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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Correct, I agree with your assessment of the situation. He will land anywhere but Oriole Land, unless he does something crazy like offer to play here for league min, which has the probability of happening, like hell freezing over.
  2. True, not awful, but a step down from his 2017 season, and throw in 2016 too. Has he peaked and this is new baseline norm? Maybe / Maybe not, time will tell. I would take him on a 1 year deal, but long term and price range, would be a concern.
  3. yes he does, but his skills are declining and he wasnt the most skilled player on the roster.
  4. it does for those posters drinking the kool-aid and believing the world is flat.
  5. I was with you until that last sentence, there have been cases, where squeegee boys attacked the driver of the vehicle for not paying for unsolicited services. Personally, I never had a problem, nor have I had any problems with being in Baltimore. Like anywhere you go these days, you just need to pay attention to what you are doing and your surroundings.
  6. I thought Gregorius was a SS, but the others are not. SS is not a easy position to find, the demand outweighs the supply of good ones. Playing the role in an emergency does not make you a SS. Then, again, with that said, some of those on your list, cant even fill in as an emergency.
  7. This solves all the problems, cheaper and never have to worry about TJ or other pitching ailment.
  8. Sometimes its better to be tight lipped, then running your mouth like that clown back with the Phillies, that didnt even understand MLB simple baseball rules. Or talking about a good pitcher you have in your system and how they are developing well, and opps, oh yeah, not even in our system anymore.
  9. Not unheard to run the bowie shuttle for starting pitching either.
  10. And didnt Manny post up a 7.1 WAR for that same season, which is why he came in 4th?
  11. watching you call something else insane in itself, kinda of funny.
  12. I dont look for too much trade activity for FA signings this off season. The current prospects need more seasoning, and add another good draft and decent international players, then maybe next season, we can expect more of a reason, to try and bring in one or two good ones.
  13. strip mall is funny. I was skim reading this and saw strip studio, and thought it was on the block in Bmore.
  14. No worries, It was a while back, when I heard the comments. Not as a main guy, but he did get face time a little bit and was always very opinionated.
  15. Dave wasnt the guy I was trying to remember, and that doesnt mean he hasnt said the same thing as Ross.
  16. I would rather see, 2 resident OH trolls get rebaptized and have now crossed over into the land of Oriole Fandom believers.
  17. Ross Grimsley Geeze, my mind is losing it.
  18. Wasnt Palmer. I can remember his name.
  19. I recall some thinking Schoop while a nice guy, just didnt have it to play at the MLB level. Clearly, they were wrong, he just didnt have it for a super long career.
  20. Darrel Green also does a lot with his Youth Faith Foundation. I think there are quite a few athletics doing different activities, helping others, but they dont get too much attention in social media, of course, thats not the reason, they do these things. Its the aholes, that get drunk, beat up their wife, smash up their car, grab some chick's rear end at a bar that get all the attention.
  21. Everybody had high expectations. Glenn Davis did NOTHING for this team. Which is why its the worst trade in team history. They forgot to mention Schilling as a possible HOF candidate.
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