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Is Angelos quietly shopping the Orioles?


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The best part is that show is fake. It's all staged. One of my writers came to me one day like somebody just ran over his puppy with that bit of information. I had never watched the show so it didn't have the heartbreaking impact on me as it apparently did on him.

It seemed to have as devastating an impact on him as people in trailer parks must've experienced when they learned Jerry Springer was fake.

Whatever you do, don't bring up wrestling...:P

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There are plenty of options for viewing live sports without cable/satellite nowadays.

In fact' date=' I'd say the last big hurdle are the local blackout rules that MLB/NBA/NHL enforce with regard to their online subscription packages. I'm sure they'll cling to those as long as they can to keep their RSN revenues flowing. But sooner or later that will end. Either Congress/FCC will intervene or people will just figure out a workaround. We are seeing a glimpse of the future, a future where people refuse to pay for garbage programming that they don't want, and will even do without a couple things they do like to not have to pay in excess of $100/mo for cable or satellite. The sooner MLB and other sports leagues realize this and act, the better off they'll be.[/quote']

You have some intersting points but I don't think Congress will intervene with the blackout issues like you do. I have to believe people (owners) who are rich are well aware of protecting their investments down the road. People aren't starting these networks up without some idea of the future.

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How many people keep cable because they are sports fans? Why are the Dodgers going to be sold for over $2billion? Live sports is important to advertisers because people don't DVR the games.

I, for one, am one of those that if I could get sports ONLINE for "free" I would gladly dump regular TV and go the route of Hulu or Netflix or another online service for shows that I really like or may be interested in. I hate paying $130/month for Direct TV, but I like sports and movies and shows on HBO and Showtime with lots of softcore T&A...so, I'm stuck for now I guess.

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Couldn't the new owner, say Mark Cuban, start his own sports network just like he did with HDNet? Then, just let the Orioles/MASN agreement run out and kick the new TV contract over to the new network? then Angelos would be left holding the bag on a minimally valued sports network?

Or better yet Cuban could televise Oriole games on HDnet.

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You have some intersting points but I don't think Congress will intervene with the blackout issues like you do. I have to believe people (owners) who are rich are well aware of protecting their investments down the road. People aren't starting these networks up without some idea of the future.

Some members of Congress are trying to get the FCC to rescind the NFL's blackout rules as we speak. They can and do get involved in things like that.

As for the second part of your post, even the smartest business-people can get swept up in a bubble when they're making lots of money. But the huge amounts of money that networks are paying for these sports (much of it locked in for years to come via contracts) eventually comes out of the viewer's pockets. And I think many of them are going to start reaching the breaking point soon, whether it be what they can afford to pay or simply what they are willing to pay.

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Attendance is at a low ebb, the team stinks, the minor league operation stinks, and the fans are unenthused and even angry. They may be making profits right now, but their brand value has never been lower. The team would be much more valuable if it was a well-run organization.

Buy low....and forget not about the promised minimum sales price and the long term majority stake in MASN. Pete got himself a real fine deal and he'll make money anyway this shakes out. I doubt a sale happens unless some dumbass purchases the O's without MASN.

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