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Guess what I just found out???


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Drew Forrester was talking about it in his blog. I know people hate WNST here, so I didn't want to provide the link. Read it again, it says they flashed the score for the Boston fans. So maybe they didn't show highlights.

Not sure if it's true or not, but still, this is pretty annoying if true.

This would only be tolerated if they did the same for the Lightning-Penguins game that was going on at the same time as if they were showing all NHL Playoff updates.

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Yankees and Red Sox fans don't deserve that courtesy for the way they treat the hometown fans. If I'm going to another park, I bring my own O's gear and don't expect to find anything there.

Again with the age of the internet you don't have to go to Fenway Park to get O's gear when the O's are playing the Sox like you used to when that was one of the only places you could get something.

The team stores in the stadium should be for selling that team's gear only. Opposing fans are guests in your ballpark and you don't have to cater to them. The money they give you for the tickets should be enough revenue without having to sell out to them to make them feel more comfortable in an enemy ballpark.

Frankly I don't want any opposing fans in the ballpark but you can't stop them from buying tickets so they have that right. What they shouldn't have the right to is to feel comfortable like they are in their own stadium. They need to know they are in enemy territory and need to be respectful of that.

WRONG !!! Opposing fans are not "guests" in YOUR ballpark. They have no more and no less rights than the fans who are rooting for the hometown team do. Oriole fans DO NOT own the stadium, and have no additional/extra rights that the fans of the opposing team do.

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Guess what I just found out ???

J TREA is a troll that gets some type of sick pleasure out of antagonizing almost all of the other posters, and we are stupid enough to let him bait us into arguing with him about his nonsensical claims/lies ??? Thanks. Good tip.

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J TREA is a troll that gets some type of sick pleasure out of antagonizing almost all of the other posters, and we are stupid enough to let him bait us into arguing with him about his nonsensical claims/lies ??? Thanks. Good tip.

No offense, but posts like this just fuel the fire. I mean, what purpose does it serve? Not trying to be rude, but was it neccesary?

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No offense, but posts like this just fuel the fire. I mean, what purpose does it serve ? Not trying to be rude, but was it neccesary ?

The precise purpose opposite of your claim about it "fueling the fire." On the contrary. A reminder for myself and (many) other posters that arguing with him is like giving a little kid attention .......... He pushes buttons, and laughs at our incredulous reaction while we all tell him how inaccurate his claims are. We´d all be better off ignoring him, but it is not easy. How many times do you have to keep falling into the same ditch until you realize that you should just walk on the other side of the street where there is no (ditch) ? Apparently, a lot of times, because we are still feeding him.

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The precise purpose opposite of your claim about it "fueling the fire." On the contrary. A reminder for myself and (many) other posters that arguing with him is like giving a little kid attention .......... He pushes buttons, and laughs at our incredulous reaction while we all tell him how inaccurate his claims are. We´d all be better off ignoring him, but it is not easy. How many times do you have to keep falling into the same trap until you realize that you should just walk on the other side of the street ? Apparently, a lot of times, because we are still feeding him.

While I agree, IMO the best way to approach JT is to keep feeding him the truth. Whether it changes his mind, causes him to backpedal or just ignores it - that's up to him. Going off on him (which I have done and apologized to him for) - especially when you know he won't respond - just puts you on his level.

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The precise purpose opposite of your claim about it "fueling the fire." On the contrary. A reminder for myself and (many) other posters that arguing with him is like giving a little kid attention .......... He pushes buttons, and laughs at our incredulous reaction while we all tell him how inaccurate his claims are. We´d all be better off ignoring him, but it is not easy. How many times do you have to keep falling into the same ditch until you realize that you should just walk on the other side of the street where there is no (ditch) ? Apparently, a lot of times, because we are still feeding him.

It's your choice, but i believe there is an ignore button. JTREA is a fan, and you can tell he loves the O's. I don't think he says things to just "push buttons". I've never seen JTREA get personal or personally attack anyone. He's an Oriole fan and you can tell he bleeds Orange. Thats not the definition of a troll in my books. But, i don't take things personally on here.

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While I agree, IMO the best way to approach JT is to keep feeding him the truth. Whether it changes his mind, causes him to backpedal or just ignores it - that's up to him. Going off on him (which I have done and apologized to him for) - especially when you know he won't respond - just puts you on his level.

Thank you. Good suggestion ............ although I think it is probably better for me to just ignore it as best I can. Good luck if you want to try to keep rebutting his claims. :)

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It's your choice, but i believe there is an ignore button. JTREA is a fan, and you can tell he loves the O's. I don't think he says things to just "push buttons". I've never seen JTREA get personal or personally attack anyone. He's an Oriole fan and you can tell he bleeds Orange. That´s not the definition of a troll in my books. But, i don't take things personally on here.

Well your book is incorrect, because his behavior is precisely that of a troll. I pointed out earlier (which at least 2 people agreed with me on) that being an Oriole fan is not a pass to antagonize, manipulate, lie, and take no responsibility whatsoever for your posts:

J TREA: "I´m not the enemy here."

My Response:

Yes, you are. Anyone that constantly manipulates and antagonizes other posters that speak the truth, lies right through their teeth, refuses to EVER acknowledge the slightest mistake on their own part, is the enemy. Wearing an orange and black hat and jersey doesn´t give one a pass on acting like a relatively decent person with even a trace of humility.
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Yeah, not sure. Hoping someone there can provide some color.

Sigh, much ado about nothing.

They've do this with sports all the time. How is this even a problem especially during the playoffs? It's a convenience for people, and it's a non-issue since this town doesn't have a hockey team (unless you count the Capitals) AND IT'S THE BLOODY PLAYOFFS.

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Sigh, much ado about nothing.

They've do this with sports all the time. How is this even a problem especially during the playoffs? It's a convenience for people, and it's a non-issue since this town doesn't have a hockey team (unless you count the Capitals) AND IT'S THE BLOODY PLAYOFFS.

So, you think it's ok they were openly catering to Red Sox fans at Camden Yards and providing Bruins updates during the game (if true)? Were they giving updates for other NHL games around the league? Why does the organization have to be so hospitable to these opposing fans? It certainly doesn't sit well with me.

I somewhat get the Red Sox/Yankee merchandising thing (even though I don't particularly like it), but this seems like something entirely different. It's not like they are even making money off of this. They are just doing it to appear more welcoming to opposing fans. Angelos has said in the past he doesn't mind these fan invasions. I won't even go to a game when the Sox or Yankees are in town because it is so frustrating and there are tons of Oriole fans out there with the exact same feelings. It seems the team is feeding into this in a variety of ways (some more defensible than others) and turning Oriole fans off. I just don't see how it's good in any way.

On top of that, these fan invasions are a pretty sore subject with Oriole fans, moreso than other places. We play in the most hopeless division in baseball with the two most popular franchises in the sport. Due to the unbalanced schedule, we are in a pretty unique situation where are witness to Sox and Yankees fans taking over our stadium moreso than anywhere else in MLB every single year. The O's should realize that and not try to encourage it, even if it does result in some marginal profit increases.

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WRONG !!! Opposing fans are not "guests" in YOUR ballpark. They have no more and no less rights than the fans who are rooting for the hometown team do. Oriole fans DO NOT own the stadium, and have no additional/extra rights that the fans of the opposing team do.

Orioles fans should own the stadium. It's our home turf. Otherwise what the heck is the saying "protect this house or yard" good for?

Yankees fans and Red Sox fans think we are a joke, that we'll always just roll over. Heck all we do is boo Red Sox/Yankees chants when they start going off instead of coming up with our own cheers right back at them (until the scoreboard prompts us to).

That mentality has to stop. The team is trying to put a winner on the field, and it's the little things that will allow us to take back our ballpark and once again make those fans realize they are guests and they aren't the home team and aren't entitled to treat the stadium like it's theirs. We need to win in the stands as well. And catering to those fans and making them feel at home, is not something that helps us in that regard.

Yankees and Red Sox fans can enjoy watching the game without having to buy their gear at our park. Heck they can buy it in the Inner Harbor and on the streets around the stadium.

And I can't believe one Orioles fan is trashing another and defending these practices which give that sense of entitlement to the Yankees and Red Sox fans. Do you not care that our ballpark has been labeled Fenway South? Where's the sense of team pride? The fan side of this organization has been long neglected to satisfy the business side and it's time to put a stop to that and not encourage it further.

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Well your book is incorrect, because his behavior is precisely that of a troll. I pointed out earlier (which at least 2 people agreed with me on) that being an Oriole fan is not a pass to antagonize, manipulate, lie, and take no responsibility whatsoever for your posts:

J TREA: "I´m not the enemy here."

My Response:

A troll in my books, is someone who consistantly adds nothing to a conversation. JTREA, while not everyone may agree with ( thats why it's called discusson) makes his case, and sticks with it. Thats being stubborn, but not a troll. Agree to disagree. Just comes across as a personal agenda. But, i've wasted enough time talking about it.

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