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All signs point to major improvements


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I actually think they are heading in the right direction. The additions of Jordan and Duquette upgrades the organization big time.

I totally agree with you but do you think Duq really has as much pull as he should?

Also, last week you had a gut feeling that PA wouldn't spend. Do you not think that way anymore?

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I actually think they are heading in the right direction. The additions of Jordan and Duquette upgrades the organization big time.
I agree, but like SG said, will they be allowed to do their jobs, or will we have a deal in place for Schmidt (for example), and PA nixes it because paying more than $10 mil is "lunacy"?

All we've ever wanted is for PA to set a budget, hire good people, and GET OUT OF THE WAY. Will this happen?

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I totally agree with you but do you think Duq really has as much pull as he should?

Also, last week you had a gut feeling that PA wouldn't spend. Do you not think that way anymore?

I have no idea what type of pull the Flanny/Duq duo has. I think it's more than Beattie/Flanny or I doubt if Duquette would be here.

My gut feeling is based on knowing Angelos is a man who either wins or loses in what he does. Not much middle road. I personally don't think Angelos would spend only to have Nestor take credit for making him do this. Just my opinion.

Jordan is a major reason I feel this team is heading down the right path.

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I have no idea what type of pull the Flanny/Duq duo has. I think it's more than Beattie/Flanny or I doubt if Duquette would be here.

My gut feeling is based on knowing Angelos is a man who either wins or loses in what he does. Not much middle road. I personally don't think Angelos would spend only to have Nestor take credit for making him do this. Just my opinion.

Jordan is a major reason I feel this team is heading down the right path.

I agree but, because of that, shouldn't we allow him as many draft picks as possible and look to trade more and sign less?

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I'd say no. Pettite I think we could assume would be a solid #3, but I think its unlikely that he comes here or comes for less than $10M.
That would be the guy I'd go for, after Schmidt.

If they cut Lopez and Benson, they could use that $12 million for a pitcher. (LUNACY)

Then they could have Schmidt/Pettitte - Bedard - Cabrera - Loewen - Penn/Olsen/FA pitcher

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I have been reading this message board for just about 6 months now and it is refreshing to see so many knowledgable oriole fans. Question though-why is BigBirds "source" taken so seriously? I do remember his posts during the waiver deadline and they couldn't have been farther from reality.

I don't mean any disrespect, but if I came on here and claimed a source and offered no details, would you believe me?

Thanks for your time and Angelos-please get rid of Flanagan and restore some respectability to our front office.

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I have been reading this message board for just about 6 months now and it is refreshing to see so many knowledgable oriole fans. Question though-why is BigBirds "source" taken so seriously? I do remember his posts during the waiver deadline and they couldn't have been farther from reality.

I don't mean any disrespect, but if I came on here and claimed a source and offered no details, would you believe me?

Thanks for your time and Angelos-please get rid of Flanagan and restore some respectability to our front office.

He has gotten alot right as well.

Jim Duquette himself could come on here and tell you what they are trying to get done and it not get done.

Things happen.

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I have been reading this message board for just about 6 months now and it is refreshing to see so many knowledgable oriole fans. Question though-why is BigBirds "source" taken so seriously? I do remember his posts during the waiver deadline and they couldn't have been farther from reality.

I don't mean any disrespect, but if I came on here and claimed a source and offered no details, would you believe me?

Thanks for your time and Angelos-please get rid of Flanagan and restore some respectability to our front office.

For the hundredth time, BigBird's source is legit. Lots of stuff posted by BigBird and Belkast have turned out to be true -- someone else can post a list of such information. Some things don't, as events and circumstances can change.

Every month or so, some newbie challenges those two. So just take it from those of us who have been here for years that they are legit.

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Do you mean we'll be as aggressive as we were during all-star break? I have no faith in most of these "contacts" people are always quoting on here, because 99% of what they quote never happens.

Suggestion....Don't read or post in these threads!

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Spoke with my guy this evening. Read into this as little or as much as you want. Everything he's hearing says we will be very aggressive this offseason. Not may trades as we really don't have much to trade with. He said he would wager there could be 7-8 new players acquired this off season. I thought it interesting that he said again Olsen will be given a look at making the 2007 rotation. He also noted we would like to move Gibbons but it will be tough. He thinks Benson stays due to his relationship with Duquette. He also said again we will not spend over $10 million on a starting pitcher.

In order of priorities:

1.LF-Soriano,Lee, Sheffield, LGonz, Delucci/DeRosa type platoon

2.1B-Trade for Tex, Nomar, Sheffield,Wilson, trade for Young Blocked 1B, Millar/Gibbons

3.Back up C-Zaun,Barajas

4.#3 SP-Padilla, Lillly

5.4th OF/DH Catalanotto, Burrell, DeRosa

6.and 7. middle RP- crap shoot.

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