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Matt S

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  • Favorite Current Oriole
    Austin Hays
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Cal Ripken

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  1. Yup. Unfortunately, you are right. He's gone. We lost a star. He will be doing Sunday Night Baseball and many other great things. This is Jon Miller 2.0. Like father, like son.
  2. I seriously hope this isn't true.
  3. Haha. I had to look that word up, because I had no idea what it meant. It's that Yale education coming through lol
  4. Saw her at the 2014 playoff games against the Tigers. She was a section down from us.
  5. Yes, you are definitely right about that. He definitely chose his words carefully. Saying "somewhere" , but then coming back and saying, "most likely here". With social media, there's no doubt other teams and fans of those teams see that. Definitely playing poker right now. You got to know when to fold em, know when to hold em
  6. The Joey Ortiz comment is really interesting. Elias is either building him up for other teams or he genuinely believes he will be our SS . Elias really knows how to keep us guessing. That's for sure.
  7. Hey Moose. Why do you think I said package him with prospects? I said nothing about getting prospects, bud. Keep on cherry picking your narrative, though. The other favorite OH move is Moose , the resident know it all.
  8. Why do you think I said, package him with prospects?
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