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Posts posted by Witchy_Chick

  1. Customers who cannot articulate what their computer problem is:

    "My computer is sick." :confused: My reply should've been: "Well, give it two aspirins and call me in the morning."

    Customers who fail to read my directions to fix their problems:

    (via e-mail) "I can't get to such-and-such network drive." My (e-mail) reply: "Try logging off of your PC and logging back in. If you don't log off and log back in on a regular basis, your network password may expire without you knowing it." Phone call: "I'm still having problems getting to such-and-such network drive." My reply: "Have you tried logging off and logging back in?" Their reply: "You mean of the computer itself??"



  2. Haven't visited this thread for awhile, but I knew this commercial had to be mentioned in here. Had to be. Horrible, horrible, horrible, I hate Hyndai now.

    It's even worse that there are at least two of them now. Hyundai ruining my favorite Christmas songs -- makin' me mad!!! :mad::mad::mad:


  3. Actually, from what I can tell, it hasn't. All the stores that I went to before and still go to now that have it still have the same number of cashiers at any given time as they did before.

    I know. I try to tell Mom that, but alas. I just let her have her delusions (as I'm zipping out of the self-service register well ahead of her still standing in a "cashier" line). :D


  4. People over sixty-five years old should be banned from grocery store self-checkout lanes AND the credit card devices at regular registers. They just have no idea how to operate modern technology and they almost always cause a back-up.

    Hmmph. Some of them aren't all that great with paper and coin money either (see: the woman I was in line behind yesterday who took a loooooooonnnnnnnnnng time digging 40¢ out of her change purse).

    My mom (who is 61) refuses to use the self-check out lines because the technology has clearly cost someone (cashiers) their job(s). God love 'er. :D


  5. The problem with the "rules to live by" is the guy's inability to maintain a parallel grammatical structure.

    One, real men don't have lap dogs.

    Two, never date a girl with a dragon tattoo.

    And C, always always put chile on your Nachos Bell Grande!

    One, two, C? Must be a Skankees fan.

    "For it's one! two! C strikes you're out, at the old ball game!"

    You must've missed some of Dipper's enumeration witticisms. :D


  6. Well, a number of folks have changed their Hangout handles, and I'm having a difficult time keeping up. :D So, I made a little "cheat sheet" for myself so I could identify the name-changers. I thought it might be helpful to post it here, for other confused people. ;)

    MP: formerly known as MonkeyPumpers

    Rolliefingers: formerly known as italianstallion

    McLovin: formerly known as dlebowksi

    TinCup: formerly known as MoscowBird

    Icterus galbula: formerly known as MatosisGod

    Mad Mark: formerly known as basherman

    Hank Scorpio: formerly known as burds13

    Captain E.: formerly known as IHeartBRob

    Tank: formerly known as tank222

    Greg Pappas: formerly known as Greg65

    J.D.: formerly known as MVNOs

    Mashed Potatoes: formerly known as I Heart Miggy

    Pedro Cerrano: formerly known as TejadaTheyFall

    furryburres: formerly known as maneatingbaby

    Jagwar: formerly known as TJagwar

    DuffMan: formerly known as AintTheBeerCold

    Oriofan8: formerly known as B8&W8

    The Wedge: formerly known as plain ol' Wedge

    Fist Bump: formerly known as JeffreyB

    Big Mac: formerly known as lchsbaseball09

    Bird in da club: formerly known as carrigan

    Boywithoutaspoon: formerly known as boywithoutaspoo

    Stacey: formerly known as yecats79

    Orioole28: formerly known as Orioole26

    Who’s on 1st: formerly known as Baysox Fan

    Dr. FLK: formerly known as FruitLoopKid

    Boy Howdy: formerly known as Boom Boom Dixon

    I'm guessing on Mad Mark's previous identity (based in his profile info of being player/manager for the Basher's softball team).

    If there are any other name-changes, let me know and I will keep this post up-to-date.


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  7. OMFG!!! If I have to see this Avis-car-rental-with-Garmin-GPS commercial ("Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming around"), I am gonna scream!!!

    Stupid and overly repetitive commercials makin me mad!!!! :mad::mad::mad:


  8. These cell phone ads that combine the names of like 5 cities that they need service in. "With service in Phila-Ware-Prague-Cago" ... Just stupid

    Hey!!! That's my employer, you know. ;) Leading up to this ad campaign, we got (internal) e-mails about the premise of said campaign. I was reading this e-mail thinking "WTF?!?" :D


  9. Handle changes makin me mad. Seriously, all these name changes...I can't keep up. Who the heck was Mad Mark before? I can't place the style, sig, and avatar.

    Based on info in his profile ("Biography:Player/Manager, Bashers Softball"), I'm guessing basherman.

    Nancy Drew ain't got nuthin' on me!! :D


  10. MASN commercials: Especially ones that tout the throwing-out-baserunners prowess of a guy who is currently on the DL!!! "Better think twice, baserunners!!!" Gah. :mad:


  11. I used to be a whiz at parallel parking. At one point, we had six drivers and seven cars in the household. We had to parallel park on our street. I'm still fairly decent at it.


  12. I didn't get around to posting this one this morning, but:

    People who are unable to adequately merge from Route 100 onto southbound 95 during morning rush hour. :mad:


  13. short rant...clowns

    enough said...wait no' date=' it's not

    they freak me out. how can one enjoy such a disgusting looking freak of nature. [b']havent you seen IT[/b]?????

    Yup. But, reading the book was even worse. My imagined Pennywise was much more scary than the movie Pennywise. So much so, that I flipped out on a regular basis when I had to go down the basement steps at my parents'. :eek:


  14. baroquen's rant: Jim Hunter and Rick Dempsey calling the game tonight. Where is Gary Thorne and Cakes?

    Witchy's rant: fiancé's who are unwilling to make their own Short Rants posts. :P


  15. Exactly. If it's close, you don't grumble over a couple dollars, but there are some people out there who always order expensive things and expect others to pick up the tab for it. For example, one of my professors, who happens to be a filthy rich urban designer/land developer with a multi-million dollar house, took a group of grad students on an overnight field trip. He led them all to a very expensive restaurant even though several of them protested that it was beyond their budget. The students who were against it ended up going in and ordering a salad or a soup and drinking water because they couldn't afford anything else. The professor proceeded to order an expensive meal plus an appetizer and about 6 mixed drinks (he's a bit of a drinker) and then declare that they were going to split the bill evenly. They rebelled somewhat, but each of them still ended up paying much more than their share... and much more than they could reasonably afford on a starving grad student's part-time salary.

    SOrry, that was a long rant.:002_stongue:

    That reminds me of the episode of Friends where they all went out to dinner for someone's b-day (Ross' ?). The employed and fairly well-off Chandler, Ross, and Monica ordered expensive meals while the unemployed (Joey) and barely employed (Rachel and Phoebe) ordered salads and water. Joey, Rachel, and Pheebs threw a collective fit when the other three wanted to split the bill equally.

    I love that show. :D


  16. I've got a new one that I detest.

    Some commercial for an office supply store (Staples? Office Depot? Who cares?). Well, this office "needs a hand" with their stuff and they have......a hand in box. The hand goes to the store with them, points them in the right direction, even answers the office phone for them.

    A (seemingly dismembered but still animated) hand in a box is just flat-out CREEPY.


  17. Shaws. And now, I must kill you.

    Need some help?? I f'ing HATE those commercials!!! And now the stupid song is going to be stuck in my head. siiiiiiiigghhhhhhh

    I looooooove her sooo

    And sheeeeeee must know

    The way that I show her

    Has got to go straight to the heart

    GAH!!! Make it stop!!!!


  18. Has anyone seen the ad with him and Michael Strahan (I think)? He's starting to gain it back...

    Didn't (Subway) Jared get married? The wifey's cooking probably consists of more calories than Subway sandwiches for breakfast' date=' lunch, and dinner. ;)


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