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Everything posted by AceKing

  1. Just a fan, man, I just want something fun to watch. My parents are both very sick, and they love watching the Orioles, and I want something fun for them to watch. They have already traded away all of their favorites and these deadlines suck for them cuz all the good players are traded away for 17 year olds or guys who they might never see play.
  2. And your little chart here says 1.7 war, not 1.3. That is actually a significant difference
  3. I play in a really in depth fantasy baseball league, and he is the 18th most valuable player in the American League, including pitchers. He does some things very well. He is not blocking anybody, either
  4. Am I the only one? He plays differently than anyone we have had in an Orioles uniform in years, and he just keeps on producing. I just really can’t see us getting enough back to replace his level of production at his positions. He really doesn’t make that much money, and he shows up every day and does something fun.
  5. 24 years old Rushed and uprooted.... Switch hitting with power the other way from both sides.... Tough out right now.
  6. Yeah having another dominating game right now.....He seems to be loving Bowie.
  7. Nice. 7 very strong innings...so far...75 pitches, 47 strikes
  8. Well, not the best start ever, but it is a start. It can only get better from here.
  9. It is the new “thing to do”. They all flip flop. Now that everything is on video, it is so prevalent that it is heartbreaking. if you aligned yourself with someone years ago, and they are still in office.....chances are they have changed their position whether you have or not. CoC seems to rise above that (admittedly low) bar. /end rant
  10. The wet blanket strikes again. Can’t we just assume these guys are all going to be superstars just for one day?
  11. So you are not thrilled with today? I’m thrilled. tough crowd.
  12. This all seems like very good news. Almost too good. Hmmmmm
  13. Hector Lopez, who is the first guy that Elias signed it appears, is looking pretty amazing over five games. .038 era I think at 17 yrs old.
  14. I’m tired of laughers. Win a grind it out, close baseball game.
  15. Not understanding...are you saying these deliveries are illegal and shouldn’t be allowed?
  16. I don’t remember. Don’t think so. The Yankees sure seem to love him rn nd Yankees twitter seems reeeeeeeelly thankful that we give him back to them
  17. Did you know that Jim Palmer never gave up a grand slam?
  18. They would probably just blame each other.
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