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Meh, baseball deserves it for the pathetic charade of a cover up they attempted IMO.

It's just kind of funny to me that Americans just shrug off steroid accusations in the NFL. Well of course they're taking steroids/PED's. Just look at them!!!!

But they sure can knock the crap out of one another every week, and man, that's entertaining.

And that's why people shrug it off....because they knock the crap out of each other and people feel like they have to take the steroids to bounce back and be able to play.

Also, stats don't have a lot of historical impact in the NFL like they do in MLB.

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And that's why people shrug it off....because they knock the crap out of each other and people feel like they have to take the steroids to bounce back and be able to play.

Also, stats don't have a lot of historical impact in the NFL like they do in MLB.

You think Lawrence Taylor would have been the maniac he was if he wasn't juiced up?

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And that's why people shrug it off....because they knock the crap out of each other and people feel like they have to take the steroids to bounce back and be able to play.

Also, stats don't have a lot of historical impact in the NFL like they do in MLB.

Honestly, I think that's the biggest thing with most people. If suddenly we had a running back running for 3000 yards and changing the game it would make more people upset, but as it is now, most people just assume all these guys are on something. God didn't make Shawn Merriman run a 40 at 4.5 at 270 pounds, but steroids did.

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Well, this thread is full of suck.

Why do people feel the need to bash the NFL/Ravens? If you don't like football or the local team, who cares? The point of the thread is that the Ravens are now going to be taking even more attention away from the Orioles. That's it. Skip the thread entirely if the NFL or Ray Lewis really bothers you that much.

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Corporate is directly related to its naming heritage. It's been there for how many years now? I'm sorry if I don't find it anything short of generic or concrete central.

Been to only about 5 NFL stadiums. I'd really like to go to Green Bay some day. Or Heinz Field.

But that's my problem with NFL stadiums in general: they're concrete, sterile, and just boring. M&T Bank isn't any different.

The things that make football stadiums so great are the fans. In baseball you have all sorts of quirks in parks with angles and dimensions. For football it's just the playing surface, weather and the fans.

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Classy, Tony. Classy.

Yeah, I'm the one who's not being classy. I'm just telling it like it is. From the old racist guy, to you saying you hate corporate stadiums but want t visit Heinz field to you rants against Ray Lewis to El Gordo calling the Ravens the Cleveland Brownn, there's a ton of ignorance in this thread. I'm allowed an opinion just like you.

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Suppose PA sold the Orioles to a Las Vegas ownership group, and Frank's and Brooks', and Boog's, Cal's, Cakes' and Earls' retired jersies went along with them. But not to worry the MLB gives us an expansion franchise(formerly the Houstan Astros, and calls them the B'more Crabs. How excited would you get? I would go to training camps in Westminster, stand on the sidelines, and watch Johnny U. and Berry drill pass routes. I used to buy beer from Artie Donovan. These guys were part of the community. He worked behind the counter in the off season. How often do you run into Ray Louis in the off season? When I tought at Towson State they would train there, and Unitas, when he retired pllayed racket ball there. His gymn locker was two down from mine. I'd say hello to one of the greatest of all time, every few days. You can't replace that with 15 years of the old Cleveland Browns.

Do you think you would still feel the same connection to the Colts if they had never left? Because obviously what you're describing above would not happen with any team in today's sports world.

Just curious.

Meh, baseball deserves it for the pathetic charade of a cover up they attempted IMO.

Yeah, that's true. But it still doesn't make it right that people look the other way for the NFL just because they like the nature of the sport more.

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Honestly, I think that's the biggest thing with most people. If suddenly we had a running back running for 3000 yards and changing the game it would make more people upset, but as it is now, most people just assume all these guys are on something. God didn't make Shawn Merriman run a 40 at 4.5 at 270 pounds, but steroids did.

Hey, my opinion is this: If the playing field is level.... whatever.

I really don't think most people care that much to be honest with you. If Shawne Merriman somehow went on to set the career record for lifetime sacks, you could book his ticket to Canton.

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Hey, my opinion is this: If the playing field is level.... whatever.

I really don't think most people care that much to be honest with you. If Shawne Merriman somehow went on to set the career record for lifetime sacks, you could book his ticket to Canton.

And I wouldn't have had a problem with it because the tackle he was beating was probably on the same juice.

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Corporate is directly related to its naming heritage. It's been there for how many years now? I'm sorry if I don't find it anything short of generic or concrete central.

Been to only about 5 NFL stadiums. I'd really like to go to Green Bay some day. Or Heinz Field.

But that's my problem with NFL stadiums in general: they're concrete, sterile, and just boring. M&T Bank isn't any different.

And so you have less things to make them stand out from one another. And what makes Ravens stadium stand out is the fans, the location and the tailgating experience.

I agree that most NFL stadiums are boring when compared to baseball stadiums. But you're coming to that opinion by comparing NFL and MLB stadiums. By comparing just NFL stadiums, Ravens stadiums is one of the best stadiums in the NFL.

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And I wouldn't have had a problem with it because the tackle he was beating was probably on the same juice.

Yup, we agree.

But it is kind of striking how people have this grave moral compass when it comes to MLB... provided of course that those are the same people who see 6 bottles of supplements in most NFL lockers and just figure that's par for the course.

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