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Everything posted by TopGunnar

  1. Yea. If Ced wasn’t a fan favorite he would be talked about like Mateo on here.
  2. Man, people are going to be upset when Hicks starts over Mullins in the playoffs.
  3. Nice write-up. I’ll say it every time that starting in the 5th inning of game 3 in NY was when our season changed. We took off from that point and haven’t looked back.
  4. Another tough night for our boy Ceddy. I’m sure he’ll bounce back tomorrow
  5. Tip of the cap to John Means. Big Boy performance
  6. Wonder how many pitches they will let Means throw tonight? Can’t be many more
  7. Deffintely looking forward to watching Ramon and Frazier get playoff at bats.
  8. I am indeed a big fan. And I HATE to lose. All the Orioles have done is lose in my lifetime. I’m passionate. Sometimes overly negative. I’m going to get frustrated when we play bad and lose to teams we should be beating when a division title is so close I can taste it.
  9. Lol. Same with his 4 homers this season. Lighting the world on fire baby.
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