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MacPhail Coming Back?


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And the fanbase. People are so beaten down that they think there is no hope.

If that's the case contraction may truly be the best option...

Of posters? Sure.*

*Not really. That said, I'm still waiting for your response to the payroll-win debunking.

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Our incompetence is shown through 14 years of losing not in a minor delay in naming a GM. As noted elsewhere, other teams are in transition too. It happens after a season. Before jumping off the bridge (again) lets see what happens. If they announce a new GM tomorrow with AM in some consultancy role, the "wait" will not have been unreasonable or a big deal.

I'm not as down on AM as most here but bringing him back as GM is a bad move on many levels.

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The failure of the cavalry is the most direct reason for this team's failure this year. Arrieta played injured; if he'd had this surgery last year he might have had a much better season. Brian Matusz came into camp with a fat head, fat ass, got injured and was a dismal failure. Better approach in the offseason and he might have had a better season. Britton was lasted longer and had better results than them, but was a rookie and should have been expected to go through some growing pains. Bergesen hasn't been the same since his leg injury; why?; no one knows. Tillman?; here's one more season of saying, "well, he's still young." Guthrie is Guthrie; O's score 3, he'll find a way to give up 4.

In my mind, MacPhail's largest failure has been in not bringing in an established TOR pitcher to stabilize the rotation. Not second tier starters like he's tried in the past, but the real deal. I'd love to see us get (not just pursue) someone like Fielder. But, we can't count on the same group of pitchers to step up next year. I THINK Arrieta, Britton, and Hunter can be a solid 2-3-4 or 3-4-5. But we really need a top starter to lead the group. Then I'd be happy with everyone else fighting for the last spot.

I've been happy with the trades that brought us Hardy, Reynolds, Davis, Hunter, and Strop this year. But, without solid starting pitching, it's useless.

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I mean, this is a message board.

Yes, but it's a high-quality message board where people like to have high-quality debates, and not have nearly every thread devolve into the same topic.

I am not a JTrea basher. He obviously has rights to his opinion. I just zone him out, and I really wish others could do the same. Every reply he gets just gives him another platform from which to preach the agenda.

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Honestly? I don't like intellectual dishonesty or intellectual laziness. It's as close as I come to a kind of moral stance.
This would assume the intellect part to be present. I'm not so sure about that. So I give him a moral pass, and put him on ignore.
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I know this is getting pinned on Angelos, and I have no real knowledge as to whether that's true. It certainly seems like it. However, as a hypothetical, suppose Buck wants Macphail to stay? What does everyone think then? From the looks of it, everyone is pretty much on board with Buck heading things either from the dugout or the front office. His first wish might be for Macphail to remain in his current position, as almost a guide to the process (at least for 2012). I don't really think I have that much of an issue if Macphail stays on this year. Either way, Buck's clearly going to have a ton of influence.

What annoys me is all the after the season talk about how "things move pretty quickly around here." It has only be a week after that comment was made, but don't tell me something's expected last Thursday and we're all sitting here the following week with nothing. It's just such a stupid, avoidable issue that makes the team look like the right hand isn't talking to the left. Just don't say anything and we won't have this problem!

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I know this is getting pinned on Angelos, and I have no real knowledge as to whether that's true. It certainly seems like it. However, as a hypothetical, suppose Buck wants Macphail to stay? What does everyone think then? From the looks of it, everyone is pretty much on board with Buck heading things either from the dugout or the front office. His first wish might be for Macphail to remain in his current position, as almost a guide to the process (at least for 2012). I don't really think I have that much of an issue if Macphail stays on this year. Either way, Buck's clearly going to have a ton of influence.

What annoys me is all the after the season talk about how "things move pretty quickly around here." It has only be a week after that comment was made, but don't tell me something's expected last Thursday and we're all sitting here the following week with nothing. It's just such a stupid, avoidable issue that makes the team look like the right hand isn't talking to the left. Just don't say anything and we won't have this problem!

I personally could care less.

Buck having this much influence is a bad thing.

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Bringing AM back in the same capacity sure does reinforce that the status quo of 90 loss seasons 6 years in a row is A-OK.

MacPhail = losing. No doubt about it.

He should not be back as GM if this franchise cares about winning as much as they preach they do.

If Buck wants him back in that role (which I doubt based on the veiled shots he's taken), Buck is a hypocrite and a liar.

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Someone's head rolls. If not AM, then who? I don't want to see him back, though not because I think he is a bad GM, he just not the right GM. Unfortunately I don't think Angelos would/will/can/understands how to hire the right type of GM.

If Friedman is up to leaving, then offer him the 50 million instead of someone like Fielder.

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