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Is Angelos quietly shopping the Orioles?


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MASN is worth much more than the Orioles. Any buyer would want MASN along with the team. Baseball's revenue is being built around RSN's. The idea that the Orioles would leave MASN and go to Comcast would never happen, it makes no sense. The only way Comcast would ever get the team is if they would buy the team.

Bizofbaseball.com is a very good site for information on the business side of the sport. Here is an article on RSN' and their impact. Acoording to this article the sports Revenue's might go up a couple of BILLION due to RSN's in part. The number of subscribers are more important than ratings are as wel, market size is where the money is at.


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MASN is worth much more than the Orioles. Any buyer would want MASN along with the team. Baseball's revenue is being built around RSN's. The idea that the Orioles would leave MASN and go to Comcast would never happen, it makes no sense. The only way Comcast would ever get the team is if they would buy the team.

Bizofbaseball.com is a very good site for information on the business side of the sport. Here is an article on RSN' and their impact. Acoording to this article the sports Revenue's might go up a couple of BILLION due to RSN's in part. The number of subscribers are more important than ratings are as wel, market size is where the money is at.


In the short term, yes. But long term not so much. The trend is cable cutting and when one cuts the cable they are opting out of paying networks like MASN the forced subscription. Time Warner cable alone lost half a million subscribers in 2011. There is no reason to expect that trend not to continue. We are probably at the peak of RSN revenue and teams that lock in guaranteed payments w/o the risk inherent in running a network in a medium that is starting to and will continue to hemorrhage subscribers may be better off.

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In the short term, yes. But long term not so much. The trend is cable cutting and when one cuts the cable they are opting out of paying networks like MASN the forced subscription. Time Warner cable alone lost half a million subscribers in 2011. There is no reason to expect that trend not to continue. We are probably at the peak of RSN revenue and teams that lock in guaranteed payments w/o the risk inherent in running a network in a medium that is starting to and will continue to hemorrhage subscribers.

What kind of crazy world do we live in where people get rid of their cable with amazingly intellectual shows like "Larry the Cable Guy's America, Hoarders, 19 Kids and Counting, Toddlers and Tiaras, Who Wants to Marry a Midget, Pawn Stars, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Orioles Baseball" are readily available for consumption.

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What kind of crazy world do we live in where people get rid of their cable with amazingly intellectual shows like "Larry the Cable Guy's America, Hoarders, 19 Kids and Counting, Toddlers and Tiaras, Who Wants to Marry a Midget, Pawn Stars, Dog the Bounty Hunter, and Orioles Baseball" are readily available for consumption.

Don't forget the show about buying storage units, and its spin off about buying storage units in Texas and that show about the two guys that buy storage units and oh yeah that other show about buying storage units.

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In the short term, yes. But long term not so much. The trend is cable cutting and when one cuts the cable they are opting out of paying networks like MASN the forced subscription. Time Warner cable alone lost half a million subscribers in 2011. There is no reason to expect that trend not to continue. We are probably at the peak of RSN revenue and teams that lock in guaranteed payments w/o the risk inherent in running a network in a medium that is starting to and will continue to hemorrhage subscribers.

Which makes it all the more baffling to me that MASN is not offering streaming service of O's/Nats games via subscription in-market, since MLB started to allow teams to do that a couple years ago (I'm certain the Yankees are with YES, and several other teams too I think). By doing this the Orioles could kill two birds (pardon the pun) with one stone.....they could reach their fans in outlying areas of their "territory" that have carriers that won't offer MASN (Time Warner in NC comes to mind) and at the same time build up a subscriber base of online viewers for when people do begin to cut cable in bigger waves, and traditional TV subscriber revenues start to dry up. It just another shining example of the complete lack of foresight we've seen over and over. But in retrospect I guess I shouldn't be so surprised.....unless it comes to class-action litigation, Peter Angelos has never been much of a visionary.

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In the short term, yes. But long term not so much. The trend is cable cutting and when one cuts the cable they are opting out of paying networks like MASN the forced subscription. Time Warner cable alone lost half a million subscribers in 2011. There is no reason to expect that trend not to continue. We are probably at the peak of RSN revenue and teams that lock in guaranteed payments w/o the risk inherent in running a network in a medium that is starting to and will continue to hemorrhage subscribers may be better off.

How many people keep cable because they are sports fans? Why are the Dodgers going to be sold for over $2billion? Live sports is important to advertisers because people don't DVR the games.

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Don't forget the show about buying storage units, and its spin off about buying storage units in Texas and that show about the two guys that buy storage units and oh yeah that other show about buying storage units.

The best part is that show is fake. It's all staged. One of my writers came to me one day like somebody just ran over his puppy with that bit of information. I had never watched the show so it didn't have the heartbreaking impact on me as it apparently did on him.

It seemed to have as devastating an impact on him as people in trailer parks must've experienced when they learned Jerry Springer was fake.

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How many people keep cable because they are sports fans? Why are the Dodgers going to be sold for over $2billion? Live sports is important to advertisers because people don't DVR the games.

There are plenty of options for viewing live sports without cable/satellite nowadays.

In fact, I'd say the last big hurdle are the local blackout rules that MLB/NBA/NHL enforce with regard to their online subscription packages. I'm sure they'll cling to those as long as they can to keep their RSN revenues flowing. But sooner or later that will end. Either Congress/FCC will intervene or people will just figure out a workaround. We are seeing a glimpse of the future, a future where people refuse to pay for garbage programming that they don't want, and will even do without a couple things they do like to not have to pay in excess of $100/mo for cable or satellite. The sooner MLB and other sports leagues realize this and act, the better off they'll be.

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How many people keep cable because they are sports fans? Why are the Dodgers going to be sold for over $2billion? Live sports is important to advertisers because people don't DVR the games.

Probably a good percentage of them but the need to is slowly being eliminated. Why pay $75 a month or more to Time Warner just to have the option to pay another $200 for MLB Extra Innings when you can pay MLB directly $119.95 for a full season of baseball? Advertising is peanuts in the equation for RSNs... The money is forced subscriptions. As for the Dodgers and their selling price I don't know. I also don't know why people were paying 350k and up for housing in ~2007 either. Same phenomenon?

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The best part is that show is fake. It's all staged. One of my writers came to me one day like somebody just ran over his puppy with that bit of information. I had never watched the show so it didn't have the heartbreaking impact on me as it apparently did on him.

It seemed to have as devastating an impact on him as people in trailer parks must've experienced when they learned Jerry Springer was fake.

Well the big bald guy in the one show is listed on IMDB as having had previous acting roles.

My father is addicted to those shows. He doesn't think they are faked, he just thinks they only show the "good units".

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