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Posts posted by TopGunnar

  1. Come on San Diego. Keep pouring it on these posers. Every inning they have 2 hits. It’ll take the Orioles 3 more games to get a multi hit inning. Team is legitimately falling apart. It’s worse than I thought. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

    He's got a 153 OPS+.  Kinda silly to complain about the offense.

    True but When the team is playing this bad I’ll complain about anything. Especially anything Kimbrel related.

  3. That dropped fly ball last night was one of the funniest and most unathletic bloopers I have ever seen watching sports. Drops a ball and then slams his face and body into the wall lol.

    Also, when is he going to start hitting home runs?

  4. 1 minute ago, Roy Firestone said:

    This team better get a major upgrade in the pen and in the rotation. If they dont I have serious doubts whether they can hold on and be any kind of playoff team...they simply have too many holes ...and not all of it is with pitching ....this is a TOTAL embarrassment to lose the series to the freaking Marlins.

    You’re starting to understand. That’s good.

  5. 1 minute ago, Uli2001 said:

    No trades at the deadline to sacrifice the future.

    This season is shot. I really believe that. Too many injuries, not enough pitching, and an all-or-nothing offense.

    Yes, they will still make the playoffs, because there are six spots and the AL is quite mediocre this year.

    If they win it all somehow, it will be fantastic. But do not make any trades at the deadline that will hurt the future. It's not worth it.

    They need to make some trades and sign some FAs in the offseason. They need to rethink their offensive approach. And they can't make the mistake of counting on Bradish, Means, or Batista either. No one knows if they will be able to stay healthy.

    Playoffs isn’t guaranteed bro

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