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I don't know about Martin, but Gary is a fan of Pearl. I think because of Pearl's actions at UT, and how that just ended - MD would be gunshy on hiring him.

I'd argue because of his availability and record, he might be the best candidate standing.

Yeah, I was just thinking of this after I replied... reading Pearl's wiki, I was piecing together the timeline of his connections to Gary W. by way of Tom Davis.

I have to change my stance somewhat. While it is highly unlikely that they'll go with any candidate whose integrity has ever been questioned to the level of Pearl's, it's possible that if Tom Davis backed Pearl strongly enough, and if other directions weren't panning out smoothly, Pearl could become a candidate.

While I think those who have been posting all know this, I'll add it for other readers of the thread: For those who aren't aware, the Martin thing is guilt by association. Gary emotionally used the Michael Beasley recruiting to K-State by Huggins as an example of all that is wrong in recruiting. K-State hired Dalonte Hill from the DC AAU scene for an exorbitant salary supposedly because Beasley was heading to whatever school was willing to hire Hill to get him.

Funny thing is, Hill seems destined to be the next big young candidate for some pretty good head coaching gigs. Someone will take a chance on him.

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I guess we're learning more by the day about the appeal of the MD job, huh? Just when we thought that was settled...

Yeah, like I said, I was surprised by some of the names who apparently wanted the job. I did get my hopes up though given how sure some seemed about these coaches wanting the job, especially Miller.

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I guess we're learning more by the day about the appeal of the MD job, huh? Just when we thought that was settled...

Well, I think part of the problem is the fact that Williams announced his retirement in May. If Maryland was in need of a head coach directly following the NCAA Tournament, I think things would be different, as it would (IIRC) clearly have been the most sought-after opening.

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When high profile positions become available normally a committee and chair bring in several individuals for interviews. If a person calls to inquire about a position and says they would like to come in for an interview you take them seriously. It doesn't mean they aren't going to use you as leverage to go back to an employer for a pay increase. In fact in some companies they would interpret this as you aren't satisfied and are looking to leave. Why wasn't an interview schedule set up by our AD and his search committee? We were set up to look bad by flying out to Vegas for a hurried interview. How does this look to other possible candidates? The salary and percs for this position will result in the next coach making $1.5 to $2 million per year. A number of our candidates are already making that amount. The only reason they would come here is if they prefer to live in our area and like our arena and the recruiting possibilities.

Where do they go from here? I would call Jay Wright, Brad Stevens and Mark Few and see if they would like a confidential interview. I'm not into chasing after a coach and think they should come to the area for an interview in total secrecy which is not impossible. I prefer Wright and have since the beginning but would have been okay with Miller and would be okay with Stevens or Few.

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You know what, I bet Gary would come back if he felt we couldn't find the right guy. For as much as I've complained about him, I know he loves this university and he wouldn't hand the keys over to a guy he wasn't sure about. Beg Gary to come back and name Ehsan as HC in waiting. I truely believe Ehsan will be a good HC and if Gary can stay on for 2 or 3 more years it gives Eshan that much more time to learn. All the kids love him, as there are already a bunch of former, current, and future Terps coming out in favor of Rob getting the job. The recruits woud know who the next HC is and the transition should be pretty seamless. If a really big name pops up and we're able to get him than you buy out Eshan(as long as it's not at 1 million plus like Franklin) and move on. I honestly believe it's the best route to go at this point outside of Grant.

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You know what, I bet Gary would come back if he felt we couldn't find the right guy. For as much as I've complained about him, I know he loves this university and he wouldn't hand the keys over to a guy he wasn't sure about. Beg Gary to come back and name Ehsan as HC in waiting. I truely believe Ehsan will be a good HC and if Gary can stay on for 2 or 3 more years it gives Eshan that much more time to learn. All the kids love him, as there are already a bunch of former, current, and future Terps coming out in favor of Rob getting the job. The recruits woud know who the next HC is and the transition should be pretty seamless. If a really big name pops up and we're able to get him than you buy out Eshan(as long as it's not at 1 million plus like Franklin) and move on. I honestly believe it's the best route to go at this point outside of Grant.

So, hypothetically...how does this situation make a program look?

Program X has been down for some time, missing the tournament more often than not in recent years. Head Coach retires. Top 2 recruits de-commit. Program X (who views itself as top flight program) then is UNABLE to hire a good coach. So, Head Coach comes out of retirements to coach a lame duck season for a roster that now has no real talent. Then, he retires again?

How in the world would you be able to (a) recruit and (b) find a real coach after that? What would recruits think of Ehsan when his old coach had to come out of retirement to babysit him for a few more years? Honestly, that situation would make the Terps look like a joke nationally.

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To be honest, I always thought deep down he'd be in play. He saves some face I suppose by saying no initially, but now that the school looks weaker, he can get another look. He hasn't met with the school, but nothing realllllly suggests he's that wedded to the Irish.

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To be honest, I always thought deep down he'd be in play. He saves some face I suppose by saying no initially, but now that the school looks weaker, he can get another look. He hasn't met with the school, but nothing realllllly suggests he's that wedded to the Irish.

He also gains leverage by waiting until the school looks desperate to enter the game. If they start negotiating with him and fail to sign him, they look pretty bad...don't they? That could be his ticket to writing his own check.

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Apparently brey wants back in. From terrapin times.

After being so reluctant to meet, this sounds like trying to gain some leverage as he works through his contract extension with ND.

Plus, Dickie V tweeted the following yesterday:

Spoke to Mike Brey this weekend & he told me he Loves ND & is not involved in Terps job. Y don't they go after ppl who would WANT the job.
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