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Everything posted by 7Mo

  1. I agree. While not exactly in line with what you're saying, when the Red Sox hired Chaim Bloom, I read what I could find on him and the thing that struck me was the idea he was constantly in touch with about every other team regarding who they were willing to trade and who or what type of range they wanted back. It just struck me that these trade negotiations sometimes go on for months and months, sometimes reaching a deal but more often than not, no deal being reached but information shared throughout. Looking at the Eppler and Elias comments, it looks to me like Elias had fairly serious negotiations with a few teams that extended over months. That would be in line with what I seemed to pick up from the Bloom articles. Maybe that's obvious, or common sense but I just hadn't thought about it that way before.
  2. Eppler said almost exactly what you're saying here. Baltimore had a number of names in mind. Those are the players they had targeted. As we kind of worked through the deal, that is how it evolved. “If their approach was quantity, we were open to that. If their approach would have been one player and aiming somewhere different, we would have entertained that too. We kind of worked through the deal and this was ultimately where it went. We didn’t have a target list of guys we wanted to utilize in this trade. Those guys are talented. Quite frankly, you give up players you just recently drafted, that can go in a number of directions. Every deal hurts. This one is no different.”
  3. The dreaded "broken injury" strikes again. Tough to get over.
  4. Would you guess the O's would want to see him/them pitch for a few months before moving to the pen or do you think its already clear?
  5. I like it. Gotta trust the developmental staff now.
  6. They're all at Driveline adding 3-5 mph inside without cell signal.
  7. Dec '20 is what is shown on Roster Resource https://www.rosterresource.com/mlb-baltimore-orioles
  8. A tweet suggests the others haven't been named because they haven't been contacted yet.
  9. Maybe I should clarify. Let me be sure I have this right. You're saying that immediately after the trade deadline, in an interview with the Sun, Elias said he's not going to tender Villar. Correct?
  10. Oh come on. Your rant started with: incompetent Buffoon a bigger idiot than I thought You've only softened in terms of saying he doesn't know what he's doing, doesn't know how to make a trade, said more than he should have, he blew the trade market, and so on. And you've repeated the same message not less than 50 times in the last week. Please, please give it a rest.
  11. I don't think anyone is gonna say yes to that. In my view, the people saying they're ok with the Villar trade believe it was the best trade available. I don't think anyone would say the same about a Given, Bundy or Mancini trade. And this is ignoring the approach where Villar could have been tendered and brought back.
  12. It took too long If the front office wasn't stupid, we'd be even better If the front office would spend money, we'd have won it all Ownership is more worried about their yacht payments than my fan enjoyment
  13. I hope I'm not one of "those folks" but I also hope it's ok to voice an opinion that others may disagree with. I hope Russell gets another opportunity and does well. I don't know what he did or didn't do. But given that we can't sign/claim everyone, he wouldn't be my choice.
  14. The MLB investigation is because they picked up Osuna?
  15. Not that my opinion matters but based solely on a Google search, I wouldn't want to bring Russell in. It doesn't take much of a search to see the Chicago media has a serious dislike for the guy. Now, I understand that when a guy leaves, it's convenient to trash him but this seems more severe. Add to that what seems to be a moody, sulking type attitude and a pattern of acts rather than a one time incident, combined with not knowing the signs after being with the team for 5 years, I'd prefer to look elsewhere. Accusations of abuse by Russell first surfaced in 2017, after which MLB commenced an investigation. The Florida native initially denied the allegations, but in a February media session he said (via the Chicago Sun-Times), “I’m accountable for my past actions. I am not proud of the person I was.” “Without getting into details or specifics, I just want to own that what I did was wrong and inexcusable,” Addison said at the time. “And I’m sorry. Sorry for the hurt and pain I put Melisa through.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2019/12/03/cubs-part-ways-with-addison-russell-who-served-ban-under-domestic-violence-policy/ Good riddance to Addison Russell, without whom the Cubs are instantly less offensive From his character to his demeanor, from his comments during interviews to his performance on the field, Russell repeatedly fell short. If anyone embodied the Cubs’ regression since the 2016 World Series, it was the stumbling, mumbling one-time All-Star starting shortstop. https://chicago.suntimes.com/cubs/2019/12/3/20994318/addison-russell-chicago-cubs-good-riddance-2019
  16. He's now off the board, having re-signed with the Red Sox after your post.
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