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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. '14 was the year of the next man up, Flaherty played very well for Machado, no he wasnt as good, but he was better than anybody could have hoped for. Ubaldo threw some of his better games when Tilly was down, and helped the team stay in the hunt.
  2. I try and remember my motto, "Do Not Engage", but its so hard, they knowingly say stupid things and claim it as factual. Ignore button is great, but then somebody replies to it, then you see their stupid post, and its like, you got to be kidding.
  3. I know, when I complain about the negative nincompoops on here, it tends to have them downvote me, I used to care, but have since learned the internet is full of very good people, but there is more than their share of clowns that love nothing more than to be trolls and pot stirrers and are unable to have intelligent conversation on any subject, yet they consider themself a subject matter expert on every subject in mankind. Other times, a very normal post will get a flame or two, for no reason, and usually, when one of the better posters see that stupidness, they will vote on that post and cancel out the red.
  4. Since only paid accounts can vote, why in the heck, would anybody have a secondary account, to just downvote people? Doesn't make too much sense. Maybe they are downvoting your post based on content and information inside the post?
  5. Atomic always paints the worse picture, than what it is. Many thousands live a perfectly fine life with diabetics. Its called watching what you eat, and monitoring your blood sugar, as well as taking the proper doctor prescribed medicine. I lost a friend to diabetics, but it was entirely his own fault, at the age of 40, he gave up the will, and stopped taking his meds, and allowed his blood sugar to get to the 800 range, after a few months of this, his heart gave out on him. Do people lose limbs, yes, sadly, but not just to diabetics, there are other health factors that come into play too. My mother is a diabetic and has some issues with her kidneys, but according to the doctor, its a phosphorus issue, and it happens in none diabetic patients too.
  6. At least there is an educated plan in place and the team appears to be moving in the right direction. Hiring good people and expanding their scouting departments and getting into the international market. The 14 year period of dark baseball here was worse, we had clowns in charge, a micromanager owner, and bad baseball on the field.
  7. Philly is not the town of brotherly love, thats for sure.
  8. Reduce payroll, while you build a competing team from the youth and draft takes time, I believe ownership didnt feel the need to spend money on FAs, as there was too many holes that needed to be filled. Several of us, believe the payroll will start to rise as the team gets better, the money is there for them to spend, when its relevant.
  9. Everything you said, I am in agreement with. But, my take in this, IMO, when I put together a team, I want a Rick Dempsey strong defense catcher behind the plate, so if that means, you give up the bat some, then so be it. I wonder if at the end of the day, games saved per season, makes up for it?
  10. My apologies, I work daily typing the word Cisco, and its hard to catch myself.
  11. Joseph busted a gut to work out his D issues with the minor league coaches and the FO told them to get off the stick and work on his D with him Cisco has worked hard too, but just hasnt seen the results that Caleb did, but not everybody is identical either.
  12. Good point, but I think we need more than Severino and Sisco, just for depth sake. There is space for Joseph, IMO, even if just for ST, and my opinion does not agree with other posters.
  13. From a future extra coach around with veteran experience to help instruct the youngsters, I would have no issues with an invite to ST for Joseph.
  14. @Tony-OH or somebody else can correct me. I think most ST camps want 6 or 7 catchers around, before cutting down the numbers for the parent club and then AAA. There is more enough playing time in ST for the catchers. IMO, not sure Sisco is a viable option for catching from a defender point.
  15. LOL, and I thought i was the only one doing the same thing......lol
  16. Good enough for the top of the leader board for this club.
  17. You what they say about that fine line between love and hate.
  18. Im at a lost as to the new for a new Elias discussion thread.
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