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  1. Some might, but no one checks there. Thanks for your input; you bring so much to the board.
  2. Adding 2024 would lead readers to think this is only a one year problem.
  3. The new board layout where you have to read a paragraph of the last post, in the list of threads, is awful. The poor decision doesn't surprise me, but should be discussed. This format is unreadable.
  4. Luzardo, Scott, Bell, Meyer For Westburg, Cowser, Mountcastle, Irvin Who says no? Mountcastle is from FL and gives Marlins a long term piece at 1B. We take on whatever else they owe Bell for this final season before FA to lessen what we give up (as in, none of the big 3). Irvin helps them replace innings this year.
  5. This is hilarious and wrong. The Yankees actually have a great and deep system. Not as strong as ours, but not letting this post just go ignored.
  6. I don't want to assume all the rest make it because that's a dumb assumption to make this early in the offseason. Elias must be a HUGE IDIOT to sign a pitcher when he already has ALL THOSE OTHER GUYS and HE PROMISED us he'd look into trying to get a #1-3 SP! Guy obviously doesn't even know how many pitchers are allowed on the roster!
  7. I don't think it's insane to add another backend arm that they have "identified" via their system that could cheaply supplement depth. You realize it's possible to do multiple things in one offseason right? This "move" doesn't preclude him from successfully accomplishing his other stated goals. I don't really understand the outrage at such a low leverage move. Very early in the offseason.
  8. Agree 100%. If Elias sees something with his peripherals he likes, it could just be an insurance policy that gives us added incentive to offload a few backend guys in another move. I do think Elias is targeting a TOR on top of this and I think it's obvious that we won't be seeking one in Free Agency. I'm extremely hesitant to doubt Elias' ability to find low cost value based on his current track record, IMO.
  9. What if Uwasawa is replacement depth for a Kremer trade? Brewers are apparently locking up Chourio to a megadeal and need to make room in OF and offload Yelich $. Hypothetical: What would the Orioles have to trade to the Brewers if we took on Yelich and also got back Peralta and Devin? They'd likely want Kremer coming back for rotation depth and IP. In this scenario they hold Burnes for another year then either trade at deadline or QO him. This frees up money to sign Adames long term as well. Orioles could get TOR, CL, and MOO in one deal and Yelich comes off books when the studs are due to get paid. I think this kind of makes sense for both sides, but losing Peralta's value hurts them with Burnes up in the air. Orioles would then need to offload Tony and Hays to give you an OF of Yelich/Mullins + Kjerstad/CC Crazy?
  10. Disagree with the premise that Mayo plays INF. See him as our future RF.
  11. If Marlins don't extend QO to Soler, I'd be interested in 3/$54MM to lock in a big time MOO RH power bat.
  12. I can understand this viewpoint, but with our rotation being comprised of lots of young guns exceeding the most innings they've ever thrown + almost a lock for a team postseason berth at this point, would you not want to try to "preserve" what they have left for the postseason? Or are you saying that a 6-man rotation might make them less sharp with respect to "crispness" and "momentum" in a playoff series?
  13. To me, what's frustrating about Flaherty is that he still has "the stuff" to get people out: he has that pretty breaking ball that Elias referenced and he can paint a 95 mph 4S on the black, occasionally when he needs to. I don't know if he was being cute to avoid the meat of the lineup or if he lacked control particularly tonight (most likely the latter), but either way, you toss this one aside and hope he can eat innings down the stretch to help with the young guys being gassed (see Frobby thread) + the potential added postseason "experience swing" for a young staff. Either way, you still make that trade 100% of the time based on upside and what we gave up, IMO.
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