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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Arrieta sucked for the Orioles ( -.9 WAR) and Britton hadnt found his pitch yet and was still starting some games had a .8 WAR. Buck did well, to get 82 wins out of that club.
  2. Baltimore is only a 2 sport town.
  3. true, we had vendors selling at every corner gas station,
  4. I never saw the city turn to orange, like DC turned out Red. But, its all perception and what we feel. 83, I was already married and the father of two and what was sleep?
  5. It was pure genius that the Nats scout picked up Strasburg tipping his pitchers, and after a bad 1st inning, settled down, and the Nats won that game, that could have easy gone as a loss.
  6. I think both sides can point to extremely lousy umpiring. These guys are supposed to be the best of the best? They suck.
  7. I feel that also with the Redskins, we had the glory years from Allen to Gibbs, and it was great to be on top of the world, and then stinksville for decades, its not fun.
  8. He did win the WS before, so while we can fault some of his moves, he did win the WS before, and he did get his team all the way to the WS again.
  9. 96-97 was a decent run, and better to be a few games away from the WS, then to be watching others play in the playoffs.
  10. I didnt. 1983 was my very first WS. I was an old Senators fan that left baseball totally, until Cal was drafted and promoted up to the bigs.
  11. I have lived in between the two cites for 60 years of my life. I have seen fandom for playoff games on both sides. I stood in line for 5 hours for playoff tickets in 96. I dont think I ever saw the town of Baltimore stirred up for the WS, like DC was. Even the nightly news at 11, was all about the Nats and all these side stories. I dont recall a baltimore station ever doing that.
  12. I think if we had a crystal ball, and knew 1983 was going to be the last WS for a few decades, we would have enjoyed it more and savored the moment more.
  13. True, I am happy the players get a share and I want to see limits too, like you said. I cant image seeing Brooks or Cal in Yankee pinstripes. I know Johnny U didnt say in Colts Blue and White, but back then that was not the norm.
  14. Zeile throwing the ball away didnt help, Davy having a thin pen, didnt help either. But, that wrong call will continue to haunt us and give us a bad taste in our memory banks forever.
  15. at least last nights call, regardless of right or wrong, did not change the outcome of the game, unlike back in 96.
  16. I havent seen this much discussion since the home run call that should not have been a home run, back in 96.
  17. I think we have too many guys cut from the same cloth, they are interchangable, nothing earth shaking to set them apart right now, from their peers.
  18. I totally agree, old school for sure that I am. But, I truly think we have seen the last of a player coming up and staying in the org, it just doesn't happen like it used to. They say the game is better for it, not sure, I totally agree with that logic. I know my Grandfather was wrong, when he said the Flood FA thing would ruin baseball. But, these insane salaries, and insane money the clubs are making, is that "good" for the game?
  19. I really wonder how much truth there is to that, given how his agent is Scott Boras.
  20. then the ones that love the game so much, even while set financially for life, they are still hanging around playing semipro or beer leagues, to stay playing. or the 50 year old former NBAer, that think they can still "hang" with the 19-22 year olds. Then again, how old are some of those globertrotter, that could flat still BALL.
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