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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Nah, there is a league of three that try to complete with each other.
  2. I dont live in downtown, but it usually takes me about 25 minutes to get to OPACY even at rush hour. Im usually arrive at 5 for a game at 7. It this helps with attendance, then great. People dont like change. So on that fact along, some fans are already complaining. Fans like Frobby, loyal to the team, and living/working into another city, I feel their pain trying to get to game at an earlier starting time.
  3. Seam like a very slow off-season all around MLB.
  4. I couldnt find the current average time, but I did see that in 2017, the time rose to 3 hr and 5 minutes, in spite of MLB efforts to reduce it. Of course, implementing replay system has to impact time, and Im not opposed to instant replay.
  5. You could look it up, its relatively easy with google. https://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0912/which-income-class-are-you.aspx
  6. I agree the fans get it, the trolls just want to stir the pot and incite others.
  7. I call Boras corrupt. Scott is in it, for one reason only, himself, everything he does, helps himself out, and he doesn't always have the player's best interest at stake.
  8. He could be on this team with a ST invite. I dont expect it, but it could.
  9. So what role if any, did Elias have in this, he surely at the minimum had knowledge of it.
  10. we really want to speed the game up. 1 pitch. Strike or foul, you are out. Ball, you get awarded first base. No stealing, and no toss[es] to any infield base allowed.
  11. I think you are correct for regular season games. But, the more I think about this, I thought they used an official to signal breaks during playoff games???????? Sitting in the camera booth next to the home team dugout?
  12. thanks, I didnt that baseball didnt have dead time, but, never understood the football had so much dead time, until I was at a game a few years ago. and I dont think baseball has an official that stops the play, in fact, seams to me, i remember coming back from break and the pitcher had already warmed up and the game had been playing.
  13. I need to find the article, they are the 3rd most profitable cable mlb outfit, behind WGN and The company that provides the Yankee broadcasts.
  14. I think this is something we see mostly in football. You dont realize how much "dead" time there is, unless you are at a game, and notice the TV official on the sidelines signaling when the broadcast is away for commercial breaks.
  15. MLB should be able to come up with a better "idea" than this. At least, I would hope they could, with their braintrust in place.
  16. Crystal look into the future. Bundy is traded to Padres for chump change. Bundy fixes hiccup in his giddy up, ala Jake. Next 10 years, we will suffer post after post about letting him go. Until then, we suffer through posts, why is he still here.
  17. Dartboard in his office, with a picture on it, and throw darts at his, to ease his tension. LOL
  18. So far the winning headline, as to be the cancellation of Fan Fest.
  19. Not wanting to sound like the historian Drungo. Some things need improving. They use real gloves now, and the catcher is better protected. I think the uniforms look better, and can you image playing back in the wool uniform days, serious. I dont mind the DH, hate seeing pitchers hit. Just wish it was in both leagues. I dont mind change, per say, not excited about this one, I think this one is silly, IMO
  20. With 4 seasons and 229 games under his belt at SS. He is a HOF 3rd, and thats where he belongs. Even in a down year, if he played SS here, he would have been better than what we ran out there.
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