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Everything posted by brucewayne

  1. You can go on Yankees subreddit or any of their team message boards right now and find threads about acquiring Gunnar in 2029. You think their fans and player personnel don't know who Gunnar has hired? Believe me, they know.
  2. Of course they are going to say they want to stay in Baltimore. What kind of guy says to his employer I hate this place, you all suck, I want to leave. Who says that while currently under contract for multiple years? Again, the signal has been sent every since Boras was hired. You hire Boras for 1 reason and 1 reason only and that is to maximize compensation.
  3. Agreed. You cannot force them, but you have to try. With Gunnar and Holliday both hiring Boras that pretty much means that after 6 years they are playing for the Yankees, Met, Dodgers. It's just the way the sport works and people who hire Boras are sending a screaming signal that their overwhelming priority is to maximize compensation. We have 3 top position player talents in our organization. Adley is under control through 2027. Gunnar is under control through 2028. And Holliday has yet to debut, but if when he debuts the clock starts and it's a countdown for 6 years. My strategy to stack these years together and go for it. Why? Because 2 of them have already signaled that they are 6 and dive kind of guys.
  4. How is his velocity? Does he look healthy and strong? Not really concerned about results. It's not impressive for an established MLB level starter to make easy work of a lineup full of 22 year olds.
  5. Adley is a catcher and you have to be skeptical about giving large contracts to catchers in their 30s. The body can only take so much abuse. Gunnar is a Boras client and Boras clients are Patrick Bateman corporatists. They don't take anything less than full market value. For what it's worth Holliday is a Boras client as well. What would you have the Os do here? Players hire agents who best represent their interests. If money is your overwhelming #1 priority you get the best ambulance chaser you can find.
  6. Have no idea. Teams that win the World Series tend to win bidding wars for pitching.
  7. I am most impressed by how improved his slider is post Norfolk. In his first MLB stint he featured a sub-par breaking ball. I was surprised at how bad it was to be honest. I don't know what he did, but this new breaking ball he's throwing is a plus breaking ball.
  8. We outplayed Houston IMO. If we get a normal outing from Bautista we win the series.
  9. This. The reality is the Orioles will never be able to acquire a guy like Gerrit Cole unless they sell the farm.
  10. I understand Hyde's questionable usage of Adley in the 1st half. He's getting paid to win baseball games. And Adley is our best player. The value he provides as a hitting catcher is irreplaceable. That said, we need him to catch every game and play at a high level in October.
  11. I wouldn't be opposed to McCann catching half the games remaining this regular season. Adley was pushed very hard by Hyde early on in the season. Too hard in my opinion and he looked worn down and sluggish. It's not easy to be 240 pounds crouch down for 3 hours every night. It takes its toll. Adley will catch every game in the postseason. As he should. The objective should be to prepare for a heavy postseason workload.
  12. Over the last 30 years only 3 teams in the bottom half of league payroll have ended the season with the dogpile. That's the goal. And only 1 team has won it all in the bottom 3rd which was the Florida Marlins who were 25th in team payroll. The Orioles are 29th in payroll. It's interesting to note that our rebuild aspires to mirror the Astros model. That's great. Thing is, Astros didn't win until they started spending. That's like the unspoken secret. The Rays are supposedly the gold standard and the model mid to small market franchise. I don't hate the Rays, but it's strange to see a team that has literally never won be heralded as the model franchise. It's really something to see a team has not once gotten it done be crowned. They are the kings with no throne to sit on or crown to wear. Model franchise? Where is the banner? Let us defy all odds and win in spite of our massive disadvantage.
  13. The leader of the team. No doubt about that.
  14. Get with the times. This is 2023. Not 2003.
  15. My dad texted me and said who is the chubby chick calling the game?
  16. It's 6-person rotation. You should never assume somebody's gender; you could wind up misgendering them.
  17. I would pay a lot of money to see somebody unleash a combo on John Angelo's face finished by a crisp left hook to the nose.
  18. Pensions are awesome. Did you hear about the new UPS union victory? $49 an hour for drivers plus healthcare and pension. Make the corporations pay their workers a fair share.
  19. Baseball is a weird sport. It's the only game I know where failing 70% of the time makes you a hall of famer, but if you dare make an out with RISP then it's non stop bitching from fans.
  20. How dare they? They cheated. They made a mockery of baseball. F em.
  21. I'd rather us have a shitty series in August than October. Get it out the way early.
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