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Orioles Reach Out To Prince Fielder's Representatives


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Juuuuuust enough wiggle room so Trea doesn't hand in his resignation papers as an O's fan for a few more months.
I think we should start planning the farewell event now...some orange koolaid, cheese doodles...
This isn't ambiguous. Duquette couldn't really be more explicit: He's following a plan that's 180 degrees out from what you're advocating. Flat payroll, add talent within that constraint, almost certainly no premium free agents, only adding payroll when fans come back to see the team he's built the right way.

That really couldn't be more clear.

Almost everyone would read it that way.
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I think we should start planning the farewell event now...some orange koolaid, cheese doodles...

Almost everyone would read it that way.

I really hope Trea rescinds his demands and doesn't end up leaving this forum. I rarely agree with him but I think it makes for a livelier time all around.

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I skipped from the OP to here. Can I assume 2 things?

1. JTrea is using this as gospel that the Orioles and Fielder are "this close" to signing a long term deal. "Don't Stop Believin' Trea!

and ...

2. My Paison Soprano has thrown around all kinds of quotes from DD stating we are NOT going after the high priced free agents until the team is ready to contend.

How close am I?

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I think signing a premier FA in an area of dire need would totally make sense for a ball club that plans on winning. On that note...hopefully we can get Smoak if Fielder signs with Seattle...or maybe Snyder WAIT - going to stop there, its not even funny anymore.

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Can we get one of those little white tags on this thread please?

Some mild suggestions... "there be disappointment in here" (along the lines of one of the threads from a month or so ago) or "leprechauns, unicorns, and fairy tales, Oh my!"

I'm sure more creative tag-line's are to follow... :smile11:

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Is anyone willing to concede that DD's "flat payroll" comments might have come from the Expectation Management department? Even if they decided six months ago that they were gonna go BTTW after Fielder, it would have been irresponsible to say so.
He made the comment to the Boston media, not to Baltimore. I think he was in a comfort zone there and spoke candidly about the situation. In short, no he wasn't trying to play media games. Or should I add "IMO?" :D
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I skipped from the OP to here. Can I assume 2 things?

1. JTrea is using this as gospel that the Orioles and Fielder are "this close" to signing a long term deal. "Don't Stop Believin' Trea!

and ...

2. My Paison Soprano has thrown around all kinds of quotes from DD stating we are NOT going after the high priced free agents until the team is ready to contend.

How close am I?

It's the Sign of the Times


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Getting ready for a night on the block.
Who wants pancakes?

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