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Berkman Again Rips Realignment, Says Astros' Crane Was "Extorted"

Don Quixote

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I think the no-brainer is 16-16. Or 30. Or 10-10-10. Or 8-8-8-8.

I'd absolutely love four 8-team leagues, mostly independent, mostly free to do whatever is in their best interest. If three of them want interleague play and a DH, and the other one doesn't, that's all good. If the Western League wants to play a 171-game schedule, cool.

I was thinking within the confines of the present system. If you want to go crazy with ideas, feel free :P

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I was thinking within the confines of the present system. If you want to go crazy with ideas, feel free :P

How 'bout we go back to National Association rules, where each team had to play every other team at least X number of times but they were free to negotiate exactly how and when that happened, and could play as many games as they wanted outside the league? Of course you might need some stricter controls than the NA had, as teams that were out of contention would just choose to not go on road trips late in the year...

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