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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. but my father's roomate's second cousin, twice removed by divorces, Said, he dated a girl who dated guy who knew the family.
  2. Red sox 2019 payroll is listed at 249, per Sportrac https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/boston-red-sox/payroll/ Sportrac shows the Yankees at 245 mill. https://www.spotrac.com/mlb/new-york-yankees/payroll/2014/
  3. Thats funny, reminds me of driving me and my friends, in the dad mobile, an old Chevy Sedan. I wasnt allowed to drive in Baltimore for night games, only daytime games.
  4. I disliked the old location, getting to it was a nightmare, parking was absolutely dreadful, dont plan on leaving early, or even when the game is over, if the people around you, decided to hang out elsewhere. To me OPACY was simple, easy to get to, easy parking, and love the stadium
  5. I went down memory lane the other night. I think in 1980, I was making about $10K a year, my apartment rent was $225 a month, $30 a month for the electric, no cable/tv/internet bills. My first new car payment was $166 then. LOL
  6. I dont think anybody is "entrenched" in their location, hoping to see more bodies come through in ST and maybe have some real competition.
  7. Teixera was by far a bust for them. Almost 1000 games in 8 season, and very good WAR in 4 seasons, and 2 more positive number WAR for 2 bad seasons. I think most teams would have taken that.
  8. Might be there too. But, I remember Tom Berenger doing it to Charlie Sheen in Major Leagues and letting Parkman cross the ball.
  9. Good point, I will concede that you and CoC are more correct than I am.
  10. I agree, usually I cant stand to read them, they can be extremely bad, and Roch says something, and then gets comment about being thin skin, which I find stupid.
  11. I have to laugh, and remember the scene out of "Major Leagues" when Charlie Sheen shakes off the catcher's call, and the catcher told the batter, what to expect. Teaching his pitcher a lesson in whose' the boss.
  12. I also find it amusing that the model of glove worn by a lot of catchers, is the "Commander" But, its all good.
  13. Dang, Weams is in agreement with CoC, hell has frozen over for sure.
  14. And you have been wrong a time or two too. MLB has this to say
  15. We will have to agree to disagree here.
  16. The pitcher can call off the catcher, correct. If you have a veteran catcher like Matt was, and a younger pitcher a little wet behind the ears, shake the catcher off, too much, then I am not surprise when the mask comes off, the catcher calls time, and visits the mound, to remind the pitcher, whose the boss on the field. Now, if its a veteran pitcher like Mussina, yes, you are control, he pretty much threw what he wanted to.
  17. I dont know about that. Ive read some of Kubatko followers, and they are pretty bad.
  18. I think the catcher is the most important position in the whole game, they control the pitch selection, they control the pitcher and try to get them focus on task in hand, they also keep aware of positioning of the defensive players, keep the ball in front of them, and throw out opposing runners. Yes, if the pitcher on the mound is MEH, then, the rest of the game is pretty much useless. But, the catcher is critical.
  19. Hard to put much stock into what guys like Al Davis says. There is a host of reasons for the team to say in Baltimore. Just because there is a wild arse rumor floating that the team is looking into moving, doesnt make it true, or a probability, either.
  20. Fan are fickle in nature, and always concerned with what have you done for me lately.
  21. True, but it should be a valid nail in the rumor coffin.
  22. You wont convince him, no matter what you say, wasting your time there.
  23. Packed bologna and cheese box sandwich meals. Hey, it was good enough for me back in the days of my schooling.
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