, they want to do well, to get up to the show.
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